Fanzine to share!

From Israel, Cybercozen, edited by Leybl Botwinik


This month’s roundup:

  • – 3 Short TV and Movie reviews
  • Our usual, interesting tidbits from various websites.
  • “More Zion’s Fiction” Volume 2 of Israeli SF&F to be launched at Mini-ICON 2021

Post 2 of 2: Wrap-Up

This is the second and closing post of two this afternoon, bookending our September 11, 2021, MonSFFA e-Picnic. This afternoon’s virtual picnic has now officially concluded, but feel free to linger and carry on the conversation for a little longer, if you wish!

We will gather again next month on the 16th for a Halloween-themed e-meeting.


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We’d like to thank today’s discussion moderator, Keith Braithwaite, as well as meeting coordinator Cathy Palmer-Lister, for putting this September 11, 2021 e-picnic together, with a nod, of course to all of our supporting contributors.

Until next month, keep safe and please continue to exercise all recommended safety practices. And if you haven’t already, get your shots as soon as possible!

Post 1 of 2: Welcome to Our e-Picnic

This is the first of two posts this afternoon, bookending our September 11, 2021, MonSFFA e-Picnic!


 Welcome to our September 2021 MonSFFA e-Picnic! We’re 100 percent on Zoom today (see item 2, below, for directions on how to Zoom with us).

Start by making yourself a couple of sandwiches and pouring yourself a favourite beverage. Add a few cookies, chocolates, crackers, or cheese, Gromit, and join us for this afternoon’s virtual version of the club’s annual outing in the park!

Normally, we’d hold a barbecue in a Montreal park on some Sunday in July, but this year, because of the ongoing pandemic, we postponed any such event. Instead, we had tentatively planned to host a picnic-in-the-park in September—which would have been our first in-person gathering in 18 months—but alas, that, too, had to be scrubbed.

While the daily numbers looked good back in May, when hope was still a thing, the lifting of most public health restrictions and a supercharged vaccine campaign held the promise of the virus fading away over summer. Delta, however, is an insidious demon, far more transmissible than was the original COVID-19 bug, and that, coupled with just enough of a cohort of frenzied anti-vaxxers refusing to get the jab, left the variant with an opening. Delta spread quickly and widely, and case numbers ballooned over the summer months.

Quebec, one of the most fully-inoculated jurisdictions in the world, with over 80 percent of the eligible population having received both shots, is now hovering just shy of 900 cases per day! Ontario is in worse shape, Alberta in the country’s most dire situation! Lamentably, the coronavirus is not yet done with us puny humans.

And so, with the fourth wave in full flight, and public washrooms and other facilities in the city’s parks closed, our picnic will be an e-event. We’ve given MonSFFA’s team of presenters the day off and will gather via our computers and smartphones this afternoon, keeping things loose with casual conversation, show-and-tell, book and movie recommendations, etc. as each of us enjoys our individual picnic lunch and the virtual company of friends.

We have scheduled but one track of programming this afternoon:

Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes: Speculations on a Post-Pandemic World

Open Discussion, Moderated by Keith Braithwaite

Forgive the Bowie-ism in that title (our debate moderator’s a fan). This afternoon, on the 20th anniversary of another the-world-will-never-be-the-same-again event, we host an open Zoom discussion on the COVID-19 pandemic and the future it will almost surely influence.
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Put your futurist hats on, folks!

We’ve all been living through isolation and stress and anxiety these past 18 months, and we’ll examine how this global public health crisis has changed our lives, both as individuals and within the larger community, country, and world! Will we eventually get back to the way things were, or are these changes likely to be permanent?

Will COVID-19 soon perish, or resist our best efforts to wipe it out? What does the science say about this virus possibly remaining active for years to come; decades, perhaps, or even longer! Are we prepared to live with COVID-19 long-term?

We’ll look at the changes already wrought by the pandemic in the workplace, at school, in the social sphere, and of course, within fandom, and speculate on where we think we’re headed, for good or bad, in a post-COVID world!


To join our Zoom session today, click below and follow the prompts: This Afternoon’s MonSFFA e-Picnic on Zoom

If you’re not fully equipped to Zoom by computer, you can also join in by phone (voice only); in the Montreal area, the toll-free number to call is: 1-438-809-7799. If you’re from out of town, find your Zoom call-in number here: International Call-In Numbers

Also, have this information on hand as you may be asked to enter it:

Meeting ID: 880 3995 2551
Passcode: 853036

Don’t forget to comment on today’s virtual experience, and do let us know what topics you’d like to see covered in future. Your input helps us to tailor our e-meetings for maximum interest and enjoyment.

Join us for our Virtual Picnic, Today at 1:00PM!

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e-Picnic starts at 13:00H

Don’t miss our e-Picnic at 13:00h.

This meeting will be entirely on Zoom, Instructions on how to join the discussion will be posted at 13:00, here on our website. Members and visitors are welcome to join anytime. After the first moderated discussion(details below), we have a chaos meeting scheduled–talk about whatever strikes your fancy, or show us your latest projects!

Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes: Speculations on a Post-Pandemic World

Open Discussion, Moderated by Keith Braithwaite

Forgive the Bowie-ism in that title (our debate moderator’s a fan); this afternoon, we host an open discussion on Zoom. Our topic is the COVID-19 pandemic and the future it will almost surely influence.
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We’ve all been living through isolation and stress and anxiety these past 18 months, and we’ll examine how this global public health crisis has changed our lives, both individually and within the larger community, country, and world! Will we eventually get back to the way things were, or are these changes likely to be permanent?

Will COVID-19 soon perish, or resist our best efforts to wipe it out? What does the science say about this virus possibly remaining active for years to come; decades, perhaps, or even longer! Are we prepared to live with COVID-19 long-term?

We’ll look at the changes already wrought by the virus in the workplace, at school, in the social sphere, and of course, within fandom, and speculate on where we think we’re headed, for good or bad, in a post-pandemic world!

fanzine to share!

From Ottawa,

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Interesting article on a prehistoric bird, and very early dentistry.

Stop motion festival: Free outdoor showing!


Join us Friday, September 10th for the official grand opening of this lucky 13th edition, live on Facebook. Meet the Festival team and collaborators, discover our broadcasting platform and take part in a quick guided tour of all of the activities that will be offered throughout the ten days of the Festival.

OUVERTURE DU FESTIVAL – Vendredi, 10 sept. – 18 h

Rendez-vous le vendredi 10 septembre pour le grand lancement de cette 13e édition, en direct sur Facebook. Rejoignez notre équipe et nos collaborateurs, visitez notre plateforme de diffusion partenaire et prenez part à un rapide tour guidé des activités offertes pendant la semaine!

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Free outdoor screening – Saturday, Sept 11*.
Doors open at 7:30pm, screening starts at 8:00pm

Esplanade 2320 des Carrières Street – in collaboration with Le Sémaphore
*In case of rain, the activity will be postponed to Sunday September 12

Like a string of intricately prepared, delicious appetizer-sized bites, a selection of drool-worthy films will be screened to give you a taste of the full menu waiting to be devoured as part of our full Festival line-up.

Online registration is required in advance or on site before entering the outdoor screening area.

Bring your blankets

Compliance with Quebec’s current regulations* related to social distancing and the vaccine passport will be applied.

Projection extérieure gratuite – Samedi, 17 sept*.
Ouverture des portes à 19h30, Début de la projection à 20h

Esplanade 2320 rue des Carrières – en collaboration avec Le Sémaphore
*En cas de pluie l’activité sera reportée au dimanche 12 septembreNous vous invitons à une projection estivale afin de goûter à notre programme 2021! Comme des amuse-bouches, nous vous proposons une sélection de films qui sauront vous ouvrir l’appétit et vous donner une envie folle de dévorer nos projections pendant la durée du Festival.

Inscription en ligne nécessaire à l’avance ou sur place avant d’entrer sur le site

Apportez vos couvertures

Le respect des normes en vigueur en lien avec la distanciation sociale et le passeport vaccinal sera appliqué.

Orcs in Space

From François Vigneault, who was our guest at the July MonSFFA meeting,  an update regarding Orcs in Space. –CPL

The first collection of Orcs in Space will be arriving in bookstores and comic shops on October 6th! Now is a great time to contact your preferred bookseller and pre-order the book!

The next issue and next arc of Orcs in Space is gonna be here before you know it… Just a short one month break to let everyone catch their breath before we get going!
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The orcs are… still in space! Gor, Mongtar, and Kravis go on a quest to infiltrate a shipyard guarded by a robot army to help their ship’s AI, D.O.N.A., discover her origins. While exploring a scrap heap, they run into the Cyber-Scrapper, who offers to help–but is he friend or foe?



Fanzine to share!

Probe is a fanzine from South Africa. the cover of this issue is stunning. Probe 189 Like us, the SFFSA is holding meetings on line, and you can download the discussions from their site:

3. Editorial
4. Chairman’s Note
5. Magazines Received
6. L.O.C # 1 Lloyd Penney
8. Twice: The Eclipse Roberto Schima
14. History, Genre and Time in Triangulum
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28. Junk Bernie Ackerman
40. The Probotic Agony Column
41. End Zone Space Oddities Derek Hohls
41. Books Received.
43. Book Reviews Jamieson and Hope
48. L.O.C # 2 Lloyd Penney


Fanzines to share!

We have received two zines from the N3F, Tightbeam and TNFF

Tightbeam 324 Tightbeam324

The Editors are:
George Phillies 48 Hancock Hill Drive, Worcester, MA 01609.
Jon Swartz
Art Editors are Angela K. Scott, Jose Sanchez, and Cedar Sanderson.
Art Contributors are Angela K. Scott, Jose Sanchez, David Russell, and Cedar Sanderson.

Table of Contents
Front Cover … Party Time by Jose Sanchez
Back Cover … Shrimps by David Russell
Letters of Comment
4 … Lloyd Penney
4 … Lloyd Penney
5 … Impressions – The Great Jahy Will Not be Defeated … Jessi Silver
6 … Night Head 2041 … Jessi Silver
8 … Overpowered by Mark H. Kruger … Mindy Hunt
9… J.A. Sutherland’s Alexis Carew Series … Jim McCoy
11 … The Green Hills of Earth/The Menace from Earth by Robert Heinlein … Chris Nuttall
15 … William Goldman’s Magic … Will Mayo
15 … Isaac Asimov’s Nightfall … Will Mayo
15 … Micronauts issue 1 … Tom Simmons
16 … Micronauts issue 2 … Tom Simmons
17 … Micronauts issue 3 … Tom Simmons
18 … Black Widow … Tom Feller
18 … Old … Tom Feller
You can click to use overnight cialis these alphanumeric numbers. In this condition, men are found to be incapable to develop and maintain an erection for satisfactory sexual intercourse is what all a woman needs. buy cheap levitra Due to his extensive work, the sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, reduce pain, inflammation, and indigestion. viagra online In this case gorilla pharmacy is the best pharmacy so far where you will get all types of erectile dysfunctions. browse around for info canada viagra cialis is made of Sildenafil citrate. 19 … The Green Knight … Tom Feller
19 … Jungle Cruise … Tom Feller
20 … Mark Clifton Bio-Bibliography … Jon D. Swartz, Ph. D
22 … An Interview with Thom Dresser … Tamara Wilhite
23 … An Interview with Richard Paolinelli, Author of “Galen’s Way” … Tamara Wilhite
25 … Another Interview with Mike Baron … Tamara Wilhite
26 … Review Of UFO … Will Mayo
Food of Famous Writers
27 … Eat This While You Read That: Jim Baen … Cedar Sanderson


Fandom’s Oldest Print Publication
Cras ad Stellas— Tomorrow to the Stars
Volume 80 Number 8 August 2021

In This Issue
Franson Award to Patricia Williams-King
Neffy Awards
Letters of Comment
Will Mayo, Nic Farey, John Thiel, Lloyd Penney
Rhianna Morse, Mick Taylor, Justin E.A. Busch
Dick Cole: Wonder Boy
Fanzines, Fan-Pro Coordinating Bureau, Correspondence Bureau, History and Research Bureau,
Welcommittee, Recruitment Bureau, Round Robins, Writers Exchange
Treasurer’s Report
Neffy Ballot