New on e-fanzines & Corflu Pangloss PR3

From Jerry Kaufman:

Corflu Pangloss PR 3

I’m attaching the third Corflu Pangloss Progress Report. This includes information on hotel rates and booking, our Fanthology, the Banquet Menu, updated Canadian Covid requirements, general instructions for using Discord, and the inside scoop on how Corflu started.

We plan to issue one more Progress Report, which I’ll send only to current members, Attending or Supporting. (Now would be a good time to join.)  I’ll continue to send special announcements, like the opening of our online shop, to everyone. Note: if you want to be left off our list, let me know. If you want to receive the final PR but haven’t joined (yet), also let me know.

Jerry Kaufman for the Corflu Pangloss Committee

CORFLU PANGLOSS: The best of all possible Corflus, under the circumstances


Added today at

Bruce Gillespie’s SF Commentary #110

Ray Palm’s The Ray X X-rayer #166

Archive issues of Heath Row’s Telegraphs & Tar Pits #23-27 and Faculae & Filigree #14 and Snow Poster Township #5

Octothorpe #64, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line

John Thiel’s Meteor #3
