Purple sunsets and sunrises

Watch for vivid skies at sunset and dawn. The colour is most probably due to two volcanoes.

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Two more zines to share

Two more zines for your reading pleasure.

  • The National Fantasy Fan Volume 78, Number 8.
  • Origin 18

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Contents of TNFF
Neffy Awards Announced, Club Elections
Sercon History of the N3F Laureate Awards; N3F Founding Members — Messrs. Fields, Jordan,
Jorgensen, and Robson
Treasury, New, Renewed, and Reinstated Members and Updates for July and August
Zines—The N3F Review of Books,  the National Fantasy Fan, Mangaverse, Tightbeam ,
N’APA, Films Fantastic, Eldritch Science, Ionisphere, Origin
Bureaus Birthday bureau, Correspondence Bureau, Games Bureau (Defense of Corona, Century: Spice
Road), History and Research Bureau, Membership Recruiting, Round Robins, Writer’s Exchange
Bureau, Welcommittee
Letters of Comment Thiel, Penney, Patterson, Phillies

Contents of Origin
Editorial, John Thiel, page 2
Original N3F Constitution, page 3
Vignettes From N3F History, Jon Swartz, page 9
spotlight on Lin Carter, page 10
Harry Warner, Jr., on the N3F Constitution, Jon Swartz, page 11
spotlight on Harry Warner, Jr., page 13
Growing Up With Science Fiction, Judy Carroll, page 14
spotlight on Walt Disney, pages 14 and 16