Pictures of the World Con Masquerade

Photos of the Wold Con 76 masquerade can be found here. 

A few are outstanding, but on the whole not quite up to the costumes I saw at the first World cons I attended. Of course, seen out of context as these photos are, we don’t get the whole picture. A joke, an exceptional skit or presentation, can give a whole new shine to an ordinary costume.
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MonSFFA: Looking ahead

There has been a bit of a change in our meeting programming since WARP was published.

Three events need advanced planning:  Keith’s movie project, the book sale in November, and the Christmas party.

It seems likely that our usual party haunt will still be closed after the fire, so we are looking for a new restaurant that can handle 20-25 people in long tables–not booths!– and a menu with a price range starting no higher than 25$.  You might think December is a long way off, but arrangements have to be made no later than end of October.

If you have books to donate to the sale in November, please try to bring them in the morning of the sale. Already, I have enough boxes of books that I’ll need two trips to haul them all in. You might also want to go through your collections to see if you have anything you want to sell at our” garage sale”.

The movie project will likely happen in September or early October, so stayed tuned for the casting call.


Presentation: Ret-Conning,  The More Things Are the Same, the More They Change! The look of the Klingons; long-established Caucasian characters suddenly becoming African-Americans; the many new different origins of just about everybody in the DC and Marvel universes. It seems that nothing is sacred anymore! Why is that, and is it a good thing? Sylvain St-Pierre

Permission to come aboard! A slide presentation, The Star Trek recreated sets in Ticonderoga , by Keith and Lindsay.

There may or may not be a third panel–either on astronomy or podcasting.  It’s been a long, hot summer, so some of us are, um, wow, September? Already? Really?  And I’m on next? Oh….


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Folktales, and how they have left their mark on SF, presented by Adam Lawrence

The annual MonSFFA book sale will begin at noon.
Book sale 12

Donations of gently used books are gratefully accepted, as long as they arrive before noon and you help us to sort them on the tables.

As usual, volunteers who help set up get first choice of the books.

Prices run from 3 for a dollar for mass market pocket books, to 3$ for hardcover.

We are also considering the possibility of a garage sale table as well.


Time and place to be announced. The Irish Embassy may not be open yet, so please be looking out for a restaurant to host our holding feast.


1000 Years of Fandom

How long have you been part of SF/F fandom? Fanac wants to know!

1000 Years of Fandom

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By Joe Siclari: What does 1,000 years of fandom look like? At Worldcon 76, tried to find out. The pictorial project, started by Mark Olson, captures photos of fans new and old, each holding a sign with their years of fannish activity. Two photos exceeded 1,000 years (one of which was the Worldcon Chairs photo). In all, the project collected 6,707 years of fandom.  Photos from the “1000 Years of Fandom” project are available on

Those who missed the start of the “1000 Years” can participate by sending us a photo of themselves and their friends holding a card with the number of years they have been in fandom. Send it to

Warren Buff and friends, adding to 1,050 years of fandom. Photo by Lisa Hayes.

FANAC’s Fan History Project is dedicated to preserving and making available scans of original photos and publications from 1930 to the present, with a YouTube channel showcasing audio and video. The Fancyclopedia 3 website provides context and a Wikipedia like approach to fan history.

Photos from the project, with a running total at the bottom. Photo by Edie Stern.

Fan History Project links:

Trailer for Iron Fist on Netflix

It’s not a weapon to be held. It’s a weapon to be used. And these things are taking heavy and serious toll on the sexual health and health in general of alcohol and other drugs, the first name that strikes our mind is cialis free shipping Anti inflammatory samples viagra and antioxidant properties enriched in shilajit relieves body pain effectively. Herbal treatment cialis canada generic is the best women sex thing giving greater value to treatment. visit my site levitra without prescription Erectile dysfunction can be treated and there are various treatments available for men who suffer from impotence. Season 2 of Marvel’s Iron Fist debuts exclusively on Netflix September 7, 2018.

More zines to share!

George Phillies of the The National Fantasy Fan Federation sends us a bunch of zines, Enjoy!

From the Franking Service August 2018

Archive 1. edited by Arthur D. Hlavaty

Incompleat wrap-up Published by Nic Farey:  Concluding my work as FAAn awards administrator for Corflu 35, I wanted to do a  “wrap-up” ish of TIR, both to print some locs received, and also to convey a couple of apologies. This is because, contrary to the statement in the results issue, I won’t be administering the awards for Corflu 36 after all.

four issues of Mt Void, published by Mark and Evelyn Leeper

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We are in a low spot of the sunspot cycle, yet there is a giant spot on the sun right now, and a CME set off auroras seen all the way to northern states.

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Almost 80 billion watts of power surged through Earth’s auroral oval during today’s geomagnetic storm. Not much for us to see, given a full moon and an overcast sky.    –CPL


BIG SUNSPOT ALERT: For most of 2018, the solar disk has been blank without a trace of even the smallest sunspot. This weekend something different is happening. A large sunspot has suddenly emerged, growing rapidly into a sprawling group with two dark cores as wide as Earth. Satellites are monitoring the region to see if it will break the quiet of solar minimum with a significant flare. Visit for more information and updates.

Remember, is on Facebook!

Above: Sunspot group AR2720, photographed by Thierry Legault on Aug. 25th from the Saint-Véran/Astroqueyras observatory in the French Alps. An image of Earth has been inserted for scale.

Space Weather News for August 26, 2018 GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Surprising forecasters, a strong and unexpected G3-class geomagnetic storm is underway during the early hours of August 26th. The storm may have been caused by a coronal mass ejection (CME) that arrived with little fanfare about 24 hours ago. Auroras mixed with moonlight have been reported from Scandinavia, Canada, and northern-tier US states such as New York and Michigan. Visit for updates.

Remember, is on Facebook!
Above: According to a NOAA computer model, almost 80 billion watts of power surged through Earth’s auroral oval during today’s geomagnetic storm.


Green comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner is approaching Earth
Wow, something to look forward to! Near naked eye visibility means easy to view in binoculars.

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Space Weather News for August 24, 2018

Beautiful green comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner is approaching Earth for a 58 million km close encounter in early September, when it is expected to approach naked-eye visibility. This small but active comet is the parent of the annual Draconid meteor shower, a bursty display that typically peaks on Oct. 8th, less than a month after the comet’s 2018 flyby.

Visit for more information about 21P and where to point your telescope as it approaches.

Remember, is on Facebook!
Above: Comet 21P/Giacobini/Zinner flies by the Heart and Soul Nebula on Aug. 17, 2018. Photo credit: Michael Jäger of Weißenkirchen, Austria.

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New Zealand wins bid for World Con 2020

New Zealand has won the bid for hosting the World Con in 2020.

Official Website up and running here.

 CoNZealand:  It’s really nice to see a nickname for the con, very boring titles for the last two–WorldCon 75, WorldCon 76. We know it’s been running for a very long time! Give us a name we can remember!

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Hugo Awards ceremony is back on line

The bots messed with the Hugo ceremony video, closing down the live cast because of a 15 second clip from BBC. But the issue is resolved, and it’s back on Youtube.

Be sure to watch the memorial if nothing else. It’s around the 58 mark.

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