And 2 more zines!

Two more zines to share! Nic Farey’s This Here is always interesting, especially for football (soccer) fans.  Some thought on fanzines worth a read, too.  down load TH 55

From the president of the N3F: The latest issue of N3F FanActivity Gazette is attached I regret to note that Justin E. A. Busch was unable to complete a Fanfaronade column, and it is not clear when he will be able to do so again. Download FanAct14





Club’s Summer 2022 Virtual Picnic is Tomorrow!

REMINDER: MonSFFA will host a Summer e-Picnic tomorrow, Saturday, July 23, right here on this Web site beginning at 1:00PM!

Make your favourite sandwich or prepare a tasty snack, pour yourself a cool, refreshing drink, and join us for an hour or two, or for the whole afternoon as we get together online to chat via ZOOM and enjoy each other’s company!

With the seventh wave now upon us and COVID numbers climbing locally, we’ve postponed our in-person club BBQ-in-the-Park until Sunday, August 28, by which time, we are told by authorities, the seventh wave should have dissipated.

So, in the meantime, we’ll be getting together for a casual video-chat tomorrow afternoon! No presentations, just light, informal programming accessible on the Web site, and the chance to catch up, discuss the latest in sci-fi entertainment, or share with the group thoughts on recent books read or screen sci-fi enjoyed. If you’re working on any nifty SF/F-related crafting or other projects, or perhaps recently visited a fun and interesting vacation destination, tell us all about it, and share any photos you snapped with the group!

Do join us for an afternoon of conversation and camaraderie right here at tomorrow, Saturday, July 23, beginning at 1:00PM!

We’ll see you then…