Dinosaurs in the news

Dinosaurs in the news

  • Patagotitan on show in London, UK
  • Did dinosaurs have lips? Canadian scientists say they have cracked the mystery
  • What fossil eggs found in Alberta reveal about how dinosaurs became birds
Patagotitan on show in London, UK
A colossus has landed in London: A cast of what was one of the biggest animals ever to walk the Earth is now on show at the Natural History Museum.

Watch: A timelapse movie of Patagotitan’s assembly at the Natural History Museum

Patagotitan was a dinosaur that lived 100 million years ago in South America.

Measuring some 37m (121ft) from nose to tail, the beast could have weighed up to 60 or 70 tonnes in life.

The museum has brought over not just a representative skeleton but some of the real fossil bones first discovered in Argentina in 2014.

The largest is a 2.4m-long femur, or thigh bone. It’s been erected upright to give visitors an extraordinary selfie opportunity.

READ MORE: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-65094602

Did dinosaurs have lips? Canadian scientists say they have cracked the mystery

As with many details about dinosaur physiology, an absence of living specimens has left a lot to the artistic imagination. Perhaps because humans are smaller than many dinosaur species, and also edible, popular representations of the ancient creatures are often strongly focused on their teeth.

Scientists and artists have developed two principal models of predatory dinosaur facial appearance: crocodylian-like lipless jaws, or a lizard-like lipped mouth. New data suggests that the latter model, lizard-like lips, applies to most or all predatory dinosaur species. This finding challenges many popular depictions of carnivorous species like Tyrannosaurus rex.Mark Witton


This tradition is evident in the Hollywood version of dinosaurs as depicted the 1993 film Jurassic Park. Many of the movie’s most memorable scenes feature a tyrannosaur with jaws agape. But even when the giant reptile’s mouth is shut its teeth remain plainly visible, like a row of murderous icicles.

READ MORE: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-dinosaur-lips-canada-scientists/

What fossil eggs found in Alberta reveal about how dinosaurs became birds

Fanzines to share!

A bumper crop of zines to share!

From Bill Burns:

Added today at https://efanzines.com:

Nic Farey’s The Incompleat Register 2023 Results. Full details of the FAAn Awards presented at Corflu Craic, 2 April 2023.

Opuntia #546, edited by Dale Speirs

Octothorpe #80, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line

Christopher J. Garcia’s The Drink Tank #446

Garth Spencer’s The Obdurate Eye #26

David Grigg’s The Megaloscope #6


From the N3F,

With this mailing, you are being sent the March 2023 issues of Ionisphere and of The N3F Review of Books Incorporating Prose Bono.

And note our new feature in the N3F Review of Books. On the second page, these authors have agreed to send you one of their ebooks, for free, in exchange for your promising to write a review of the book and posting it on Amazon, Goodreads, or social media sites, and sending The N3F Review a copy.

From Garth Spencer in Vancouver, BC, the Obdurate Eye.
From Nic Farey who send us news of the FAAn Awards:

Other news from the awards given at Corflu Craic in Belfast, NI earlier today:

fwa (fanzine writers’ association) Past President election:
2022 Past Presidents: Nigel Rowe, John D. Berry
1959 Past President: Keith Freeman

Corflu Lifetime Achievement Award: Rob Hansen

Corfu 41 awarded to Las Vegas, NV and will take place at the Gold Coast hotel and Casion, February 29 – March 3 2024.

FAAn winners summary:
Best Genzine: Portable Storage (ed. William Breiding)
Best Perzine: This Here… (ed. Nic Farey)
Best Special Publication: 1957: The First British Worldcon (ed. Rob Hansen)

Best Letterhack (Harry Warner Jr. Memorial Award): Jerry Kaufman
Best Fanartist: Ulrika O’Brien
Best Fanwriter: (TIE) Justin E.A. Busch, Nic Farey
Best Fanzine Cover: BEAM 17 (Alan White)

For a breakdown of voting, click  Incompleat2023results