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Isaac Newton Worked from Home During the Plague and ‘Discovered’ Gravity

Lynda Pelley sends us this link:


Just like people all over the world are working from home to prevent the spread of coronavirus, Isaac Newton had to work from home during the Bubonic plague.

It was during that time that he was his most productive, developing his theories of calculus, optics, and even gravity.

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Tonight, Venus, the crescent Moon, and the Pleiades will form a beautiful triangle in the western sunset sky.

Space Weather News for March 28, 2020

SUNSET SKY SHOW–TONIGHT! Tonight, Venus, the crescent Moon and the Pleiades will form a beautiful triangle in the western sunset sky. The event kicks off a slow-motion conjunction between Venus and the Pleiades that will grow even more beautiful in the nights ahead. Visit Spaceweather.com for sky maps and observing tips.

Aurora alerts: Sign up for Spaceweather Alerts and receive a text message when auroras appear in your area.
Above: Venus, the Moon, and the Pleiades converge on March 27th–the prelude to an even prettier conjunction on March 28th. Photo credit: Ruslan Merzlyakov of Nykøbing Mors, Denmark. [photo gallery]

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How to make Dragon Eggs


How to make a dragon egg with nail polish and thumb tacks

These geeky items are gorgeous, easy to make, and relaxing. If you have these items, here’s how to make a dragon egg…

  • flat metal tacks
  • foam board, closed and open-cell foam (to line up and paint the tacks)
  • a styrofoam egg of any size (found in the floral department of your local craft store, usually)
  • shimmery nail polish (I recommend a prismatic or holographic nail polish for maximum snake-like glisten)


Doctor Who fans unite with an online viewing

BBC, March 26

Doctor Who fans from across the world have come together online for a mass viewing of the first episode of the show’s return, on the fifteenth anniversary of its first broadcast.

A series of ‘watch-alongs’ have been organised, with fans watching specific episodes at the same time as the show’s creatives.

Watch interview with Russell T Davies and others.

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This will make fan history! CoNZealand will be a virtual World Con.  From the official website:

The strong belief that we can put on a great Worldcon has led us to the decision to make CoNZealand a virtual convention. Our Tech Division is confident they can deliver a virtual Worldcon and are excited about the possibilities.

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