What the Fur? folds

What the Fur? held its last event last week. This was such a fun con, its members creative and bubbling with joy.  The con will be missed by the local furries and their friends.

A member has started a GoFundMe campaign to help Feli. Apparently, like so many conrunners, he has been putting his own funds into the con.




Message from the chair;

Christopher Pilgrim, August 1 at 10:13pm

Another year has come and gone. Another What The Fur has filled so many of us with joy and laughter, as well as some tears. We closed the doors to the convention and sadly, this would be the final time doing so. After 8 wonderful and amazing years, we say goodbye to the splendor that has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.

Usually, I use this closing letter as a place to speak of the year’s event. I will do a little of that. But I hope that you will read on as I say a little more this time. It is truly not easy to write any of this, but it all needs to be said.

This year, What The Fur welcomed 509 people to our humble little convention. And to be completely honest, that was a milestone that I didn’t think we would meet. 105 fursuiters participated in the parade, and there were several more wandering the halls and rooms. Too many for us to get a single group photo of this time. We were blown away. As a group, we managed to raise $930.35 for the Ecomuseum. Not as much as we have in years past but it isn’t the size of the donation that counts: it’s the intent and the meaning behind it.

Thank you. Everyone. Now to the part that will make me cry as I write it.

Continue reading What the Fur? folds