March 12, 2022, Meeting posts, in order

Missed our March meeting? Not to worry, here are all the posts in order. The Zoom portion of the meeting is under the members only tab in the upper menu.

POST 1 of 8: Introduction, Quickie Quiz

Post 2 of 8: Sea-Monkeys and Other Wonders from the Back Pages of Comic Books

POST 3 of 8: Show-and-Tell

Post 4 of 8: Time for the Break!

POST 5 of 8: What Are You Reading/Watching?

Post 6 of 8: Your SF/F Top-Ten Lists

Post 7 of 8: Sci-Fi Balderdash, Sorta, Kinda…

POST 8 of 8: Answers to Quickie Quiz and Wrap-Up


Watch the skies tonight, possible auroras!

Space Weather News for March 13, 2022

CME SPARKS GEOMAGNETIC STORM: As predicted, a CME hit Earth’s magnetic field today, March 13th, sparking a moderately-strong G2-class geomagnetic storm. Depending on conditions in the CME’s wake, the storm could spill into March 14th. If it does, sky watchers in northern-tier US states might be able to see auroras after local nightfall. Stay tuned to for updates.

Aurora Alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and get instant text notifications when geomagnetic storms are underway.
Above: First contact with the CME ignited bright auroras over Nome, Alaska. Photo credit: John Dean. Monitor the aurora photo gallery for more sightings.