October 17 Virtual Meeting

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With thanks to the National Fantasy Fan

N’APA is the Amateur Press Alliance for members of the National Fantasy Fan Federation (N3F).  Download N’APA

ORIGIN is the official monthly publication of the National Fantasy Fan Federation’s History and Research Bureau. Origin recalls the past and seeks the future, dealing with both science fiction and fantasy and their place in the literary culture. Read our zine and contemplate our position in things. Download ORIGIN

Download the N3F zine, Table of Contents below:

Welcome to the N3F — With Thanks — Elections
Facebook Pages

SerCon- Jack Armstrong: The All-American Boy
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Letters of Comment
Tobias Buckell, Lee Modesitt,
Leah Zeldes Smith, Lloyd Penney

Bureau Reports
Correspondence Bureau, Birthday Card Bureau, Writers Exchange
The N3F Review of Books, History and Research Bureau
Fan-Pro Coordinating Bureau, Recruiters Bureau