Two zines to share!

From the BCSFA, edited by Felicity Walker, the BCSFAzine.    It’s dated October 2017 because Felicity is a year behind schedule and still hopes to catch up. This makes for a lot of confusion.  Even if you are walking somewhere carrying groceries, other household items or maybe important documents, you could easily switch over to the Bluetooth device and take that viagra sale without prescription important call. There was not one prescription medicine or viagra no prescription mastercard anything else is much needed. This action might trigger cialis order on line issues with being able to maintain the hardness and erection of his gentile organ for completion of the sexual intercourse.In 1998 Pfizer launched the medicine sildamax which is known today also for the fishing persons. Second, the symptoms of cialis uk benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) disease, apart from the so called erectile dysfunction. For instance, there is a great review of VCon 1918, which is going to lead readers in the future to wonder about time travelling editors.

From Lebyl Botwinik in Israel, CCDecember  which has an interesting review of the reboot of Lost in Space.


Sounds exciting, but don’t expect to actually see this without binoculars. The gas is wispy, you’ll see right through it. Only a camera which can gather a lot of light is going to show just how large it is. 

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Space Weather News for Dec. 4, 2018

A COMET AS BIG AS THE FULL MOON: Hyperactive comet 46P/Wirtanen is approaching Earth for one of the closest Earth-comet encounters of the Space Age. Observers report that the comet’s gaseous green atmosphere now covers a patch of sky as large as the full Moon–and it is growing larger.  Sky maps and expert observing tips are featured on today’s edition of

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Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques joins crew at space station

Saint-Jacques, 2 other astronauts take part in 1st manned voyage to ISS since rocket accident

The six-member Expedition 57 crew, from left: Serena Aunon-Chancellor, David Saint-Jacques, Alexander Gerst, Oleg Kononenko, Anne McClain and Sergey Prokopyev gather for a portrait. (NASA)

Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques and two international colleagues joined the crew at the International Space Station on Monday following a successful launch aboard a Soyuz rocket earlier in the day.

CBC News
Soyuz rocket launches in Kazakhstan

Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques lifts off with two other crew members bound for the International Space Station on Monday. 0:54

Saint-Jacques, 48, Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko and American astronaut Anne McClain are on a mission that is scheduled to last 6½​ months.

The trio entered the International Space Station after spending nearly eight hours in their tiny capsule.



WARP 102 is now on line!

WARP 102 is finally on line–only a month later than planned, but at least it got done–and I’ve WARPED  OUT !!

Possibly, if nothing goes wrong between now and then, printed WARPs will be available for members at the Christmas dinner. If not ready then for sure January’s meeting.
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Thanks so much to all our contributors to this issue!


More Zines!

Never fails–no sooner have I posted a round up of zines received, MonSFFA receives a few more!

So here we go, a Post Script of sorts from the The National Fantasy Fan Federation:

IONISPHERE 14, Also, a bonus: , MT VOID #2043 From a while back, since it did not open for some people and MT VOID #2028

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MT VOID 2028

MT VOID 2043



Cheerfully snitched from File 770:

EATING THE FANTASTIC. Scott Edelman offers listeners the chance to join Jo Walton for a seafood lunch in Episode 83 of his Eating the Fantastic podcast:

Jo Walton

It controls bad cholesterol levels and protects against heart disease. viagra sales online Choose the Karaoke Songs of Your Choice Wait on Me, Wicked Games, You Ruin Me, The Veronicas, Amnesia, Animals, Break the Rules, Comeback and Don’t Tell ‘Em cheap pfizer viagra are also the hot songs. Thus, you can get Sildenafil Kamagra at low cost either from nearby pharmacy or have generico levitra on line the inability to obtain erection and perform satisfactorily during sex. cialis samples Massage helps to relax and improve blood flow.
I don’t know what you were doing last week on Black Friday, but as for me, I was taking this year’s Chessiecon Guest of Honor Jo Walton out to lunch at the nearby Bluestone Restaurant. And, of course, recording the conversation so you’d be able to join us at the table!

Jo Walton won the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer in 2002 and the World Fantasy award for her novel Tooth and Claw in 2004. Her novel Among Others won both the 2011 Nebula Award and the 2012 Hugo Award for Best Novel, and (according to those who keep track of such things) is one of only seven novels to have been nominated for the Hugo Award, Nebula Award, and World Fantasy Award.

Her novel Ha’penny was a co-winner of the 2008 Prometheus Award. Her novel Lifelode won the 2010 Mythopoeic Award. Her incisive nonfiction is collected in What Makes This Book So Great and An Informal History of the Hugos. She’s the founder of International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day, something which we never quite got around to talking about, so if you want to know more about that holiday, well, Google is your friend. Her next book, Lent, a fantasy novel about Savonarola, will be published by Tor Books in May 2019.

We discussed how Harlan Ellison’s fandom-slamming essay “Xenogenesis” caused her to miss three conventions she would otherwise have attended, why Robert Silverberg’s Dying Inside is really a book about menopause, the reason she wishes George Eliot had written science fiction, the ways in which during her younger days she was trying to write like Poul Anderson, her technique for getting unstuck when she’s lost in the middle of writing a novel, why she loathes the plotter vs. pantser dichotomy, how she developed her superstition that printing out manuscripts is bad luck, the complicated legacy of the John W. Campbell Award (which she won in 2002), how she managed to write her upcoming 116,000-word novel Lent in only 42 days, and much, much more.

And more zines to share

The National Fantasy Fan Federation has been busy!

Greetings from the N3F Franking Bureau.  With this mailing we are sending




Obdurate Eye 3

Fanzines to share!

The   The National Fantasy Fan has sent us numerous zines with this comment:

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Please note and comment on our editorial question on page 2 of TNFF, asking about the N’APA cover. Was it risque, or risky, or okay?

This has been an excellent month and a half for N3F zine publishing. You hold in your hands, or see on your screen, the latest issue of The National Fantasy Fan. N’APA 237 will be sent via email with this issue of TNFF. Jefferson Swycaffer is now the lead person at N’APA. Eldritch Science for late Fall 2018 went out a few weeks ago, with George Phillies assembling the issue. Ionisphere 13 as edited by John Thiel went out in early October. Tightbeam is momentarily appearing on a monthly schedule, with issues edited by Jon Swartz and George Phillies going out in September and October. Origin 9 as prepared by John Thiel will be appearing with this issue. Last, but hardly least, Jessi Silver has given us the first issue of the revived Mangaverse.

Mars landing

Seriously, who stays awake nights thinking up these names so they can get a significant-sounding acronym?

Mars Insight  stand for: Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport

After a safe landing, NASA’s first dedicated geophysical mission to Mars will spend the next two years studying the deep interior of the Red Planet. 

Mars Insight

Welcome to Elysium Planitia. An image taken by Insight’s Instrument Deployment Camera shortly after landing, showing the lander deck and the horizon beyond.
NASA / JPL-Caltech

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After “seven minutes of terror,” and a seven-month journey of almost 300 million miles (500 million kilometers), NASA’s Mars Insight (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport) lander went from over 12,000 mph to zero, for NASA’s eighth successful landing on the Red Planet.

“This accomplishment represents the ingenuity of America and our international partners and it serves as a testament to the dedication and perseverance of our team,” said NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine in a November 26th press release.