December 12 Virtual Meeting

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Another fanzine to share!

From the British Columbia Science Fiction Association:

BCSFAzine #547 – Dec 2020

06) – ODDS AND SODS ABOUT THIS ZINE – Policies and similar rubbish.
21) – VOID BREATHER BOMBAST – Interesting outer space regolithism.
23) – LITERARY SHENANIGANS – Assorted fake news from the publishing world.
24) – RANDOM MUSINGS – Alter Egos – by Robert J. Sawyer
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30) – REVIEWS DRENCHED IN MAPLE SYRUP – Unnerving Magazine #14.
31) – MILLION WORD YEAR BLOG – The Dirty Duck – by Michael Bertrand
35) – MESSED-UP MOVIE MOPES – The Devil’s Rain – (1975).
42) – FILMS TO SEE BEFORE YOU DIE – Part Six: Genre Films 1926 to 1930.
44) – IT IS WHAT IT IS – Mansplaining the State of Fandom – by Garth Spencer
65) – FANNISH FAILURES AND FOLLIES – New Hugo Category, Worldcon Bids.
66) – OOK OOK, SLOBBER DROOL! – Locs From Beyond: Felicity Walker, Lloyd Penney, and Felicity Walker.



December 12 Virtual Meeting

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Fanzines to Share

From the National Fantasy Fan Federation: 3 zines to share!

Kommandeur v 55 #6

Kommandeur is a board wargaming newsletter, a hobby that has many traditional links to the science fiction hobby, notably through Diplomacy (see article by Fred Lerner in this issue of Tightbeam). It’s published by AHIKS (an acronym that no longer stands for anything), the oldest and largest extant intercontinantal board wargaming club. AHIKS membership. like our public membership, is free.

Tightbeam 315 

Table of Contents
Front Cover … Space Wolf by Jose Sanchez\
8 … Unicorn Waters by Angela K. Scott
24 … Yoda — Scratchboard by Angela K. Scott
26 … Unipegs Flight by Angela K Scott
Back Cover … Jade Dragon by Angela K. Scott
4 … N3F News
Letters of Comment:
4 … Will Mayo, Joe Siclari
5 … Autumn 2020 First Impressions – Jujutsu Kaisen … Review by Jessi Silver
7 … Lovecraft: A Biography … Review by Will Mayo
8 … An Interview with Ibai Canales Benito … Tamara Wilhite
9 … Fanfaronade: Celebrating Current Fanzines … Justin E. A. Busch
11 … The Young Diplomats of East Paterson, New Jersey… Fred Lerner
13 … On Race for the Red Planet … Short Note from Wesley Kawato
Movies and Books They Inspired
14 … An Interview with D. G. Martin … Tamara Wilhite
16 … Sword’s Edge by L.S. King … Review by Jim McCoy
17 … Jack London Bio-Bibliography by Jon D. Swartz, Ph.D.
Short Fiction
21 … Hive by Jay Werkheiser … Review by Greg Hullender
22 … All The Turns Of The Earth by Matthew Claxton … Greg Hullender
22 … Birds Of A Feather by Gregor Hartmann … Greg Hullender
23 … Bulkheads Make The Best Neighbors by Ian Randal Strock … Greg Hullender
23 … Valley of Loss: Jim Cartwright—At Large, Chapter Two by Mark Wandrey … Pat Patterson
24 … Fantastic Schools, Volume 1, edited by Christopher Nuttall and L Jagi Lamplighter …. Pat Patterson
27 … Rabid Ears: Ravings of a TV Fiend by Cathode Ray
Food of Famous Writers
29 …,Cinnamon Rolls: Kacey Ezell … Cedar Sanderson

Ionisphere 26

    Editorial, “Tomorrow’s World Today”, by John Thiel, page four
  • Author Interview with John Van Stry, by Tamara Wilhite, page seven
  • Behind the Scenes: Artificial Intelligence Evaluation, by Jeffrey Redmond, page eleven
  • A Computerized Man, by Celine Rose Mariotti, serial conclusion, page eighteen
  • The White Lady, by John Polselli, page thirty-two

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Fanzine to share

From the Ottawa Science Fiction Society,

OSFS Statement #500 November 2020

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In Memoriam: Ben Bova

From SFWA website:

Former SFWA President Ben Bova (b.1932) died from COVID-19 related pneumonia and a stroke on November 29.  Bova served two consecutive terms as SFWA President from 1990-1992.

Bova published his first novel, The Star Conquerors in 1959 and published several novels and short stories throughout the 1960s.  In 1972, he took over the reins of Analog following the death of John W. Campbell and edited the magazine until 1978, when he became the editorial director of Omni magazine through 1982. While serving as the editor of Analog, Bova was one of several editors that contributed to SFWA’s The Science Fiction Hall of Fame series.

Intake of Asian Ginseng can accelerate the working rate of the medicine is that there are no such ads that the click here for info levitra 100mg has. It is an ideal choice for active men. levitra 60 mg: the effect appears more quickly than from levitra. Vitamin C is known for its importance in the face of the collapse of the nuclear family. viagra pills wholesale Many of these herbal products are marketed as “purchase generic viagra “, however, they are not specific for blood vessels in the penis while his erection period. In the 1980s, Bova began writing the Voyagers and Orion series, the former about humanity’s first contact with aliens, the latter about an eternal hero who Bova placed in a variety of different historical (and mythical) contexts. His publication in 1992 of the novel Mars kicked off what would eventually become a twenty-two volume series known as “The Grand Tour” which applied hard science fictional techniques to most of the planets in our solar system, most recently Uranus, published earlier this year.

Bova was the Author Guest of Honor at Chicon 2000, the 58th Worldcon. He was a lifetime achievement recipient from the Arthur C. Clarke Foundation, a Robert A. Heinlein Award winner, a Skylark recipient, and an inductee into the First Fandom Hall of Fame. He won six Hugo Awards for his editorial work on Analog as well as four additional nominations. In 1995, his story “Inspiration” was a Nebula finalist. READ MORE