Join us for a Virtual Holiday Get-Together this Saturday, December 3!

This event will constitute the first part of the club’s 2022 Seasonal Celebrations! (Our in-person Christmas Luncheon, scheduled for the following Saturday, December 10, constitutes the second part; more information about that affair is to be posted next week—watch this space!)

So, on December 3, beginning at 1:00PM, we’ll be gathering on ZOOM to chat and share as the Holidays near. This will afford particularly our out-of-towners the opportunity to wish each other the very best of the season, and of course, to talk all things sci-fi, and beyond!
No formal programming is planned, but we welcome any ad hoc contributions of an SF/F or seasonal theme—show off your homemade SF/F Christmas tree decorations, put up photos of your miniature Christmas village, recommend favourite Holiday movies, etc.
And, akin to the perennial Christmas specials that air on TV, we’ll post on our site some of the best Holiday presentations we’ve featured these past few years of pandemic-induced e-meetings!

Do join us for a few minutes, or a few hours, this Saturday, December 3, beginning at 1:00PM for the club’s 2022 Virtual Holiday Get-Together!



Join us for a Virtual Holiday Get-Together this Saturday, December 3, beginning at 1:00PM!

We’ll be gathering on ZOOM to chat and share as the Holidays near. This will be an opportunity to wish each other the very best of the season, and to talk all things sci-fi, and beyond!

No formal programming is planned, but we welcome any ad hoc contributions of an SF/F or seasonal theme—your homemade Christmas tree decorations, your miniature Christmas village, recommendations of favourite Holiday movies, etc.
And, akin to the perennial Christmas specials that air on TV, we’ll post on our site some of the best Holiday presentations we’ve featured these past few years of pandemic-induced e-meetings!
So join us for a few minutes, or a few hours, this Saturday beginning at 1:00PM for the club’s 2022 Virtual Holiday Get-Together!

Montreal Mini-Con January 28 & 29, 2023

The Montreal Mini-Comiccon is back at Palais des congrès January 28 & 29, 2023. It features a shopping experience aimed at fans that are looking for all collectors of games, T-Shirts, comics, toys, statues, DVDs/Blu-rays, replicas and more.
The vast range of activities and interests represented at Montreal Comiccon draws attendees of all ages, from families with young children to teenaged fans to seasoned collectors.
FREE admission for all!
✔️Saturday, January 28, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
✔️Sunday, January 29, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
More info to come!

Le mini Comiccon de Montréal au Palais des congrès les 28 et 29 janvier 2023.

Le mini Comiccon de Montréal est de retour au Palais des congrès les 28 et 29 janvier 2023. Le mini Comiccon est un événement destiné aux amateurs de culture populaire. Il s’agit d’une occasion unique de dénicher des articles uniques, entre autres des T-shirts, des « comic books », des jouets, des figurines, des DVD ou Blu-ray, ou encore des répliques.
La diversité des activités et des thèmes abordés au Comiccon de Montréal attire un public de tous les âges, des jeunes familles aux collectionneurs aguerris en passant par des adolescents passionnés.
L’entrée est GRATUITE pour tous!
✔️Le samedi 28 janvier 2023 de 11 h à 19 h
✔️Le dimanche 29 janvier 2023 de 11 h à 17 h
Plus d’info à venir!

Scale Models

Wayne has sent us photos of the models he showed at the meeting.

RAF Lancaster MKI, Michael III (B-25C), Spitfire MKV, Hawker Hurricane MKI
Mosquito FB MK V

Battlestar Galactica
Classic Cylon Raider, Cylon Raider MKII, Colonial Viper MKI,
Colonial Viper MKII, Colonial Viper MKVII

Klingon Bird of Prey, USS Enterprise CVN-65 (under construction),USS Missouri BB-63,
SSRN Seaview

Battleship BB-63 USS Missouri escorted by SSRN Seaview


Space Weather News for Nov. 13, 2022

BLUEWALKER 3 HAS SUDDENLY BRIGHTENED: There’s a new light in the night sky. Astronomers report that the BlueWalker 3 communications satellite has suddenly brightened nearly 50-fold, a sign that it is unfurling its giant antenna in low Earth orbit. Some astronomers worry that BlueWalker 3 might become one of the brightest objects in the night sky. So far it is about as bright as a 1st magnitude star. Full story with observing tips @

Above: BlueWalker 3 over Fort Davis, Texas, on Nov. 12th. Credit: Gary Dowdle.

A zine to share

From the N3F, Eldritch Science #9, featuring a lovely cover by Tiffanie Gray.



Front Cover
Meet Me at the Island by Tiffanie Gray

3 … A Stranger and A Shootout … A Space-
Cowboy Story by Patrick McKay
61 … Book of Memories by A. C. Cargill
72 … Practical Exercise by George Phillies


3 … Lois Was Right by David Kopaska-Merkel
3 … Foray To The Third Dimension by David
61 … Imaginary Destinations by David C. Kopaska

72 … Front cover of Practical Exercise

Post 7 of 7: Thank You, Wrap-Up, and Ode of Remembrance

This post officially closes today’s MonSFFA e-meeting.


We proffer our sincere thanks to Danny Sichel, Keith Braithwaite, and Cathy Palmer-Lister for their contributions to today’s programme, and thank, as well, all of our supporting contributors this afternoon. MonSFFA would not be able to put on these virtual meetings without the stellar efforts of such club members!

And of course, to those who visited with us today, and took in our online get-together, thank you for your interest and attention, and don’t forget to comment!


To wrap things up, we’ll address the club’s upcoming Christmas Party/Lunch. We have been, and will now, in the final minutes of today’s ZOOM-chat, be discussing the particulars of our Christmas get-together, with the intention of finalizing plans. Within the next week, we’ll post all pertinent details, so watch this space.

We can confirm at this time that a hall has been booked on the West Island, next to major bus and commuter-train routes, and a date selected—Saturday, December 10. This will be an afternoon, in-person gathering, with a catered, self-serve buffet offered, and our traditional Christmas Gift Raffle on the agenda!

We hope you can join us on the 10th!


We sincerely hope you have enjoyed your time with us these past few hours and, with Remembrance Day having transpired just yesterday, are glad to have been able to pay our respects to Canada’s veterans.

Thank you for dropping in, today, and we encourage you to visit regularly for additional content.

Our hoped-for return to in-person club meetings has been stymied by pandemic-related circumstances, unfortunately; we will keep you updated as to any progress regarding our search for a new meeting room!

Post 6 of 7: “What Are You Reading/Watching?” and Genre Snow Globes

This is Post 6 of 7.


On ZOOM at this moment, we’re asking “What are You Reading, or Watching?” Give us your quick book report, or your brief review of a film or TV show you’ve recently been enjoying!

For those not participating in our ZOOM chat, today, you may still contribute by submitting your concise book reports or movie and television-series reviews via this post’s “Leave a Comment” option. We welcome your input.


Or, alternately, we invite you to peruse this gallery of lovely genre-themed snow globes: