More zines in the mail!

We have zines to share!

From Bill Burns over at efanzines:

Added today at

Page for Ross Chamberlain’s Fangle archive

Taral Wayne’s The Baloobius 6


Opuntia #513, edited by Dale Speirs

Guy H. Lillian III’s Spartacus #52

Octothorpe #45, a regular fannish podcast by Liz Batty, John Coxon and Alison Scott, is now on line


From the N3F:

With this mailing, new issues of the N3F Fanzines Ionisphere and The N3F Review of Books Incorporating Prose Bono.



The N3F Review Table of Contents


2 … A Hymn Before Battle by John Ringo … Review by Jim McCoy
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6 … Bob’s Saucer Repair, by Jerry Boyd … Review by Pat Patterson
6 … The Cosmic Courtship by Julian Hawthorne … Review by Ginger Man
8 … Death of Sleep by Anne McCaffrey and Jody Lynn Nye … Review by Leybl Botwinik
9 … Deep Pink by Sarah A. Hoyt … Review by Pat Patterson
10 … Demons are Forever by Declan Finn … Review by Ginger Man
11 … Divided We Fall One Possible Future edited by Tiffany Reynolds
and Patty McIntosh-Mize … Review by Becky Jones
13 … Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card … Review by Samuel Lubell
15 … The Frozen Rabbi by Steve Stern … Review by Leybl Botwinik
16 … Galen’s Way by Richard Paolinelli … Review by Ginger Man
18 … The Ghost of McCallister Mansion (and Other Stories) by Emily Red
… Review by Ginger Man
20 … Imperator, by Jason Anspach and Nick Cole … Review by Ginger Man
22 … Minds of Men by Kacey Ezell … Review by Jim McCoy
24 … Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz … Review by Will Mayo
24 … Paladin’s Sword by Fiona Grey … Review by Becky Jones
25 … Part-Time Monster Hunter by Nicholas Woode-Smith … Review by Declan Finn
27 … Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir … Review by Samuel Lubell
28 … Song for a New Day by Sarah Pinsker … Review by Samuel Lubell
29 … The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson … Review by Samuel Lubell
30 … Star Marque Rising by Shami Stovall … Review by Pat Patterson
32 … Sword & Blood: The Vampire Musketeers by Sarah A. Hoyt … Review by Pat Patterson
34 … Terra Nova: The Wars of Liberation – Tom Kratman and Company
… Review by Pat Patterson
36 … The Thing From HR, by Roy M. Griffis … Review by Richard Paolinell
37 … When the Gods Fell by Richard Paolinelli … Review by Declan Finn
39 … With The End In Mind by Kathryn Mannix … Review by Will Mayo

Prose Bono

40 … Writing Horror … Research Can Be Fun by Declan Finn


Fanzines to share!

We have zines to share!

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Space Weather News for Nov. 23, 2021

SOME RED AURORAS ARE *NOT* AURORAS: The biggest geomagnetic storm in years erupted this month, Nov. 4th, after a CME slammed into Earth’s magnetic field. Red auroras spread as far south as California and New Mexico. Upon closer inspection, however, not all of the lights were auroras. Full story @

Solar Flare Alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and get instant text notifications when solar flares are underway.
Above: Not an aurora. This red arc is something else, an “SAR.” Photo credit: Matti Helin of Finland.

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Fanzines to share!


Editorial / Introduction—p. 2
Kritter Korner—p. 2
Astronomy—p. 3
StippleAPA—p. 3
Letters—p. 5
Closing Remarks—p. 16


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In This Issue
Elections … Presidential Notes … The Directors’ View
Letters of Comment
GrayJay … Heath Row … Bob Jennings … Wesley Kawato
Sercon: Tarzan
Round Robins Bureau … Correspondence Bureau … Fan-Pro Coordinating Bureau
History and Research Bureau … Recruiting Bureau … Welcommittee
Welcome to the Writer’s Exchange
N3F Amateur Short Story Contest

We have zines to share!

We have zines to share! N3F has sent us the following:





And Bill Burns sent me this notice of new zines uploaded to efanzines. Click here. 

After two weeks away in England at Corflu and Novacon, I’ve added multiple new issues at

Bruce Gillespie’s SF Commentary #107

Octothorpe #44, a regular fannish podcast by Liz Batty, John Coxon and Alison Scott, is now on line

Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #17
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Alexiad #119 edited by Lisa & Joseph Major

Opuntia #512, edited by Dale Speirs

Leybl Botwinik’s CyberCozen – November 2021

Journey Planet #58, edited by James Bacon, Evan Reeves, Steven H Silver, Chris Garcia, and #59, edited by Chris, James, and Jean Martin

Christopher J. Garcia’s The Drink Tank #434





Meeting of November 13, all posts in order

Missed the meeting? No worries, here are the links to all the posts in order. Members may also access the zoom portions of the meeting here:, usual password.

We encourage you to comment! Just click the link at the top of the page and follow the prompts. For instance, Post 4, what are you reading?  

Post 1 of 6: Enchanted, A History of Fantasy Illustration – The Hero’s Journey, Mythology, Fairy Tales, Fantastical Rockwell, and The Land of Enchantment

Post 2 of 6: Rube Goldberg Machines and the Fight Against the Nazis

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Post 3 of 6: It’s the Break!

Post 4 of 6: Show-and-Tell and “What Are You Reading?”

Post 5 of 6: Game (Zoom), Plus Ray Harryhausen Bestiary

Post 6 of 6: Wrap-Up

This is Post 6 of 6 this afternoon, and officially signals the close of our e-meeting. Folk are free, however, to continue the conversation on Zoom, should they wish.


We hope you have enjoyed your time with us this afternoon, and we ask all of you to check in regularly here at for additional content during this continuing pandemic, and for any updates as to when the club expects a return to regular, face-to-face meetings. Thank you for your interest and attention, and don’t forget to comment on today’s meeting!

We’d like to thank today’s many presenters and moderators for their invaluable contributions to this meeting, and without whose efforts these online gatherings would not be possible. And, we thank, of course, all of our supporting contributors this afternoon.

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The club is firming up plans for its Christmas/Holiday celebrations, scheduled for Saturday, December 11. We are considering possibly hosting an in-person dinner downtown, as has been our custom, but with the COVID numbers edging up of late, we may well be gathering online next month to celebrate the season!

Watch this space for updates, and one way or the other, we’ll see you next month!

Post 5 of 6: Game (Zoom), Plus Ray Harryhausen Bestiary

This is Post 5 of 6; join us now for a Zoom-exclusive audio challenge, and peruse our bestiary of some of stop-motion master/fantasy filmmaker Ray Harryhausen’s many marvellous creatures!

“What Did You Say?”—An Audio Challenge for SF/F Film and Television Fans!

This afternoon as part of our Zoom, we’ll be playing audio snippets of quotations, catch-phrases, and sequences of dialogue, all from SF/F films or television series, and challenging players to identify the character speaking the words. And the actor playing that character! And the movie or TV show in which the lines were spoken!

How well do you know your SF/F film and television? Let’s test your knowledge, shall we…

To join our Zoom, click here and follow the prompts: Join MonSFFA’s Zoom Now!

Ray Harryhausen Bestiary

Here find some of the prehistoric animals, amazing creatures, terrifying monsters, and mythological beasts to be found in the fantasy and sci-fi films of master stop-motion animator and special effects expert Ray Harryhausen, whose influential genre movies have inspired many of the top moviemakers working today in modern science fiction and fantasy film.


Joe—Mighty Joe Young (1949): Harryhausen worked with his mentor, Willis O’Brien, on this, his first feature film. He was O’Brien’s assistant and handled much of the animation. The movie won an Oscar for its visual effects.
Rhedosaurus—The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (1953): A fictional dinosaur conceived of for this film, which launched the giant-monster movie genre epitomized by the Japanese Gojira (Godzilla), the kaiju classic premiering the following year. Harryhausen’s good friend Ray Bradbury wrote the story that inspired this film.
Brontosaurus—The Animal World (1956): Harryhausen and Willis O’Brien produced a short prehistoric sequence for this Irwin Allen documentary film, and their scenes proved the highlight of the picture!
Sixtopus—It Came from Beneath the Sea (1955): A giant octopus that attacks San Francisco; dubbed the “sixtopus” because as a cost-saving measure, the animation model actually sported only six tentacles, not eight!
Ymir—20 Million Miles to Earth (1957): An ever-rapidly growing Venusian creature come to Earth aboard a returning rocketship that crashes off the coast of Italy. While never actually so named in the film, the creature is generally referred to as “The Ymir.”
Hydra—Jason and the Argonauts (1963): The mythical multi-headed monstrosity that serves as guardian of the Golden Fleece which Jason seeks.
Harpie—Jason and the Argonauts (1963): These creatures torment the blind prophet Phineus, until Jason and his men intervene.
Talos—Jason and the Argonauts (1963): The Argonauts land on the Isle of Bronze and this titanic statue comes to life and pursues them when Hercules can’t help but pilfer an item from a treasure trove.
Children of the Hydra’s Teeth—Jason and the Argonauts (1963): A skeleton warrior first appeared in the first Sinbad film, and Harryhausen upped the ante in Argonauts, pitting seven skeletons against Jason and his men in a sequence of several minutes duration that took months to film!
Giant Bird—Mysterious Island (1961): One of Captain Nemo’s giant animals, modeled after the prehistoric Phorusrhacos, colloquially, a Terror Bird.
Giant Crab—Mysterious Island (1961): Another of Nemo’s genetically-engineered creatures. Harryhausen used the exoskeleton of a real crab to fashion this animation model.
Pterodactyl—One Million Years, B. C. (1966): One of a number of types of prehistoric animals Harryhausen has included in his films, in this instance, the famous Raquel Welsh flick.
Archelon—One Million Years, B.C. (1966): A giant turtle which menaces cave girl Raquel and her people!

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Moon Cow—The First Men in the Moon (1964): A giant caterpillar-like creature, one of several stop-motion creations Harryhausen animated for this interpretation of H. G. Wells’ famous story.

Eohippus—The Valley of Gwangi (1969): Harryhausen drew upon an old story idea of Willis O’Brien’s for this fantasy/adventure that begins with the discovery and capture of a living specimen of the prehistoric “Dawn Horse.”
Gwangi—The Valley of Gwangi (1969): The titular Allosaurus, here stalking James Franciscus through a giant cathedral, was closer in appearance to recreations at that time of Tyrannosaurus-Rex.
Struthiomimus The Valley of Gwangi (1969): An ostrich-like dinosaur that quickly becomes a meal for Gwangi.
Cyclops—The 7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958): Harryhausen’s most famous creature, the iconic Cyclops of Colossa.
Roc—The 7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958): One of the creatures featured in this first of three Sinbad movies produced by Harryhausen and partner Charles H. Schneer.
Snake Woman—The 7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958): A hapless handmaiden who is transformed into a dancing snake woman by Sokurah, the evil magician.
Gryphon and Centaur—The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1973): It’s good versus evil as these two legendary creatures square off for a fight before the Fountain of Destiny.
Masthead—The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1973): The masthead of Sinbad’s ship is magically brought to life and, here, throttles a crewman.
Kali—The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1973): Koura the evil magician, not yet a Timelord, brings to life this statue of a Goddess so that she may kill Sinbad.
Troglodyte—Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger (1977): A friendly, 8-foot-tall cave man that Sinbad’s party dubs “Trog.” The baboon, too, is stop-motion animated; he’s a heroic prince who has been cursed and turned into this primate.
Giant Walrus—Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger (1977): One of the beasts encountered by Sinbad and crew in Hyperborea.
Smilodon—Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger (1977): A Sabre-Tooth Tiger into which the evil sorceress Zenobia has transferred her spirit.
Kraken—Clash of the Titans (1981): This giant sea monster, last of the Titans, is released to wreak havoc, and snack on Andromeda!
Medusa—Clash of the Titans (1981): The Gorgon Medusa’s very stare can turn a man to stone! This film’s Medusa sequence is one of Harryhausen’s finest.
Pegasus—Clash of the Titans (1981): The fabled flying horse is Perseus’ steed.
Dioskilos—Clash of the Titans (1981): A two-headed dog, one of many mythological beasts populating this, Harryhausen’s final film.


Post 4 of 6: Show-and-Tell and “What Are You Reading?”

This is Post 4 of 6; listed programming is taking place on Zoom.

Click here and follow the prompts to join us: Join MonSFFA’s Zoom Now!
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Post 3 of 6: It’s the Break!

Get your bhere and chips, enjoy the displays and converse with your friends!

It’s time for the break!


We need SPACE! We have inherited Sylvain’s library, and need space to store boxes. Even if you can only take in 3 or 4 boxes, it would be a great boon. AND you also get–a chance to read them before the next book sale! Contact <>

WARP 111: Danny is waiting for you contributions to WARP 111. Send your stories, poems, reviews, puzzles for the MonSFFun page, etc to <>

Holiday Feast: For a short while we thought it might be possible to have our annual Feast, celebrating the season and maybe even the light at the end of the Covid tunnel. However, with numbers rising again, it looks like the light was an onrushing train. Therefore, no official MonSFFA party. We will be on Zoom, December 11th, to be among friends. No big presentations, just fun and maybe games.

Display Table

From Daniel P Kenney:

In October, Dan Kenney showed us his Klingon Dreadnought, seen here on the left. Now the Dreadnought is among the stars!

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Participation Prizes

Participation Prizes3 or 4 names (depends on how many become involved) will be drawn from a hat. All you have to do is be here! But we really would like you to also leave comments on our website.Click to enlarge images:

Mecha Japanese Capsule Toy, donated by Brian Knapp Stikfas Super villain & hero set donated by Brian Knapp
From Sylvain’s legacy: A set of Dr Who
Multiple Hugo Award winner Vernor Vinge’s first full-length novel 1987 Paperback, a bit yellow, but looks unread. Cover Tom Kidd Donated by MonSFFA.
DVD, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,
directed by Tim Burton, stars Johnny Depp, Freddie Highmore Donated by Joe Aspler
DVD: La Peau blanche
film d’horreur québécois,
adapté du roman éponyme de Joël Champetier
Donated by Valerie Bédard

There are lots more of these!
4 little ornaments, designed by Sue Mey, cut by Cathypl from Baltic Birch, dyed and spray varnished. Grand Prix 2005 de la science-fiction et du fantastique québécois, Prix Boréal 2005, Prix 2006 des
lecteurs Radio-Canada, donated by MonSFFA