October 17 Virtual Meeting

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Another great fanzine to share!

A lot of interesting reviews and articles, including a biography of Judith Merril.

She spent much of her professional career struggling with a definition of SF, redefining it many times over the years. At one time she adopted the definition favored by fellow author/critic Anthony Boucher: “The literature of disciplined imagination.” For the most part, however, she preferred to think of the genre as science fantasy rather than science fiction.

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Table of Contents

Front Cover …TR-3B The Manta Has Landed … Jose Sanchez
8 … Violet Eyes … Angela K. Scott
14 … The Hunters … Angela K. Scott
18 … Fairy Unicorn … Angela K. Scott
22 … Heart Flower … Angela K. Scott
25 … In the Wings … Angela K. Scott
31 … Demons on a Ledge … Jose Sanchez
Back Cover … FutureScape…Jose Sanchez

4 … Editorial … George Phillies

Letter of Comment
4 … Tom Feller

4 … Higurashi: When They Cry … Jessi Silver

7 … Overmorrow … Tamara Wilhite
8 … Kieth DeCandido’s Supernatural: Nevermore … Will Mayo
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8 … Edgar Allen Poe’s Some Words with a Mummy … Will Mayo
9 … William Shakespeare’s MacBeth … Will Mayo

9 … Fanfaronade: Celebrating Current Fanzines … Justin E. A. Busch

10 … Judith Merril Bio-Bibliography … Jon D. Swartz, Ph.D., N3F Historian
13 … An Interview with Matt Trinh … Tamara Wilhite
15 … An Interview with Elizabeth Moon … Tamara Wilhite

Short Fiction
17 … The Transubstantiation by Evan Dicken … Review by Greg Hullender
17 … Fire and Falling by Andrew Dykstal … Review by Greg Hullender
18 … The Forge by Andrew Dykstal … Review by Greg Hullender
18 … The Bone-Stag Walks by K.T. Bryski … Review by Greg Hullender

19 … Rabid Ears: Ravings of a TV Fiend … by Cathode Ray
25 … Netflix’s Death Note … Chris Nuttall

Food of Famous Writers
28 … Annie Gibbons’ Baked Apple Streussel Cupcake … Cedar Sanderson

30 … Chasing Freedom by Marina Fontaine … Jim McCoy