And more zines to share

The National Fantasy Fan Federation has been busy!

Greetings from the N3F Franking Bureau.  With this mailing we are sending




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Fanzines to share!

The   The National Fantasy Fan has sent us numerous zines with this comment:

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Please note and comment on our editorial question on page 2 of TNFF, asking about the N’APA cover. Was it risque, or risky, or okay?

This has been an excellent month and a half for N3F zine publishing. You hold in your hands, or see on your screen, the latest issue of The National Fantasy Fan. N’APA 237 will be sent via email with this issue of TNFF. Jefferson Swycaffer is now the lead person at N’APA. Eldritch Science for late Fall 2018 went out a few weeks ago, with George Phillies assembling the issue. Ionisphere 13 as edited by John Thiel went out in early October. Tightbeam is momentarily appearing on a monthly schedule, with issues edited by Jon Swartz and George Phillies going out in September and October. Origin 9 as prepared by John Thiel will be appearing with this issue. Last, but hardly least, Jessi Silver has given us the first issue of the revived Mangaverse.