Long Range Sensors: Astronomy

    • Asteroid Day June 30
    • Scientists discover hidden galaxies behind the Milky Way
    • Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell dies at age 85

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♦ Asteroid Day is held on June 30 — “the anniversary of the largest asteroid impact of Earth in recorded history, at Tunguska, Siberia in 1908. The first Asteroid Day was launched in 2015, and attracted more than 150 events worldwide, attended by tens of thousands of scientists, academics and public citizens, with media coverage exceeding 4 billion impressions.

brianMay_160211“Participants included co-founders Dr. Brian May, astrophysicist and co-founder of the rock band Queen; filmmaker Grigorij Richters; ESA Director Franco Ongaro and AIM Mission Manager Ian Carnelli; astronauts Dr. Tom Jones, Dorin Prunariu, Dr. Ed Lu, Col. Chris Hadfield, Rakesh Sharma, Soyeon Yi, Anousheh Ansari, Helen Sharman; Nobel Laureate Brian Schmidt; Planetary Society CEO Bill Nye; British Astronomer Royal Lord Martin Rees; astronomer Dr. Amanda Sickafoose, of the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO); media partner Discovery Science; and world-renowned scientists and asteroid experts.”

READ MORE from Astronomy Magazine

Scientists discover hidden galaxies behind the Milky Way: “The discovery may help to explain the Great Attractor region, which appears to be drawing the Milky Way and hundreds of thousands of other galaxies towards it with a gravitational force equivalent to a million billion Suns.”

READ MORE astronomy magazine

READ MORE from Sky & Telescope

EdgarMitchellApollo14Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell dies at age 85

Mitchell and Shephard set mission records for the time of the longest distance traversed on the lunar surface; the largest payload returned from lunar surface; and the longest lunar stay time of 33 hours

READ MORE from Astronomy





For sharing: BCSFAzine

Felicity Walker has sent us BCFAzine. We trade zines with BCFA.

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In this issue, a LoC from Dave Haren. The first part about computers in general and Windows 10 in particular makes interesting reading. Somebody told me way back when 10 became available that it called home with all the user’s data. A quick Google search confirms this. Until I know how to stop this, I’m sticking to Win7.
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I also enjoyed reading the second part of the review of VCON by Michael Bertrand. The Turkey Readings sound so funny, maybe we could try something like that at a MonSFFA meeting.

BCSFA’s website is at http://www.bcsfa.net/ (thank you to webmaster Garth Spencer).
Back issues of BCSFAzine are also archived at http://efanzines.com/BCSFA/index.htm

Local Earth Sensors Detect…

  • The Moon
  • Space Debris
  • Robots & AIs

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  • Robot & moonThe moon: This week, 14 to 17th, and March 15-18 before 10 PM is the best time to view the moon this year until the autumn.  The sun will be striking it at just the right angle for optimum viewing of mountains and craters.  Even binoculars on a tripod will show a lot of detail. Copernicus is a favourite target for many amateur astronomers, and this is the best time to see it.   http://observethemoonnight.org/


  • Space Debris: Wherever we go, we leave our garbage behind.
  • Almost 20,000 pieces of space debris are currently orbiting the Earth. This visualisation, created by Dr Stuart Grey, lecturer at University College London and part of the Space Geodesy and Navigation Laboratory, shows how the amount of space debris increased from 1957 to 2015, using data on the precise location of each piece of junk ( from https://www.space-track.org ).






MonSFFen: Get ready for our field trip in March to visit the dinosaurs at the science museum, old Port.


♦ Witness the work of paleontologists bringing the largest dinosaur ever discovered to virtual life. Sir David Attenborough guides us through the remarkable process, connecting the dots with living examples, other dinosaur discoveries and CGI visuals.

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baby-chasmosaurus-1024x494♦ Five-foot long skeleton proves to be a baby Chasmosaurus : In 2010, while looking for fossils along Alberta’s Red Deer River, paleontologists stumbled across part of a skull peeking out of the Cretaceous rock. Excavation revealed more and more bones, adding up to a nearly-complete skeleton, articulated and intact down to skin impressions on the ribs and the delicate ring of bones that were once encapsulated in the dinosaur’s eye. All cleaned up and now described by Phil Currie and colleagues, the dinosaur has turned out to be a baby Chasmosaurus – the smallest and most complete baby ceratopsid yet found.  READ MORE

Artist Michael Skrepnick

See more dinosaur art by Michael Skrepnick

♦ Scientists have discovered the fossilized remains of duck-billed dinosaur along a creek in Alabama, suggesting that this scaly behemoth emerged from what was then Appalachia before spreading out to other parts of the world. This new species, the first ever found in the eastern United States, was probably 20 to 30 feet long as an adult and lived during the late Cretaceous Period, roughly 83 million years ago.  


♦ Tiny, delicate vessels that carried blood through a duck-billed dino-blood-vessels-151210dinosaur 80 million years ago never fossilized and still contain the beast’s tissue, a new study finds.  Researchers discovered the prize specimens on the femur (leg bone) of Brachylophosaurus canadensis, a 30-foot-long (9 meters) duck-billed dinosaur that was excavated in Montana in 2007. But it wasn’t immediately clear whether the blood vessels were made of organic matter originally from the dinosaur, or whether they had been contaminated over the years and were now made of bacteria or other components. Now, several tests show that the specimens are the original blood vessels, making them the oldest blood vessels on record to survive with their original components, the researchers said. READ MORE

♦ And a bit of fun…



Ask Lovecraft : Dungeons and Dragons

Clicking when and where the little sign pops up will take you to the first time Leeman tries to get Lovecraft to play D&D.

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Magic: The Gathering artists pass away

Magic: The Gathering was very popular with many MonSFFen, and I’m sure many will have albums with cards featuring art work by these talented artists.

Christopher Rush  illustrated over 100 cards for the series, including the most expensive card in the game, the Black Lotus (currently offered on eBay for $3,900.)   Tribute to Christopher Rush on the Wizards of the Coast website features his stunning art.

Wayne England, worked on a variety of iconic franchises over the decades from Magic the Gathering, to Dungeons & Dragons, to all things Games Workshop. Tribute on the Wizards of the Coast  website features several beautiful cards.
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I don’t game, but I do appreciate beautiful art, and these were great artists. Creating something that is still beautiful when printed on a playing card is a skill in itself.


Why don’t they make what I want to see?

This is the title to a panel discussion scheduled for the October MonSFFA meeting. 

I know it’s still a long way to October, but I saw this list of novels and short stories being made into movies & TV shows and thought it a perfect kick-off to this discussion. I seriously wonder if some of these are even possible–The Wheel of Time? Even with all the advances in medical science, I doubt I would live long enough to see the whole series.

I notice the same names cropping up over and over–Gaiman, Martin, Williams, King, for instance. They have proven track records.

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Phrases like based on, adapted from, really worry me. I don’t usually bother to watch TV shows or movies based on books as I’m always disappointed in the results.

Anyway, take a look at this listing, and do comment on what you think you would like to see, or not see.

Very long range sensors detect…

  • A wrinkle in time: Gravity Waves prove Einstein right!
  • Water on Pluto
  • The sky this week-naked eye observing
  • Blast from black hole in a galaxy far, far away
  • Antarctic fungi survive martian conditions on ISS

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BHsim-600Gravity Waves Detected:  LIGO scientists have announced the direct detection of gravitational waves, a discovery that won’t just open a new window on the cosmos — it’ll smash the door wide open. Read more in Sky and Telescope, lots of pictures, graphs, diagrams….Also read more from Astronomy Magazine, though I found the format of the page rather strange.

Water on Pluto: Data from NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft point to more prevalent water ice on Pluto’s surface than previously thought.  Read More from Astronomy Magazine

The sky this week:  Check out the winter constellations, most of the observations mentioned in this article are visible to the naked eye. The winter hexagon is easily picked, even in light polluted skies of Montreal.  From Sky and Tel.  Printable star chart for February can be found here.

Blast from black hole in a galaxy far, far away:  The Pictor A Galaxy contains a supermassive black hole at its center, and a huge amount of gravitational energy is released as material swirls toward the event horizon. From Astronomy Magazine, read more.

Antarctic fungi survive martian conditions on ISS: Antarctica’s McMurdo Dry Valleys are the most Mars-like place on Earth. They make up one of the driest and most hostile environments on our planet, where strong winds scour away even snow and ice.  Read about ISS experiment.

Long Range Sensors Detect…

From National Geographic, some seriously weird stuff:

Help! I’m Trapped in a Drop of Water!  A fish is entombed in a water droplet in zero gravity … Or is it? No creatures were harmed in the making of this video.  Read more.

The 99-Million-Year Erection: The best—and worst—day of this ancient arachnid’s life is preserved in amber. Read more.

Once online pharmacy sildenafil this happens, there is almost no way to prevent these possible adverse effects and to experience the suitable outputs to beat the gastro esophageal reflux diseases. There are many regularly eaten foods which have been suggested by your dietitian can be purchased in the form of a tablet which enables you to be female viagra samples easily taken as compared to bitter pills. Pfizer therefore became aware of that they have invented potentially very popular medications. sildenafil 50mg It buy viagra online is diagnosed as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). There’s a Forest in Your Mouth: To bacteria, a human mouth is an entire world. The tongue, teeth, and gums are all different habitats, each with its own fauna.  Read more.

500 Kinds of Bugs May Be in Your House: And that’s a conservative estimate. Spiders, beetles, book lice—oh, my.  Read more.



Long Range Sensors Detect…

With thanks to File 770 for pointing us to these stories:

  • Lots of Star Trek news
  • Rowling’s official sorting hat goes live
  • Moffat, OBE, Dr Who & Sherlock
  • Steve Green launches Ghostwords TV

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Let’s start with the Trek news.  CBS is launching the new series in January of 2017, but it’s going to air primarily on an SVOD service. The creative plan is for the series to introduce new characters and civilizations, existing outside of the mythology charted by previous series Leonard_Book Jacket_William Shatnerand the current movie franchises.  Shatner’s biography of Leonard Nimoy is reviewed here.  As Shatner says at one point, “When I think about Leonard, my memories are emotional more than specific.” His memories often read that way, tooTREK PARODY ON STAGE. Boldly Go!, a musical parody based upon Star Trek, opens February 26 at Caltech Theater in Pasadena, CA.  A series of short videos about the production can be viewed at the site.

Rowling’s sorting hat is not making friends, many fans found themselves in what they consider the “wrong houses”. Give it a whirl, and do let us know how you fare. Click on the “Comment” button above.

Steven_MoffatSteven Moffat was presented with his OBE by the Prince of Wales at Buckingham Palace for services to drama. After the ceremony, he confirmed that the 10th season of the Doctor will consist of 13 episodes and Sherlock will have 3.  Read more. 

Back in 2009, when World Con came to Montreal, Steve Green won the Steve-GreenTAF, and came to visit.  MonSFFA was honoured to spend some time with this British fan, hosting a fun dinner at a smoked meat restaurant. So you might be interested in knowing that he and Chrissie Harper  have released the first episode of Ghostwords TV, a fortnightly vidcast devoted to horror, dark fantasy, science fiction, comics and telefantasy.

The opening installment offers a lengthy chat with author Ramsey Campbell, including a discussion of the recent controversy over the World Fantasy Award, tributes to David Hartwell and David Bowie, the TV series Ash vs Evil Dead, the latest releases from comics legend Steve Ditko, personnel changes at Doctor Who, Graham Humphreys’ new artbook.  Interesting show, I’m looking forward to more. Watch the first episode here.