SF Writing Workshop offered in Montreal


The instructor is Su Sokol, familiar to MonSFFen as she was part of the panel discussion on difficulties faced by women in the field of SF.

Sur Place Media
5585 Avenue du Parc
Montréal, QC H2V 4H2

This workshop is for anyone who’s interested in writing science fiction or adding wonder to the stories they are already writing.

During the sessions, participants will learn about science fiction and its sub-genres and be guided through the process of developing interesting and realistic characters, world-building, and plotting. Finally, participants will create their own short works of fiction which will be workshopped during the class.

Schedule (4 sessions)
Thursday, January 9, 7:00-9:30pm
Thursday, January 16, 7:00-9:30pm
Thursday, February 6, 7:00-9:30pm
Thursday, February 13, 7:00-9:30pm
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Week by Week Breakdown

Session One: Introduction to science fiction and its sub-genres (e.g. cyberpunk, space opera, utopia/dystopia, first-contact stories, hopepunk, post-apocalyptic tales, slipstream.) Examples of such works will be identified and discussed. Participants will have the opportunity to identify a type of science fiction story that interests them and explore a subject for a story of their own.

Session Two: Study and practice different aspects of the craft including character development and voice, realistic and effective dialogue, world-building without info-dumping, story arc, and SF themes and tropes. We will also discuss point-of-view, tense, and tone.

Two-week break during which participants work on a piece of short science fiction.

Session Three: Give and receive feedback on your own original short works of science fiction.

Session Four: Workshop the remaining short science fiction stories. Participants will be given individualized feedback and suggestions for moving forward to perfect and publish their work.

About the Instructor

Su J. Sokol is a writer of speculative and interstitial fiction. She is the author of two novels, Cycling to Asylum, which was long-listed for the Sunburst Award for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic and optioned for a film, and Run J Run, published in 2019 by Renaissance Press. A YA speculative fiction novel, Zee, is to be published in French by Bouton d’or Acadie. Her short fiction has appeared in a number of magazines and anthologies such as The Future Fire; Spark: A Creative Anthology; Glittership: An LGBTQ Science Fiction and Fantasy Podcast; and After the Orange: Ruin and Recovery. Su is a member of the Québec Writers’ Federation and SFCanada—Canada’s National Association of Science Fiction Professionals. She also curates and participates in readings and literary events in Canada and abroad.

Astronomers catch water erupting from plumes on Jupiter’s icy moon Europa

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From Astronomy Magazine
Astronomers made the first direct measurement of water vapor in Europa’s atmosphere. It’s the best evidence yet for water plumes erupting from the icy moon.
Subsurface water on Jupiter’s moon Europa is one place where humans plan to search for life. This artist’s concept shows a massive plume of underground water erupting from the moon’s surface.
NASA/ESA/K. Retherford/SWRI
Jupiter’s moon Europa has an icy shell that conceals a liquid water ocean. Now, scientists have made the first direct measurement of water vapor in Europa’s atmosphere. It’s the best evidence yet for a water plume erupting from the moon’s surface.

The measurements also imply that outside of plume events, Europa’s atmosphere likely has less water vapor overall than previously thought. The scientists describe their findings Monday in Nature Astronomy.