Robert J Sawyer interview re AI

Montreal is a leader in the field of AI. Just Google AI in Montreal, businesses and universities are all getting on the bandwagon. There is  hardly a week that goes by without an article in the Montreal Gazette. Why Montreal? I found this to be an interesting read. 

As one who read and enjoyed the WWW series by Robert J Sawyer, I i found this article intriguing when I saw it posted in File 770.

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Judging artificial intelligence on its prospects for judging us

Robert J. Sawyer makes the case for leveraging AI to improve ethics and fairness in civil society.

For his perspective on how humanity might relate to future artificial intelligences and what shape those interactions may take, we asked Sawyer about the dynamics of judgment and control; he also shared his overall sentiment on AI development.


Upcoming MonSFFA Events


Saturday Sci-Fi Cinema Matinée—The “B-Movie Purgatory on Halloween” Edition
With Halloween almost upon us, we celebrate the worst of the worst in sci-fi/horror B-movies! It’s the close of the 1950s-early years of the 1960s, and we offer MonSFFen a cornucopia of silly storylines, awful acting, dreadful directing, poorly penned, melodramatic dialogue, shoddy special effects and generally bad production values!

The Golden Age of Pulps Once upon a time, scientists could build faster-than-light interstellar spaceships or a quantum time machine in their basement with cardboard and a few vacuum tube. Those stories were published in magazines that are now falling to dust because of the cheap paper, but that were so gorgeously illustrated!

Folktales, and how they have left their mark on SF “Family Resemblances”  Changelings in Folklore & SF/F — The  persistence of the changeling legend in science fiction, presented by Adam Lawrence

The annual MonSFFA book sale will begin at noon.

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Book sale 12

Donations of gently used books are gratefully accepted, as long as they arrive before noon and you help us to sort them on the tables.

As usual, volunteers who help set up get first choice of the books.

Prices run from 3 for a dollar for mass market pocket books, to 3$ for hardcover.

We are also considering the possibility of a garage sale table as well.

Planetary Society readies the Light Sail for launch

The Planetary Society’s LightSail 2 spacecraft has proved it can withstand the rigors of launch aboard SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy, the powerhouse rocket that will carry it into orbit. But that ride to space won’t happen until at least November 30, as SpaceX works through a list of other payloads in line to fly first.

The news comes on the heels of last month’s successful Mission Readiness Review (MRR) and Operational Readiness Test (ORT) at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. The latter test, the ORT, was a dress rehearsal that used a LightSail clone called BenchSat to simulate key mission events. Here’s a new video summarizing that test:
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Fanzines to share!

A number of zines have arrived in MonSFFA’s inbox.

First up, wo Canadian zines,the BCSFAzine from Felicity Walker and OBDURATE EYE #2 from Garth Spencer. The latter zine has a hiistory of the messy first years of the Aurora Awards. I had to laugh at Garth’s comments about the BCSFAzine.  This monthly clubzine cries out for new input. It also cries out for two monthly issues per month, in order to catch up the dating of issues to the content covered, insofar as the calendar and club doings (and, just incidentally, some news) are concerned. But I have talked about this with the editor and The Woman Has a Plan. I do hope so because the dating is very confusing! At some point in the future, fans will wonder if time travel was involved.

CyberCozen from Lebyl Botminik has an original story by Guy Hasson, one of the authors who was included in the anthology “Zion’s Fiction”.

And then  “Greetings from the N3F Franking Service, forwarding fanzines to members, as first proposed when we were founded 77 years ago” sent us a slew of zines, some we already had but here are the Mount Voids edited by Mark and Evelyn Leeper.

MT VOID 2035

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Good Omens – Official Teaser Trailer

Good Omens – Official Teaser Trailer

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There’s now a trailer advertising TV adaptation of Pratchett and Gaiman’s Good Omens.

The end is nigh. #GoodOmens: Coming to Prime Video in 2019. Based on the best-selling novel by renowned authors Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, this series follows the story of Aziraphale, an angel, and Crowley, a demon, who have formed an unlikely friendship spanning 6,000 years and have grown fond of life on earth. However, the end of time grows near with the approaching Armageddon and they must now join forces to find a way to save the world.


Also, Radio Times has interviews and a great set of photos: “Good Omens exclusive: David Tennant and Michael Sheen look devilish and divine in new series photos”.

[David] Tennant stars as demon Crowley, while [Michael] Sheen plays the angel Aziraphale. Both beings have lived among mortals throughout history, and have grown bizarrely fond of their life together.

…Tennant told and other press that he was surprised at how far the visual effects had come since his time on Doctor Who.

“That’s what’s interesting about doing a show like this,” Tennant said. “It’s ten years since I did Doctor Who, which has a similar mixture of practical effects and visual effects – and the world has moved on really fast. When we did Doctor Who there would be about five CGI shots per episode. Now we’re almost up to five per scene.”

Gaiman also explained how he felt simultaneously ‘liberated’ and ‘terrified’ when it came to adapting the work for television.

“Normally when people say, ‘What’s it like?’, what they really want is you to say something like, ‘It’s Casablanca in Space’ or whatever. They would like you to compare it to other things.

Halloween Edition of Saturday Sci-Fi Cinema Matinée at October 20 Club Meeting

Saturday Sci-Fi Cinema Matinée—The B-Movie Purgatory on Halloween” Edition

With Halloween almost upon us, we celebrate the worst of the worst in sci-fi/horror B-movies! It’s the close of the 1950s-early years of the 1960s, and we offer MonSFFen a cornucopia of silly storylines, awful acting, dreadful directing, poorly penned, melodramatic dialogue, shoddy special effects and generally bad production values!

Welcome to B-movie purgatory!

At noon on Saturday, October 20, we’ll ask the members present for our October 2018 club meeting to choose one of the following for review:

Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959)

This is famously inferior filmmaker Ed Woods’ “classic” sci-fi picture about extraterrestrials seeking to prevent mankind from developing a doomsday weapon that could destroy the universe, no less! Their plan, designated “Plan 9,” is to deploy legions of Earth’s resurrected dead to frighten humanity into compliance, and if we do not acquiesce, to destroy us with these armies of undead ghouls!

Silent footage shot by Woods of ailing horror legend Bela Lugosi a few years earlier for another unrealized film was spliced into Plan 9, and Lugosi given posthumous billing. Inane, histrionic dialogue coupled with cheesy, low-rent production design and special effects, and just plain ludicrousness mark this feature as the worst film ever made, an assessment widely considered to be accurate. This is really bad stuff!

Nevertheless, Plan 9 has gained a certain cult following, regarded by many fans as a gem of the “so-bad-it’s-good” variety!

But it has some competition…

The Killer Shrews (1959)

An independent low-budget film that imagines the little, mole-like shrew as its monster, albeit in larger mutated form! The fiercely territorial shrew is a ravenous animal, often consuming twice its body weight in food daily! Some shrews are venomous.

Scientists on a remote island are experimenting with shrinking humans to half-size in order to reduce world hunger, reasoning that smaller people will consume less food. Their test animals are tiny shrews, but they end up accidentally spawning giant, voracious monster shrews, who promptly escape into the surrounding wilderness and begin killing and eating all the local wildlife, leaving the scientists under siege behind the walls of their compound!

First-time director Ray Kellogg, who headed 20th Century Fox’s special effects department for much of the 1950s, dressed dogs in shaggy shrew costumes for shots of the titular killer creatures chasing across the landscape, and utilized unconvincing puppets for close-ups. The cast, meanwhile, is an international one and some of their accented English sometimes makes it a challenge to understand the dialogue.
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A silly sci-fi tale says noted film reviewer Leonard Maltin!

The Creeping Terror (1964)

Star Vic Savage also produced and directed this one under the pseudonym A. J. Nelson. A decidedly amateur undertaking, numerous production problems and Savage’s chronic funding difficulties delayed and interrupted filming during the course of production. At one point, the special effects man who built the film’s monster, ticked at not being paid for his work as agreed upon, walked off the production with his creation just before shooting was to begin. Savage and crew had to hastily assemble a replacement monster that came across as a ridiculously slow-moving, oversized walking shag carpet that ambled about upending cars and devouring hapless victims with its gaping pie hole! Sound was apparently so poorly recorded and muddied that Savage ultimately had to hire a radio announcer to narrate the story throughout much of the film while only a fraction of dialogue overdubbing by a few of the cast members was completed in post-production. An alternate explanation offered is that the original soundtracks were lost, necessitating the use of a narrator.

Savage skipped town just before the film was to premiere as he faced irate investors, unpaid crew, and, likely, charges of fraud! He was never heard from again with regard to the movie business.

This one is topped only by Plan 9 From Outer Space on the list of worst movies ever made, according to most critics.

The Brain That Wouldn’t Die (1962)

A sci-fi/horror effort about a mad doctor who has developed a means of keeping human body parts alive! When his beautiful girlfriend is severely injured in a car accident, he retrieves her severed head and sets her up in something like a roasting pan in his lab! Horrified with her predicament, she begs to be allowed to die, but he plans to commit murder in order to find another attractive woman upon whose body he can graft his sweetie’s head, Frankenstein-like!

Panned for its violence, sexploitation, and poor acting and direction, the film, according to critics, offered audiences of the day no redeeming social value, or any particularly likeable, or at the very least, interesting characters. “Funny in all the wrong ways,” stated one reviewer.

Attack of the Giant Leeches (1959)

Co-produced by B-movie legend Roger Corman, with his younger brother, Gene, who directed, this is the story of giant intelligent leeches living in a Florida swamp who feast on the local white trash, including actress and centerfold model Yvette Vickers, here playing a vixen cheatin’ on her husband! It is suggested that these leeches were, perhaps, the weird result of atomic radiation originating from nearby Cape Canaveral.

The leeches are played by actors wearing black sacks made of raincoat-like material with fake suckers stitched on to complete the costume. Shot over a period of just eight days, this film is also considered by many critics to be among the very worst movies ever made!

Show up early for our Saturday, October 20 club meeting and vote for your “favourite!” Join us for all the fun!

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Original film will be shown with French subtitles.
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Zine to share!

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Future Worldcon Bids

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Taking Inventory of Future Worldcon Bids

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Next year fans will choose the site of the 2021 con, for which Washington, DC is currently running unopposed. Beyond that?


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