VCON is cancelled

The kind of fan-run convention we all love is failing. We’ve known this for a long time, but when stalwarts like VCON and Ad Astra struggle with issues of failing attendance, lack of volunteers, cost of hotels, we have to wonder if the days of the fan run con are numbered.

Read the comments, too, as there is a fuller explanation there.

Also, if you are on Facebook, visit the Ad Astra group and join the discussion there.
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Also, visit the VCON website.


Fanzines to share!

From Leybl in Israel, CyberCozen. This issue has interesting articles about the possibility of live on exo-planets. Also, a link to the Icon site in English.


And with thanks to George Phillies and the N3F Fanzine Franking Service, the following zines:

Remember, many Fan-Eds like Letters to the Editor. If you have something to say about what you read, write!

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