New Word Press

Word Press has “upgraded” to a whole new programme. It might turn out to be an improvement, eventually, when the bugs are worked out, and your webmistress figures out where they buried all the formatting tools. It is not at all obvious! For instance, for the post I made this morning, I would normally have just copied and pasted the bits and bobs I thought would interest members. This time I had to create a block for each item, and then find the links for the individual pictures, and add them in image  blocks. This is not reasonable.

I can’t figure out how to put images next to the text. Looks like I have to make tables, as in html.  The add media button is gone.

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OK, so that’s my rant for today. If the site looks screwy, or doesn’t get new blog postings for a while, you’ll know why. I’m perusing the forums and fb groups on the subject, but all this takes time which I don’t have a lot of at this time.

Long Range Sensors Detect….

Osiris-REX Arrives at Asteroid Bennu
NASA’s ambitious Osiris-REX mission will now survey 101955 Bennu and attempt to return a sample to Earth. Read more…
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We’ve started getting good imagery of Bennu from the OCAMS camera suite aboard Osiris-REX over the past month, as the tiny world swells into view. Looking like a 10-sided die straight out of Dungeons and Dragons, Bennu actually shares an uncanny resemblance with asteroid 162173 Ryugu, where the Japanese Space Agency’s Hayabusa-2 is currently carrying out a similar sample return mission. Bennu rotates once every 4.3 hours, and seems to have at several large boulders clustered in one hemisphere.

bennu rotation

A full rotation of Bennu as seen by PolyCam aboard Osiris-REX on November 16th from a range of 85 miles (140 kilometers).
NASA GSFC / University of Arizona

This Week’s Sky at a Glance, December 7 – 15
Check out our observing picks for this week! Read more…
SpaceX Launches Orbiting “Sculpture in the Sky” / Comet Update
A satellite sculpture achieves orbit, 46P/Wirtanen becomes a naked-eye comet, and Comet C/2018 V1 makes one last good pass. Read more…