October 17 Virtual Meeting

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October 17 Virtual Meeting

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ORIGIN is the official monthly publication of the National Fantasy Fan Federation’s History and Research Bureau. Origin recalls the past and seeks the future, dealing with both science fiction and fantasy and their place in the literary culture. Read our zine and contemplate our position in things. Download ORIGIN

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October 17 Virtual Meeting

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The N3F Review of Books

The N3F
Review of Books, incorporating Prose Bono
Professor George Phillies, D.Sc., Editor
September 2020

Click here to download

1 … Editorial

2 … A Long Time Until Now by Michael Z. Williamson Review by Jim McCoy
3 … Alchemy of Shadows by David L. Burkhead Review by Pat Patterson
5 … An Accident of Stars by Foz Meadows Review by Chris Nuttall
7 … Bite Sized by Holly Chism Review by Pat Patterson
8 … Chosen Ones by Veronica Roth Review by Mindy Hunt
10 … Coven by Declan Finn Review by Jim McCoy
12 … Footfall by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle A Retrospect by Chris Nuttall
17 … Ghost Hour by Jennifer Brozek Review by Jim McCoy
19 … Halving it All by Stephanie McPeak Petersen Review by Philip Cahill
20 … Legend by Christopher Woods Review by Pat Patterson
21 … Light Magic by Ellie Ferguson Review by Pat Patterson
23 … Murphy’s Law of Vampires by Declan Finn Review by Jim McCoy
24 … Neither Here nor There by Mackey Chandler Review by Pat Patterson
26 … The Oppenheimer Alternative by Robert J. Sawyer Review by Sam Lubell
27 … The Pride of the Damned by Peter Grant Review by Pat Patterson
28 … Psychic Spiral by Amie Gibbons and Country Music Review by Pat Patterson
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31 … So Little and So Light by Sarah A. Hoyt Review by Pat Patterson
34 … Son of Grendel by Matthew W. Quinn Review by Chris Nuttall
35 … Team Newb: Sun and Shadow Online by M. Helbig Review by Jim McCoy
37 … Tide of Battle by Michael Z. Williamson Review by Pat Patterson
38 … Today I Am Carey by Martin L. Shoemaker Review by Sam Lubell
40 … Under a Spell by Hannah Jayne Review by Mindy Hunt
41 … Whispers of the Apoc: Tales from the Zombie Apocalypse Edited by Martin Wilsey
Review by Pat Patterson

Prose Bono
43 … Deep Characters By Cedar Sanderson
44 … Romantic Tension Part 1 by Jagi Lamplighter
46 … Ask A Writer: Sex and Writing by Chris Nuttall

47 … Author Frank Luke, An Interview by Tamara Wilhite
49 … DC Comics Before Superman: Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson’s Pulp Comics
by Nicky Wheeler-Nicholson Review by Jon Swartz, Ph.D.
50 … Life and Death Beyond Earth, an Analysis by Tamara Wilhite
52 … The Perversity of Things: Hugo Gernsback on Media, Tinkering, and Scientifiction. Edited by
Grant Wythoff Review by Jon D. Swartz, Ph.D., N3F Historian

FINIS … 52

October 17 Virtual Meeting

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Northern Lights possible in coming week

Look for Northern Lights this coming week!A storm of this magnitude should produce lights visible above the city.

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Space Weather News for Sept. 26, 2020
https://www.spaceweatheralerts.comGEOMAGNETIC STORM WARNING: A solar wind stream is heading for Earth, and it could spark the strongest geomagnetic storm in more than a year. NOAA forecasters say storm levels could reach category G2 (moderately strong) when the gaseous material arrives on Sept. 29th. Bright “equinox auroras” are already dancing around the Arctic Circle. If the G2-storm unfolds as predicted, Northern Lights could descend into upper-tier US states as well. Get the full story at Spaceweather.com.

Aurora alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and receive a text message when auroras appear in your area.
Above: A hole in the sun’s atmosphere is facing Earth, spewing solar wind in our direction. False-color image from NASA/SDO.

October 17 Virtual Meeting

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Spot every planet and take part in International Observe the Moon Night

Spot every planet and take part in International Observe the Moon Night this week from September 25 to October 2.

It’s supposed to be clear tonight, so do get out there under the sky and look at the moon and planets. A pair of binoculars will easily show you the planets, and if you can put them on a tripod, or steady them on a railing, you can see the moons of Jupiter.

Lunar observing, look for Clavius in the south. There is a beautiful arc of little craters within with larger one that looks like a necklace.

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The Sky This Week: Solar system bonanza

Spot every planet and take part in International Observe the Moon Night this week from September 25 to October 2.
The Moon on September 26, 2020
Observe the Moon September 26 is International Observe the Moon Night. Our satellite will have plenty on display, from dark seas to bright craters and rugged mountains. NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio
Friday, September 25
The Moon passes 1.6° south of Jupiter at 3 A.M. EDT this morning; our satellite then passes 2° south of Saturn at 5 P.M. EDT. You can still see the Moon near the two giant planets after dark this evening. Look south to find the Moon, now 10° southeast of Jupiter and nearly 4° southeast of Saturn. All three are readily visible to the naked eye, but binoculars or a telescope will reveal more detail on the planets, including Saturn’s rings and the alternating colored cloud bands of Jupiter.

Jupiter’s intriguingly icy moon, Europa, begins to transit the planet’s disk from the east starting at 10:07 P.M. EDT. Its shadow slips onto the disk 2.5 hours later, just 14 minutes before the moon passes off the planet’s western limb. Europa’s shadow slowly crosses Jupiter over the next 2.5 hours, disappearing by 3:30 A.M. the morning of the 26th.

Sunrise*: 6:51 A.M.
Sunset: 6:51 P.M.
Moonrise: 3:57 P.M.
Moonset: 12:25 A.M.
Moon Phase: Waxing gibbous (67%)
*Times for sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and moonset are given in local time from 40° N 90° W. The Moon’s illumination is given at 12 P.M. local time from the same location.

Saturday, September 26
Tonight is International Observe the Moon Night. Click over to NASA’s official page at http://moon.nasa.gov/observe for more information about the event and how you can participate simply by stepping outside and looking up.

With our satellite a well-lit waxing gibbous today, much of its terrain will be on display, as well as many of the Apollo landing sites. Several maria, or seas, appear as dark splotches against the brighter surrounding terrain. These darker areas never held water but are instead ancient lava flows, left over from when our Moon was much younger. Their relatively smooth floors made them ideal targets for manned landings. Easily visible tonight are Mare Serenitas, Mare Tranquillitatis, Mare Crisium, Mare Fecunditatis, and Mare Nectaris. Just peeking out from the terminator is Mare Imbrium, bordered by the rugged Apennine mountains, named after the mountain range in Italy.