First of all, May the Fourth be With You…



Who You Gonna Call?: Whether a fan of supernatural tales, true believer, local history buff, or just curious, amateur ghost hunting has become an interest for many. We explore the hobby and learn how to suit-up to bust us some ghosts!

(BTW, Impulse neglected to include mention of this panel in its April 2019 issue; the news bulletin regrets the oversight and apologizes for the omission. We have corrected things in our May-June 2019 issue and remain haunted by our initial error!)


Mid-Meeting Break: Fund-raising raffle; brief discussion of recent club business


Demonstration of 3-D Printing: We’ll set up a    3-D printer and offer a demonstration of how model-makers or crafters can fashion their own plastic parts and sculptures at home! The machine will run during the remainder of the meeting and the demonstration will conclude after…


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Utopia Planitia Shipyards Competition: MonSFFA’s 2019 group project involves a team competition in which model spacecraft will be scratchbuilt using discarded household odds and ends. Each team will cut, shape, glue together, and paint these bits and pieces to fashion a spaceship! For additional information, read on…

(From Impulse, May-June 2019)

Last Opportunity to Contribute Materials for Club’s Group Project

At this month’s MonSFFA meeting (Saturday, May 11), the club will embark upon its group project for 2019 with the first of three scheduled workshops for what we are calling our Utopia Planitia Shipyards Competition. This is a reality TV show-style team contest in which scratchbuilt model spaceships will be fabricated using a variety of discarded everyday household articles scavenged from around the kitchen, basement, or garage. The project/contest will unfold over the course of three  one-hour sessions (May 11, July 20, and September 14).

For the past few months, we have been collecting from club members a stash of items such as empty soft drink or shampoo bottles, toothpaste caps and assorted lids, plastic cups, empty plastic food containers, drinking straws, plastic utensils, parts of old broken toys or sections of the housings for obsolete household electronics and appliances, old door hinges, nuts and washers, fasteners, clasps, clothespins—essentially, any small, interestingly-shaped plastic, metal, or wooden doohickeys! In advance of our first scheduled Utopia Planitia workshop, club members have one last opportunity to bring in an assortment of bits and pieces for the project. Please insure that these items are thoroughly cleaned before bagging or boxing them and bringing them in to this Saturday’s May 11 meeting.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation in helping us to successfully stage our makeshift model-building competition!

MonSFFen are encouraged to come prepared; put together a small personal tool kit—scissors, utility knives and other cutting tools, a straight-edge, files, sandpaper, masking or electrical tape, etc. The club will supply certain equipment, such as glue, paint and brushes, and a drill.

Details of the competition will be outlined during an introductory preamble just prior to the first workshop.

After the contest, the completed spaceship models will be photographed against an “outer space” scenic backdrop for a planned feature in a future issue  of club fanzine Warp, with the winning model gracing the cover.

Meeting Theme: Spaceships! Bring in bits and pieces of household flotsam, and a personal model-building tool kit (scissors, straight-edge, utility knife, sandpaper, etc.) for our model spaceship-building group project.

Fanzines to Share!

From Garth:

The Obdurate Eye

And with strange eons even Garth may pub his ish.
Yours truly,
Garth Spencer

For Manga fans, a new zine:

The new Mangaverse:

Mangaverse, April 2109

Editor – Jessi Silver

Table of Contents
From the Editor Page 3

Comic/Film Review: Hit-Girl Page 4
Manga Review: Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-Kun vol. 1 Page 7
Manga Review: Spirit Circle Page 9
Anime Review: Run With the Wind Page 13

Anime Detour 2019 Convention Report Page 17
Aniblog Feature: Sakuga Blog Page22

Just For Fun
Anime as Cultural Education Page 25
Credits and Contact Info Page 30

Cover Art: “Soldier With a Gun” by Jose Sanchez

From the N3F at

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