Two more zines to enjoy!

From the N3F:


  • Editorial, “Look with Wonder Upon the World”, by John Thiel, page three
  • Genre Stories in the Little Blue Books, by Jon Swartz, page four
  • German Science Fiction, by Jeffrey Redmond, page eight
  • Galaxy Science Fiction recollected, by Martin Lock, page twenty-two
  • Science Fiction for Children, by Judy Carroll, page twenty-six
  • Afterwords, by John Thiel, page twenty-nine


  • Editorial: George Phillies writes.
  • Letter of Comment (Lloyd Penney)
  • Fanfaronade
  • Science Fiction Club News
  • Television: Rabid Ears: Ravings of a TV Fiend by Cathode Ray
  • Motion Pictures: Celluloid Sentience By Cathode Ray
  • Conventions: Forthcoming Conventions by Mindy Hunt
  • Science Fiction Pro and Fan Birthdays from Heath Row
  • August 2022 Historical Article and SF Calendar from Bob Jennings

Zines added to efanzines

Added today at are:

New page for J.L. Farey’s JenZine

Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #26

Guy Lillian’s The Zine Dump #55

Leybl Botwinik’s CyberCozen – August 2022

Journey Planet #64, edited by James Bacon, Chris Garcia et al

WARP #112, the official fanzine of MonSFFA, the Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, edited by Danny Sichel, is now available at the link

The 2020 edition of Mats Dannewitz Linder’s Det svenska science fiction-året, and updated versions for 2018 and 2019
