REMINDER: Please take note of the following:
Eleventh-hour schedule change: we remind MonSFFen and friends that the club’s Summer-BBQ-in-the-Park 2022, originally slated for tomorrow, Saturday, July 9, has been postponed until Sunday, August 28!
As we inquire further, we are finding that our new, proposed locale, Parc Maisonneuve, is not proving to be quite what we’re looking for with respect to our traditional club BBQ. For example, charcoal barbecue units, like the club’s grill, are prohibited, and there seem to be rather few, if any, picnic tables available
As such, we are regrouping to more thoroughly investigate the site, and to determine if we can modify our requirements without compromising too greatly our customary BBQ. We are also planning to reconnoiter our familiar Parc Angrignon location to ascertain if the washrooms there have seen a marked and much-needed improvement as regards cleanliness. The sorry condition of the facilities is what prompted us to abandon Angrignon, but if things have since improved, we may consider a return to that park.
Finally, both Quebec and Ontario have now acknowledged that a seventh wave of COVID is upon us, driven by the latest incarnations of the highly contagious Omicron variant—this pandemic is most definitely not over! While a return to limitations on public gatherings and other restrictions is not foreseen at this time, people are encouraged to play it safe by masking and social-distancing where appropriate. Too many, apparently, have ignored the need to isolate for 10 days should they begin experiencing COVID symptoms, this to avoid transmitting the virus to others and therefore perpetuating the pandemic.
The COVID numbers in Quebec are reasonably stable, we are told, though climbing. However, fully vaccinated folk—”fully” meaning at least three shots, and for those in higher risk groups, a fourth—are considered to be relatively safe from becoming seriously ill or landing in hospital. But that doesn’t mean one is protected from becoming infected.
This seventh wave is not expected to last through the summer and, we hope, will have dissipated by August 28.

July e-Picnic

We do have planned for this month, on Saturday, July 23, beginning at 1:00PM, an e-picnic on ZOOM, similar to those we hosted during the peak of the pandemic. Do join us for an afternoon of catching-up with friends, conversation, snacks, light programming, and merriment!

August Club Meeting

Meanwhile, our August 13 club meeting may, or may not be a physical, in-person get-together; we await word regarding the official opening of the meeting hall. If we don’t end up convening face-to-face, the 13th will then unfold as one of our usual e-meetings, so either way, we are holding a club meeting in August.

Please Take Note of These Updates

Please take note of these revisions to the club’s events calendar. As always, event scheduling and programming are subject to change.