WARP 104

WARP 104 is now available for your reading pleasure!

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The editor wishes to thank the contributors to this issue:

  • Barbara Silverman
  • Paul Gareau
  • Danny Sichel
  • Lloyd Penney
  • Marquise*
  • Keith Braithwaite
  • Sylvain St-Pierre
  • And yours truly, Cathy Palmer-Lister

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MonSFFA needs your trash!

Hey, MonSFFen, we need you to search your recycle bins for STUFF we can use to build space ships! You can start bring in your junk at the April meeting so we have and idea of what we have in time for the May workshop.

Your help in collecting these bits and bobs will count toward the Christmas Party draw!

Check out this video for inspiration!

Keith says:

At next month’s May 11 club meeting, we will embark upon our group project for 2019 with the first of three scheduled workshops for MonSFFA’s Utopia Planitia Shipyards Competition!

This is a reality show-style team contest in which scratchbuilt model spaceships will be fabricated over the course of three one-hour sessions (May, July, and September).

Said ships are to be made using a variety of discarded everyday household items like empty soft drink bottles, toothpaste caps and assorted lids, plastic cups, empty plastic food containers, drinking straws, plastic utensils, parts of old broken toys or sections of the housings for obsolete household electronics and appliances, old door hinges, nuts and washers, fasteners, clasps, clothespins, and such—essentially, any small, interestingly-shaped plastic, metal, or wooden doohickeys!

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The various pieces will be cut up, shaped, glued together, detailed, and painted to produce a model spacecraft.

So, in advance of May’s first workshop, club members are asked to collect for this project such items as described above that they can scavenge around the kitchen, basement, or garage. Please insure that these items are thoroughly cleaned before bagging or boxing them and bringing them in to our upcoming April and/or May meetings.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation in helping us successfully stage our makeshift model-building competition!

Participants are encouraged to come prepared; put together a small personal tool kit—scissors, utility knives, and other cutting tools, a straight-edge, files, masking or electrical tape, etc.

The club will supply certain equipment, such as glue, paint and brushes, and a drill.

Further details and the rules of the competition will be outlined during an introductory preamble just prior to the first workshop.

After the contest, the completed spaceship models will be photographed against an “outer space” scenic backdrop for a planned feature in a future issue of club fanzine Warp, with the winning model gracing the cover.

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