Upcoming MonSFFA Events


Saturday Sci-Fi Cinema Matinée—The “B-Movie Purgatory on Halloween” Edition
With Halloween almost upon us, we celebrate the worst of the worst in sci-fi/horror B-movies! It’s the close of the 1950s-early years of the 1960s, and we offer MonSFFen a cornucopia of silly storylines, awful acting, dreadful directing, poorly penned, melodramatic dialogue, shoddy special effects and generally bad production values!

The Golden Age of Pulps Once upon a time, scientists could build faster-than-light interstellar spaceships or a quantum time machine in their basement with cardboard and a few vacuum tube. Those stories were published in magazines that are now falling to dust because of the cheap paper, but that were so gorgeously illustrated!

Folktales, and how they have left their mark on SF “Family Resemblances”  Changelings in Folklore & SF/F — The  persistence of the changeling legend in science fiction, presented by Adam Lawrence

The annual MonSFFA book sale will begin at noon.

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Book sale 12

Donations of gently used books are gratefully accepted, as long as they arrive before noon and you help us to sort them on the tables.

As usual, volunteers who help set up get first choice of the books.

Prices run from 3 for a dollar for mass market pocket books, to 3$ for hardcover.

We are also considering the possibility of a garage sale table as well.

Planetary Society readies the Light Sail for launch

The Planetary Society’s LightSail 2 spacecraft has proved it can withstand the rigors of launch aboard SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy, the powerhouse rocket that will carry it into orbit. But that ride to space won’t happen until at least November 30, as SpaceX works through a list of other payloads in line to fly first.

The news comes on the heels of last month’s successful Mission Readiness Review (MRR) and Operational Readiness Test (ORT) at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. The latter test, the ORT, was a dress rehearsal that used a LightSail clone called BenchSat to simulate key mission events. Here’s a new video summarizing that test:
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