Star Wars Episode IX – Teaser

Star Wars Episode IX – Teaser

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“Every generation has a legend.”



“HISTORY OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE is exactly what it says on the package—a sweeping story that covers all of the important events in the span of Marvel history from the Big Bang all the way to the heat-death of the universe. It’s not a Handbook, it’s not MARVEL SAGA, it’s an all-new story that puts all of these events into a greater context. But like those earlier projects, it will also serve as a massive master reference resource for anybody who wants to know what went down when. Even those readers who think they know everything will find new surprises and revelations—and the artwork for the series will make it a visual delight for both those new to Marvel as well as decades-seasoned Marvelites.”

See preview images from HISTORY OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE by Mark Waid, Javier Rodriguez, and Alvaro Lopez!


Last month, gave fans a first look at HISTORY OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE, a new limited series coming this July that will serve as the definitive guide to how the Marvel Universe began. Written by Mark Waid with art by Javier Rodriguez and Alvaro Lopez, HISTORY OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE promises to deliver a fresh retelling of Marvel’s most classic stories.

Interior art by Rodriguez and Lopez was revealed at the Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo, but now we can show you the cover of HISTORY OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE #1 by Steve McNiven!

Click here to view the image and read more.

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