Fanzines to share!

A number of zines have arrived in MonSFFA’s inbox.

First up, wo Canadian zines,the BCSFAzine from Felicity Walker and OBDURATE EYE #2 from Garth Spencer. The latter zine has a hiistory of the messy first years of the Aurora Awards. I had to laugh at Garth’s comments about the BCSFAzine.  This monthly clubzine cries out for new input. It also cries out for two monthly issues per month, in order to catch up the dating of issues to the content covered, insofar as the calendar and club doings (and, just incidentally, some news) are concerned. But I have talked about this with the editor and The Woman Has a Plan. I do hope so because the dating is very confusing! At some point in the future, fans will wonder if time travel was involved.

CyberCozen from Lebyl Botminik has an original story by Guy Hasson, one of the authors who was included in the anthology “Zion’s Fiction”.

And then  “Greetings from the N3F Franking Service, forwarding fanzines to members, as first proposed when we were founded 77 years ago” sent us a slew of zines, some we already had but here are the Mount Voids edited by Mark and Evelyn Leeper.

MT VOID 2035

MT VOID 2034

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Good Omens – Official Teaser Trailer

Good Omens – Official Teaser Trailer

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There’s now a trailer advertising TV adaptation of Pratchett and Gaiman’s Good Omens.

The end is nigh. #GoodOmens: Coming to Prime Video in 2019. Based on the best-selling novel by renowned authors Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, this series follows the story of Aziraphale, an angel, and Crowley, a demon, who have formed an unlikely friendship spanning 6,000 years and have grown fond of life on earth. However, the end of time grows near with the approaching Armageddon and they must now join forces to find a way to save the world.


Also, Radio Times has interviews and a great set of photos: “Good Omens exclusive: David Tennant and Michael Sheen look devilish and divine in new series photos”.

[David] Tennant stars as demon Crowley, while [Michael] Sheen plays the angel Aziraphale. Both beings have lived among mortals throughout history, and have grown bizarrely fond of their life together.

…Tennant told and other press that he was surprised at how far the visual effects had come since his time on Doctor Who.

“That’s what’s interesting about doing a show like this,” Tennant said. “It’s ten years since I did Doctor Who, which has a similar mixture of practical effects and visual effects – and the world has moved on really fast. When we did Doctor Who there would be about five CGI shots per episode. Now we’re almost up to five per scene.”

Gaiman also explained how he felt simultaneously ‘liberated’ and ‘terrified’ when it came to adapting the work for television.

“Normally when people say, ‘What’s it like?’, what they really want is you to say something like, ‘It’s Casablanca in Space’ or whatever. They would like you to compare it to other things.