Astronomers call for help to learn how supermassive black holes form

Tracing out the shape of a galaxy may offer clues to the size of its supermassive black hole. And a new study shows citizen scientists are actually better at it than computer algorithms.

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Grand spiral galaxy (NGC 1232). FORS/8.2-meter VLT Antu/ESO
Virtually every galaxy bigger than our Milky Way has a supermassive black hole at its center. These supermassive black holes can weigh tens of millions of times more than our sun.

How do black holes grow so gigantic? And why are supermassive black holes at the heart of so many galaxies?

A citizen science project called Spiral Graph hopes you’ll help astronomers in their quest to answer these questions.

Using the ESO’s sensitive GRAVITY instrument, researchers have confirmed that the enormous object at the heart of our galaxy is — as scientists have assumed for many years — a supermassive black hole. ESO/Gravity Consortium/L. Calçada

Understanding Supermassive Black Holes

Scientists think supermassive black holes form as a fundamental part of galactic evolution.

These black holes start small, when a galaxy is still young and still regularly gobbling up groups of neighboring stars. As large stars die and collapse into black holes, those black holes consume stars and even other black holes, growing bigger and bigger as they go from small to intermediate to gigantic, like an enormous cosmic snowball.

Or that might not be how it happens at all. Instead, supermassive black holes might form from a runaway chain reaction of colliding stars, others suggest. There are even more ideas out there, too.

The process remains poorly understood. And it’s tough to study because simply finding the weight of a supermassive black hole is time-intensive and hard to do from millions of light years away.

However, there may be a way to indirectly measure a supermassive black hole’s size and gather more information on how they form. A spiral galaxy’s shape may give away clues to the size of its central black hole, as well as its overall mass of stars and dark matter content. Though some astronomers are still debating the correlation.

Spiral Graph asks users to trace out the shape of a spiral galaxy’s arms, helping astronomers a potential proxy for studying a number of other properties. That may include things like supermassive black hole size, and the overall mass of its dark matter and stars. Spiral Graph/NASA, ESA, S. Beckwith (STScI), Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA

How Spiral Graph Works

To investigate further, astronomers launched Spiral Graph. The project aims to measure how spiral arms wind in thousands of distant galaxies.

First, users confirm that each galaxy they’re shown is indeed a spiral. Then, they draw lines to sketch out the spiral galaxy’s shape. These lines measure how tight or open the spiral galaxy’s arms are.

Tight spiral arms suggest a large supermassive black hole. Open spiral arms indicate a more modest black hole.

As citizen scientists find interesting candidates, it creates a list of target galaxies that astronomers can study in more detail with their telescopes.

Citizens Scientists Outperform Computers

The project includes some 6,000 black and white images of galaxies typically taken by the Dark Energy Camera instrument in Chile or the Sloan Digital Sky Survey’s telescope in New Mexico. Once 15 people have classified a particular galaxy, the image is retired and considered complete.

Astronomers did already measure the tightness of these same galaxies’ spiral arms using an algorithm, however, the scientists also wanted to confirm the computer’s findings with the results from citizen scientists. In a study published earlier this month in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society the team found that Spiral Graph users are actually better at tracing galaxy shapes than algorithms are. The software struggles to know where spirals begin and end, something humans don’t have a problem with.

In some other large-scale cosmology research, citizen scientists have also proven to be more accurate than computers. And combining the results from humans and AI can boost confidence in the results.

And the effort doesn’t only look at the pitch of spiral arms, volunteers are also chronicling the structure of galaxies and whether they’re merging with another galaxy. So, even if the correlation between spiral arm shape and supermassive black hole size doesn’t pan out, they’ll still have advanced the understanding of galactic evolution in other ways.


TWO SOLAR CYCLES ARE ACTIVE AT ONCE: You don’t see this every day. There are two sunspots on the sun today, and each one comes from a different 11-year solar cycle. Two solar cycles are active at once. What does it mean? Find out on today’s edition of

Above: These two sunspots have opposite magnetic polarities–a sign that they come from different solar cycles. Credit: NASA/SDO with labeling by Dr. Tony Phillips

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More zines to Share!

Another zine to share!


Editorial, by John Thiel, page three

Author Interview, James E. Gunn, by John Thiel, page five

Author Interview, Lee S. King, by Tamara Wilhite, page nine

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Some Characteristics of Science Fiction: Orwell & Sheckley, by Jeffrey Redmond, page fourteen

Time and Now, by Will Mayo, page twenty two

Ulterior Motives, Jeffrey Redmond, page twenty four

The Moon, by John Polselli, page thirty

Montreal Stop Motion Festival

The Stop Motion Festival is scheduled for September 14-20

2020 Call for entries

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Suggestion to pass the time!
Festival video channel:

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NF3 Fanzine: Origin

The National Fantasy Fan Federation is on a roll!

Here is another of their zines, Origin26, which is dedicated to the history of fandom. The article on page six is especially interesting: SF/F paperbacks in armed service editions.


Credo, by Will Mayo, page three

Editorial, by John Thiel, page four

Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Paperbacks in Armed Services Editions by Jon Swartz, page six

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Faulty Histories of Fandom, by John Thiel, page twenty-six

Communications Problems, by John Thiel, page twenty-nine

Call to Membership, by Judy Carroll, page thirty

Additional comment by John Thiel, page thirty-one


And one more fanzine from N3F!

This is the N3F’s April book review issue



2 … Drakon by S. M. Stirling Review by Tamara Wilhite
3 … Familiar Tales by Alma T.C. Boykin Review by Pat Patterson
4 … Firebolt (The Dragonian Series I) by Adrienne Woods Review by Chris Nuttall
5 … For A Few Credits More: Four Horsemen Anthology Review by Pat Patterson
10 … The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas Review by Pat Patterson
11 … The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N. K. Jemisin Review by Chris Nuttall
12 … Jacob by David Gerrold Review by Jim McCoy
14 … Justice and Juniors by Alma T.C. Boykin Review by Pat Patterson
15 … Minutegirls by George Phillies Review by Pat Patterson
17 … The Morning The Earth Shook by J.L. Curtis Reviewed by Pat Patterson
17 … Nocturnal Rebellion by Amanda S. Green Review by Pat Patterson
18 … Peacemaker by Kevin Ikenberry Review by Pat Patterson
20 … The Starhawk Chronicles II: Rest and Wreck-reation by Joseph J Madden
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21 … Taming Shadows; Revelations Trilogy Book One by Fiona Skye Review by Jim McCoy
23 … Valkyrie Doll and the Ashen Brotherhood by Adam Lane Smith Review by Declan Finn
24 … The Wielder: Betrayal by David Gosnell Review by Jim McCoy

Literary Criticism

25 … The Anti-Christ Handbook Vol. 2: The Horror and Hilarity of Left Behind by Fred Clerk
Review by Chris Nuttall.
27 … Deconstructing Gwen by Christopher Nuttall
Prose Bono
31 … Wright’s Writing Corner: The Foil! By L. Jagi Lamplighter
33 … Inktail: Preparing for Print by Cedar Sanderson


35 … An Interview with Charlie John by Tamara Wilhite
38 … An Interview with J. Boone Dryden by Tamara Wilhite
39 … An Interview with Roger Ley by Tamara Wilhite

Three more Fanzines to enjoy!

New Fanzines to share! These three come from George Phillies


Fandbook 8
Neffy Nominations– Cathy’s nominated!  🙂
Zine Mailings
Birthday Bureau — Conventions — Correspondence Bureau
Fan-Pro Coordinating Bureau — Games Bureau — History and Research Bureau
Pro Bureau — Recruitment Bureau — Round Robins — Welcommittee
Writers Exchange — Treasurer’s Report
Letters of Comment
Lloyd Penney — Judy Carroll — Justin E. A. Busch
Mandrake the Magician


Front cover … Seer to Dragons by Angela K. Scott
20 … Dragon and Unicorn by Angela K. Scott
26 … Chinese Dragon by Angela K. Scott
Back cover … Reilly of Regiment 41 by Jose Sanchez
4 … Editorial from George Phillies
Letters of Comment
4… Jose Sanchez, Lloyd Penney
5 … The Best Anime to Take Your Mind off Things … Jessi Silver
Fanzine Reviews
11 … Askew, Broadcastograph, Far Journeys … George Phillies
12 … No Choice by Mel Todd … Review by Declan Finn
13 … Captain Nemo by K.J. Anderson … Review by Tom Feller
14 … Downbelow Station and Forty Thousand in Gehenna by C. J. Cherryh … Reviews by Tom Feller
15 … In Conquest Born by C. S. Friedman … Review by Tamara Wilhite
17 … from Owen K L
17 … Hal Clement Bio-Bibliography by Jon D. Swartz, Ph.D., N3F Historian
21 … An Interview with Paul Piatt by Tamara Wilhite
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Short Stories
25 … A Solitary Crane Circles Cold Mountain by Gregor Hartmann … Review by Greg Hullen-der
25 … Midstrathe Exploding by Andy Dudak … Review by Greg Hullender
26 … One Hundred by Sean Monaghan … Review by Greg Hullender
27 … Cooling Chaos, by Gregory Benford … Review by Greg Hullender
Food of Famous Authors
27 … Lois McMaster Bujold’s Bug Butter Pie by Cedar Sanderson

N3FReview202003   Lots of reviews!!

2 … Aliens Versus Zombies by Mark Terence Chapman — Review by Jim McCoy
3 … Cadogan’s Gamble by Ron Francis Review — Review by Jim McCoy
5 … Children of Steel by John Van Stry Review — Review by Pat Patterson
5 … City of Angels by Todd McCaffrey Review — Review by Pat Patterson
6 … Cryptic: The Best Short Fiction of Jack McDevitt — by Jack McDevitt Review
by Pat Patterson
7 … Eclipse: The Girl Who Saved the World by George Phillies — Review by Jim McCoy
9 … The Gravity of the Game by Jon Del Arroz — Review by Tamara Wilhite
10 … Heroine Complex by Sarah Kuhn — Review by Chris Nuttall
12 … Justice and Juniors by Alma T.C. Boykin — Review by Pat Patterson
13 … The Kinmar by David L. Burkhead — Review by Jim McCoy
14 … Language of the Land by Alma T.C. Boykin — Review by Pat Patterson
15 … Minstrel by Bernadette Durbin — Review by Pat Patterson
16 … Sorcerer To The Crown by Zen Cho — Review by Chris Nuttall
17 … The Starhawk Chronicles by Joseph J Madden — Review by Jim McCoy
18 … The Tally Master by J.M. Ney-Grimm — Review by Pat Patterson
19 … Tanager’s Fledglings by Cedar Sanderson — Review by Pat Patterson
Literary Criticism
20 … Astounding by Alex Nevala-Lee — Review by Jon D. Swartz, Ph.D., N3F Historian
Prose Bono
22 … Wright’s Writing Corner: The Trick! by L. Jagi Lamplighter
25 … Wright’s Writing Corner: The Foil! by L. Jagi Lamplighter
Continued, over
27 … An Interview of Writer and Writing Instructor Hank Quense by Tamara Wilhite
FINIS … 32


For our members-the October meeting

Because WARP 106 was very large, there were no photos included in the MonSFFAndom pages.

Therefore, a page with photos by Sylvain has been added to the members only pages. You can access it from here:
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