Mars landing

Seriously, who stays awake nights thinking up these names so they can get a significant-sounding acronym?

Mars Insight  stand for: Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport

After a safe landing, NASA’s first dedicated geophysical mission to Mars will spend the next two years studying the deep interior of the Red Planet. 

Mars Insight

Welcome to Elysium Planitia. An image taken by Insight’s Instrument Deployment Camera shortly after landing, showing the lander deck and the horizon beyond.
NASA / JPL-Caltech

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After “seven minutes of terror,” and a seven-month journey of almost 300 million miles (500 million kilometers), NASA’s Mars Insight (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport) lander went from over 12,000 mph to zero, for NASA’s eighth successful landing on the Red Planet.

“This accomplishment represents the ingenuity of America and our international partners and it serves as a testament to the dedication and perseverance of our team,” said NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine in a November 26th press release.


News from Dublin

Two items of interest that have not yet appeared on their website.
  • Dublin 2019 to host Irish Science Fiction Film Festival and Golden Blaster Awards
  • Dublin 2019 Adds Special Hugo Award Category: Best Art Book

Dublin 2019 to host Irish Science Fiction Film Festival and Golden Blaster Awards

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The National Irish Science Fiction Film Festival and Golden Blaster awards ceremony will take place in August as part of hDublin 2019 – An Irish Worldcon.

More than 4300 people have already registered for Dublin 2019, enabling the presenters’ films to reach an unprecedented audience. The festival has taken place and the Golden Blaster awards have been given since 2009.

“This event brings greater recognition to filmmakers who create speculative fiction in the short film format,” said James Bacon, the chairman of Dublin 2019. “It’s an honor to be involved in this long-running film world gathering and to bring the works of Irish speculative filmmakers to one of the planet’s largest fan-run events.”


Dublin 2019 Adds Special Hugo Award Category: Best Art Book

Dublin 2019, an Irish Worldcon, the 77th World Science Fiction Convention, (“Worldcon”) taking place in Dublin Ireland in August 2019, announced today that a special Hugo category for “Best Art Book” will be included in the 2019 Hugo Awards, and the Retrospective Hugo Awards for 1944.

The Hugo Awards are the leading awards for excellence in the field of science fiction and fantasy, and have been presented at Worldcons since 1953. They are voted on by members of each year’s Worldcon.

Art books formerly featured strongly in the Best Related Work Hugo Award category, and its predecessors, Best Related Book and Best Non-Fiction Book, and also in the former Hugo category Best Original Artwork. Finalists and winners included collections of works by significant figures in genre art, and annual anthologies of notable and award-winning art works.