More zines to share!

George Phillies of the The National Fantasy Fan Federation sends us a bunch of zines, Enjoy!

From the Franking Service August 2018

Archive 1. edited by Arthur D. Hlavaty

Incompleat wrap-up Published by Nic Farey:  Concluding my work as FAAn awards administrator for Corflu 35, I wanted to do a  “wrap-up” ish of TIR, both to print some locs received, and also to convey a couple of apologies. This is because, contrary to the statement in the results issue, I won’t be administering the awards for Corflu 36 after all.

four issues of Mt Void, published by Mark and Evelyn Leeper

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We are in a low spot of the sunspot cycle, yet there is a giant spot on the sun right now, and a CME set off auroras seen all the way to northern states.

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Almost 80 billion watts of power surged through Earth’s auroral oval during today’s geomagnetic storm. Not much for us to see, given a full moon and an overcast sky.    –CPL


BIG SUNSPOT ALERT: For most of 2018, the solar disk has been blank without a trace of even the smallest sunspot. This weekend something different is happening. A large sunspot has suddenly emerged, growing rapidly into a sprawling group with two dark cores as wide as Earth. Satellites are monitoring the region to see if it will break the quiet of solar minimum with a significant flare. Visit for more information and updates.

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Above: Sunspot group AR2720, photographed by Thierry Legault on Aug. 25th from the Saint-Véran/Astroqueyras observatory in the French Alps. An image of Earth has been inserted for scale.

Space Weather News for August 26, 2018 GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Surprising forecasters, a strong and unexpected G3-class geomagnetic storm is underway during the early hours of August 26th. The storm may have been caused by a coronal mass ejection (CME) that arrived with little fanfare about 24 hours ago. Auroras mixed with moonlight have been reported from Scandinavia, Canada, and northern-tier US states such as New York and Michigan. Visit for updates.

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Above: According to a NOAA computer model, almost 80 billion watts of power surged through Earth’s auroral oval during today’s geomagnetic storm.