Impulse & invitation to MonSFFA Picnic

The weather forecast for Sunday is not looking very good. If we have to cancel, it will be posted to our website and fb page.

The rain date is the 29th.

Impulse & invitation to MonSFFA Picnic

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July issue of Impulse is on line.

All the details for our picnic in the park are in this issue.

The picnic is on SUNDAY, July 22, 10:30.

Rain date is the 29th.

All members, friends, family, fans of all sorts, are invited!Bring the kids!

Another zine to share!

Click here to download The National Fantasy Fan

In this Issue

  • Jon Swartz Elected As Life Member
  • Neffys—Cedar Sanderson Wins Kaymar Award
  • Zines—Tightbeam, Other N3F Zines
  • Club News—Treasury, Member Report, Membership Recruiting, Anime and Comics Bureau
  • Birthday Card Bureau, Fan History and Research Games Bureau,
    Fan-Pro Coordinating Buerau, Writers Exchange, Welcommittee
  • Gourmet Bureau, Round Robins
  • Sercon
    • N3F Founding Members: Charles Hansen
    • Neglected Genre Authors: Michael Fessier

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  • Fiction
    • General Practice, Pocketful of Stars