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Cover by Keith Braithwaite

More Zines to Share!

From: N3F President <President@tnfff.org>

Happy New Year, and new issues of two N3F zines.


Editorial, “It’s a Wide Scene”, by John Thiel, page three
Science Fiction in the Early Ballantine paperbacks, by Jon Swartz, page five
Sci-Fi and Fantasy Books with a Powerful Message of Social Justice, by Jeffrey Redmond, page ten
Science Fiction and Fantasy, by Judy Carroll, page seventeen
Science Fiction Comic Books, by John Thiel, page nineteen

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In this issue:
Front Cover: Emblem – Jose Sanchez
The Official Organ #250
Synergy 26 January 2021, by John Thiel – 18
The Contents of a Good Life 16, by Will Mayo – 8
Archive Midwinter, by Jefferson P. Swycaffer – 2
Intermission 103.5, by Ahrvid Engholm – 1
Intermission 104, by Ahrvid Engholm – 20
Notes from a Galaxy Far Far Away, by Lorien Rivendell – 5
Samizdat Ish 5 Jan/Feb 2021, by Samuel Lubell – 4
Ye Murthered Master Mage, by George Phillies – 6