Meeting of May 14, all posts in order

Missed the meeting? Here below are all the posts in order, and members will shortly receive the link to view the zoom recording.

We invite you to add your comments to the posts.

Meeting Agenda

Post 1 of 8: Introduction, Quickie Quiz

Post 2 of 8: The Terrors of Topanga Canyon (Part I)

The next two sessions were on zoom, but we invite you to go to the pages and add your contribution in the comments.

Post 3 of 8: What Are You Reading/Watching?

Post 4 of 8: Show-and-Tell

Post 5 of 8: Time for the Break!

On Zoom, we discussed other stories about time travellers who tried to bring an older civilization up to our standards. Do join the discussion by leaving your comments on the page.

Post 6 of 8: So Many Connecticut Yankees – A Panel Discussion on a Certain Type of Time-Traveller

Post 7 of 8: Absent Friends—Remembering the MonSFFen We’ve Lost

Post 8 of 8: Wrap-Up


Fanzines to share!

We have received several zines to share.

The N3F sent us:

MarkTime 140

MT VOID 2223


FanAct has a column for clubs, and MonSFFA’s May meeting is included. Cool! The article on Superman is also worth reading.

Guy Lillian sent us   SPARTACUS 55.       Great cover! Guy and Rosie have  been visiting the UK.

Bill Burns sent an update for new issues on e-fanzines:

More updates at, which brings me up to date:

New page for David Grigg’s Through the Biblioscope

New page for Steve Swartz’s better

New page for Heath Row’s APAzines

Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #23

Guy H. Lillian III’s Spartacus #55
