More zines to share!

Zines to share, Enjoy!

From the N3F, Films Fantastic FF16

From Joe Major, Alexiad Alex123

From Guy Lilian, Trip Reports


The Iconic Route U.K 1

The Iconic Route U.K. 2

From Bill Burns, added at

Nic Farey’s This Here…#54

Alan White’s Meanwhile in Sin City #3


Octothorpe #60, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line

Opuntia #527, edited by Dale Speirs


More zines! Probe, e-fanzines, Origin, & Fanac Gazette

From Bill Burns, new zines at e-fanzines:

Just added at

  • Leybl Botwinik’s CyberCozen – June 2022
  • New page for the Octothorpe Podcast transcriptions archive – includes subtitle files.
  • Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #24
  • David Grigg’s Through the Biblioscope #24 and new title The Megaloscope
  • R Graeme Cameron’s Great Galloping Ghu! #1


From South Africa: PROBE192X Stunning cover art!!

June 2022
3. Editorial
4. Chairman’s Note
6. Magazines Received
6. Books Received
6. Blast from the past
7. Book Review
8. 3rd Place Nova 2021 “Contaminated” by
Martinus Stander Conradie
28. Nova 2021 Finalist “Planet of Boulders” by
Gary Kuyper
42. L.O.C Gary Kuyper
43. “Are we dead before we are born?” by
Hubert Haensel & Martin Munsonius
49. “A Reinterpretation of the Milky Way’s
Evolution and nature” – from The Daily

With this mailing, we are sending you your issues of Origin and of the FanActivity Gazette.

Origin contents ORIGIN 52
Editorial: The Times are Favorable for Increase, by John Thiel, page three
What I Did, by Will Mayo, page five
Jeffrey Redmond, photographs, page seven
David H. Keller, by Jon Swartz, page eight
Overcoming Anxiety and Achieving Hope, by Judy Carroll, page fifteen
Afterthoughts, by John Thiel, page nineteen

Fanactivity Gazette contents FanAct13

Editorial: George Phillies writes.
Letter of Comment (Lloyd Penney)
Science Fiction Club News by Heath Row
Fanzines: Fanfaronade from Justin E. A. Busch
Television: Rabid Ears: Ravings of a TV Fiend by Cathode Ray
FANAC Fan History Project FANAC Newsletter 18
Motion Pictures: Celluloid Sentience By Cathode Ray
Conventions: Forthcoming Conventions by Mindy Hunt
Science Fiction Pro and Fan Birthdays from Heath Row
April 2022 SF Calendar and Cover Illo from Bob Jennings

Zine to Share: CyberCozen

CyberCozen, from Israel CCJune-2022-v02

This month’s roundup:

• More Yiddish-related SF material dedicated to my dear departed father, David Botwinik (o”h – ע”ה )

• Book review: “More Zion’s Fiction” Part 5: Hila Benyovits-Hoffman’s “Five Four Three Two One”

  • Our usual, interesting tidbits from the Web.
  • Readers reacted very well to Sheldon Teitelbaum’s reprinted article in our last issue. We’d love to see more of his articles regarding SF. – Your editor, Leybl Botwinik

Video of yesterday’s CME

Space Weather News for June 13, 2022

MAGNIFICENT CME: Earlier today, an unusually slow solar flare hurled a magnificent CME into space. The explosion and its afterglow lasted nearly 8 hours. The CME could sideswipe Earth’s magnetosphere later this week, producing minor geomagnetic storms. Full story @

Don’t miss the next solar flare: Subscribers to our Space Weather Alert Service receive instant text messages when strong solar flares are underway.
Above: Visit to watch a movie of today’s CME


Zines to share!

From Bill Burns:

Added today at are:

Guy H. Lillian III’s Spartacus #56

Octothorpe #59, a regular fannish podcast by Liz Batty, John Coxon and Alison Scott, is now on line

Guy & Rosy Lillian’s 2022 trip report The Iconic Route UK Parts 1 & 2

Garth Spencer’s The Obdurate Eye #17

From the n3F: Tightbeam333

Table of Contents
Front Cover … In Outer Space by Jose Sanchez
Back Cover … N3F Recruiting Poster by Alan White
Letters of Comment
4 … Will Mayo, Jeffrey Redmond, Jose Sanchez
4 … Girls’ Frontline by Jessi Silver
6 … Will Mayo Reviews Johnny Quest
6 … Will Mayo Reviews Alley Oop, The Archies, Richie Rich
7 … Convention Report – Anime Central 2022 by Jessi Silver
11 … Madelines Twists the Time Travel Tropes by Jason P. Hunt
12 … Will Mayo Reviews Swamp Thing, Angelflesh, Maximum Overdrive, Field of Dreams
13 … Will Mayo Reviews the CBS Mystery Hour
13 … Robert W. Lowndes Bio-Bibliography by Jon D. Swartz, Ph.D., N3F Historian
16 … Will Mayo Reviews America’s Sandman, The Rolling Stones’ 2,000 Light Years, Roky Erickson’s If You Have Ghosts, Jimi Hendrix’s Voodoo Child
17 … Will Mayo Reviews ee cummings’s Pity This Busy Monster, Manunkind
17 … Will Mayo Reviews Tales From The Crypt, Lost In Space, Nimoy’s Mystery Show
Food of Famous Authors
18 … Eat This While You Read That: William Joseph Roberts … Cooking by Cedar Sanderson

MonSFFA Meeting of June 4th

Missed the meeting? Here are the links to all the posts in order. Note that some of the meeting was only on zoom, and this is posted under the members only tab on our website.

Trains figure prominently in SF/F–here are a few. Know of another? Please add to the comments!

Post 1 of 8: Introduction, Trains in SF/F

Post 2 of 8: Live Sci-Fi Improv Poetry!

Post 3 of 8: Show-and-Tell

Post 4 of 8: Time for the Break!

Post 5 of 8: The Terrors of Topanga Canyon—Paul Blaisdell, Monster-Maker (Part II)

Post 6 of 8: Summer Events

What are you reading/watching: the meeting ran late, but please do contribute by posting a comment. Are you watching Strange New Worlds?

Post 7 of 8: What Are You Reading/Watching?

Post 8 of 8: Wrap-Up

Upcoming events:

June 18, visit to the rail museum, Delson

July 9th, BBQ in the park, probably Maisonneuve near the Botanical Gardens

August, probably at the Atwater Library