Passed Away: Herbert F. Solow

Herbert F. Solow, a longtime television executive who pitched the original “Star Trek” series to NBC while he was at With the release of order cheap levitra many erectile dysfunction treatment medicines in the market that fight with the penile issues effectively, caverta 100 being one of them. As not many people have been studied on generic tadalafil cheap regarding this system, a conclusion cannot be derived. They just want a platform to share their insight on spirituality and utilize it to give direction to cheap viagra from uk others. In the first three months to a year after a viagra samples radical prostatectomy, most men will not be able to get the desirable impacts. Desilu Studios, along with “Mission Impossible” and “Mannix,” died on Thursday, his wife, Dr. Harrison Solow, confirmed. He was 89.


Fanzines to share!

From the National Fantasy Fan:

In this mailing, one issue each of The National Fantasy Fan, Origin, and Films Fantastic

In honour of the American Thanksgiving, this issue of Films Fantastic features turkeys from Hollywood. Download Films Fantastic 

The National Fantasy Fan is mainly focussed on election of officers for the club, also LoCs.  Download the National Fantasy Fan

Origin’s table of Contents: Download Origin

  • Editorial: Are We Independent In Our Outlook? By John Thiel, page three
  • Early New American Library Science Fiction Paperbacks, by Jon Swartz, page five
  • Response to N3F Advertising in Fandom at Large, by John Thiel, page thirteen
  • Analyzing A Science Fiction Film, by Jeffrey Redmond, page fifteen
  • Numbered Fandoms, by Ted White, page twenty
  • Inside and Outside Science Fiction Fandom, by Judy Carroll, page twenty-five

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