Zines to share!

This week’s new issues at https://efanzines.com:

John Purcell’s Askance #55

Opuntia #553, edited by Dale Speirs

Rich Lynch’s My Back Pages #28

Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #46

Octothorpe #87, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line

From Lebyl in Israel:CCJuly2023-v01

From the N3F, Tightbeam

  Table of Contents
Front Cover… Armada by Jose Sanchez
12… Tigana Dragon by Artist Fish
Back Cover… Big Splash by Tiffanie Gray

Letter of Comment
4… Lloyd Penney
4… Action Heroine Cheer Fruits… Review by Jessi Silver
7… The 2019 Rhysling Anthology Edited by David C. Kopaska-Merkel…Review by Jean-Paul Garnier
ProZines of Years Past
8… Review by Heath Row
10… H. Beam Piper Bio-Bibliography by Jon D. Swartz, Ph.D.
13… Musings on Picard and the Star Trek Franchise by Chris Nuttall
Short Stories
15… F&SF May/June 2023… Review by Heath Row
16… Fantastic Television: Travelers Review by Heath Row
Food of Famous Authors
18… Eat This While You Read That: Margaret Ball… Cooking by Cedar Sanderson

CSFFA Hall of Fame Inductees, 2023

CSFFA Hall of Fame Inductees, 2023

CSFFA has inducted three people into the Hall of Fame, in 2023. Congratulations to John Robert Colombo, Michelle Sagara, and Clifford Samuels for their induction. Thank you to the 2023 Hall of Fame Jury for their work. Here are very brief bios of the inductees (please visit their web sites for more info about them).

John Robert Colombo has been called “the Master Gatherer” for his compilations of Canadiana. He is a member of the Order of Canada and Order of Ontario, and has written, compiled, and translated more books than any other serious Canadian author. More than 200 titles of his books have been published since 1960. http://colombo.ca/

Michelle Sagara has written over 40 fantasy novels and has been nominated twice for the Astounding Award for Best New Writer (the award underwent a recent name change). She also has a long running book review column, Musing on Books, for The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, with over 50 columns. https://michellesagara.com/

Clifford Samuels is the Aurora Awards Administrator and has been a pillar of support for Calgary fandom for almost four decades, his contribution reaching beyond the city, beyond the province, indeed, beyond the country.

See more at the Hall of Fame page: https://www.csffa.ca/the-csffa-hall-of-fame/

Relax-a-ZOOM Virtual Picnic is this Saturday!

Relax-a-ZOOM Virtual Picnic

Missed MonSFFA’s Barbecue-in-the-Park last Saturday? The club will host a “Relax-a-ZOOM” Virtual Picnic right here at www.MonSFFA.ca this Saturday, July 15, beginning at 1:00PM! Have your favourite summer snacks and libations on hand!

No formal programming is planned, just a game or two, and an afternoon of casual conversation with friends on topics SF/F and fannish! Share with your fellow MonSFFen the details of your latest genre-themed craft project; tell the group about an SF/F book, movie, or TV series you’ve been enjoying of late; or share vacation photos of cool sci-fi events, exhibits, museums, or shops you may have recently visited!

The floor is open! Your input is welcome and encouraged!

Given this opportunity, we will have information on our scheduled August in-person meeting—the first in over three years!—plans for the return of the club’s fund-raising book sale, and other matters for which the input of our membership is desired.

Mark your calendars, and we hope to see you online Saturday!


A SUNSPOT SO BIG YOU CAN SEE IT FROM MARS: A huge sunspot (AR3363)  just emerged over the sun’s southeastern limb. Mars rover Perseverance saw it before we did. On July 2nd, the rover’s mast-mounted stereo camera (MASTCAM-Z) tilted up to the sky above Jezaro crater and photographed a deep-black dot on the solar disk:

Zoran Knez of Croatia assembled this montage using publically available NASA images

Perseverance does this all the time. Using a solar filter, the rover looks at the sun almost every day to check its brightness. When the sun dims, researchers know a dust storm is brewing–one of the most important forms of weather on the Red Planet.

Sunspots are just a bonus. A recent study shows that Perseverance sees more than 40% of all sunspots despite the fact that Mars is 78 million km farther from the sun than Earth and the rover’s camera doesn’t put many pixels across the solar disk. It is able to resolve about 10% of the biggest sunspots into multiple pixels.

Perseverance has one big advantage. It can see parts of the sun we cannot. From where Mars is currently located, Perseverance views more than half the sun’s farside, giving it a preview of sunspots still hidden from Earth. That’s how the rover spotted AR3363 days in advance.

People on Earth saw the sunspot for the first time on July 5th:

“A very big sunspot is coming!” says photographer Philippe Tosi of Nîmes, France, who inserted an image of Earth for scale.

Just don’t forget, Perseverance saw it first. Daily photos from Perseverance are available here. Select the date and camera (MASTCAM-Z), then start looking for sunspots.

more images: from Philip Smith of Manorville, New York; from P-M Hedén of Vallentuna Sweden; from Sylvain Weiller of Jerusalem, Israel


We remind MonSFFen to mark the next two Saturdays on their calendars!

MonSFFA’s Summer Barbecue-in-the-Park 2023 is scheduled for this Saturday, July 8, and our virtual get-together/picnic—a “Relax-a-ZOOM”—is set to follow one week later, on Saturday, July 15.


MonSFFen and their families, as well as friends  of the club, are invited to gather beginning at 10:00AM in Parc Maisonneuve on Saturday, July 8, for the club’s 2023 Barabecue-in-the-Park! Parc Maisonneuve, easily accessible by Metro or bus,  is located in the city’s East End, adjacent the Botanical Gardens and the Olympic Stadium. Parking is available on site, or on nearby streets.

Our intention is to claim a picnic spot somewhere along one of the rows of trees, not too far from the parking lot and the chalet. Our “Preferred Picnic Area” is indicated on the map (above).  Look for us in roughly that area.

Club president Cathy Palmer-Lister inaugurates “Dragon’s Breath” grill at last year’s Barbecue-in-the-Park.

So join us for a relaxing day in the park! Friends, fun, food, and fire, the latter in the form of our new “Dragon’s Breath” propane barbecue, which we’ll have on site for those who may wish to grill up a couple of hamburgers, hotdogs, and other such summer staples! Bring your own refreshments, snacks, and any meats you may wish to barbecue.

And please note that proper washroom facilities are located in the chalet, a marked improvement over the deteriorating and unsanitary facilities at Parc Angrignon, our former barbecue locale!

Should the weather prove inclement on the 8th, the event will be shifted 24 hours forward to Sunday, July 9. If necessary, we will post a notice on the club’s Website of any change in the schedule by no later than 9:00AM, Saturday morning, the 8th.


SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1:00PM: Relax-a-ZOOM Virtual Picnic

We will also host, this month, a “Relax-a-ZOOM” Virtual Picnic right here at www.MonSFFA.ca on Saturday, July 15, at 1:00PM—have your favourite summer snacks and libations on hand!

No formal programming is planned, just a game or two, and an afternoon of casual conversation with friends on topics SF/F and fannish, including, given this opportunity, a little bit of club business regarding our planned August in-person meeting, and related issues, for which the input of our membership is desired.

We hope to see you at one, or both of these events!


To download a PDF of our “Club Events in July” flyer, click here: FLYER

Lots of zines now available for poolside reading!

From South Africa:

Good day all Here is the June issue of PROBE, number 196. I hope you enjoy reading it    PROBE196X



From Bill Burns at e-fanzines:

Editors have been busy this week, with eleven titles having new issues. Added at https://efanzines.com are:

  • Alexiad #123 through 128 edited by Lisa & Joseph Major
  • Graeme Cameron’s BCSFAZine #554
  • Nic Farey’s This Here…#66
  • Andy Hooper’s CAPTAIN FLASHBACK #55
  • Opuntia #551, edited by Dale Speirs
  • Octothorpe #86, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line
  • Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #44
  • Kurt Erichsen’s Endeavor #16
  • Guy & Rosy Lillian’s 2004 archive trip report The Antipodal Route
  • Guy H. Lillian III’s Spartacus #66
  • Bruce Gillespie’s SF Commentary #113

And another update followed:

To the sound of fireworks, I have added these new issues to https://efanzines.com:

  • J.L. Farey’s JenZine #5
  • Journey Planet #74, edited by James Bacon, Chris Garcia et al. Vincent Docherty special issue
  • Perry Middlemiss’s Perryscope #34
  • Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #45
  • Opuntia #552, edited by Dale Speirs

From Garth an update to CUFF:

Even yet more news about the Canadian Unity Fan Fund! Slowly but surely WE ADVANCE!  Shooting My CUFFs #3

From Nic Farey:

“Authority is supposedly grounded in wisdom, but I could see from a very early age that authority was only a system of control. And it didn’t have any inherent wisdom. I quickly realized that you either became a power or you were crushed.”   TH 66

From Joe Major: Alex129

From the N3F:

Yes, a new issue of Eldritch Science the N3F Fiction zine .ES202306



Mark the next two Saturday’s on your calendars! MonSFFA’s Summer Barbecue-in-the-Park 2023 is scheduled for this Saturday, July 8, with a virtual get-together/picnic, our Relax-a-ZOOM, to follow one week later on Saturday, July 15.


MonSFFen and their families, as well as friends of the club, are invited to gather at 10:00AM in Parc Maisonneuve on Saturday, July 8, for the club’s 2023 Barabecue-in-the-Park! Parc Maisonneuve, easily accessible by Metro or bus, is located in the city’s East End, adjacent the Botanical Gardens and the Olympic Stadium. Parking is available on site, or on nearby streets.

Our intention is to claim a picnic spot somewhere along one of the lines of trees, not too far from the parking lot and the chalet. Our “Preferred Picnic Area” is indicated on the map (above). Look for us in roughly that area.

So do join us for a relaxing day in the park! Friends, fun, food, and fire, the latter in the form of our new “Dragon’s Breath” propane barbecue, which we’ll have on site for those who may wish to grill up a couple of hamburgers, hotdogs, and such! Bring your own refreshments, snacks, and any meats you may wish to barbecue. And note that proper washroom facilities are located in the chalet.

Should the weather prove inclement on the 8th, the event will be shifted 24 hours forward to Sunday, July 9. We will post a notice of any change in the schedule no later than 9:00AM, Saturday morning, the 8th.


Relax-a-ZOOM Virtual Picnic

We will also host a “Relax-a-ZOOM” Virtual Picnic right here at www.MonSFFA.ca on Saturday, July 15, at 1:00PM—have your favourite summer snacks and libations on hand!

No formal programming is planned, just a game or two, and an afternoon of casual conversation with friends on topics SF/F and fannish, including, given this opportunity, a little bit of club business regarding our planned August in-person meeting, and related issues, for which the input of our membership is desired.

Locus: New books for July

JULY 2023

  • GARTH NIX  • Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz • Harper Voyager US, Jul 2023 (c, hc, eb)
  • GARTH NIX  • Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz • Orion UK/Gollancz, Jul 2023 (c, hc, eb)
  • PAUL TREMBLAY  • The Beast You Are • HarperCol­lins/Morrow, Jul 2023 (c, hc, eb)
  • T.L. HUCHU • The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle • Macmillan/Tor UK, Jul 2023 (h, hc, eb)
  • SILVIA MORENO-GARCIA  • Silver Nitrate • Quercus/Jo Fletch­er UK, Jul 2023 (h, hc, eb)
  • SILVIA MORENO-GARCIA  • Silver Nitrate • Penguin Random House/Del Rey, Jul 2023 (h, hc, eb)
  • NEAL ASHER • War Bodies • Macmillan/Tor UK, Jul 2023 (hc, eb)
  • D.J. BUTLER • Between Princesses and Other Jobs • Baen, Jul 2023 (hc, eb)
  • P. DJÈLÍ CLARK • Abeni’s Song • Tor/Starscape, Jul 2023 (hc, eb)
  • JASPER FFORDE • Red Side Story • Hodder & Stough­ton UK, Jul 2023 (hc, eb)
  • SHARON LEE & STEVE MILLER • Salvage Right • Baen, Jul 2023 (hc, eb)
  • VIOLETTE MALAN • The Court War • Astra House/DAW, Jul 2023 (hc, eb)
  • GEORGE R.R. MARTIN, ET AL. • Wild Cards: Pairing Up • Penguin Random House/Del Rey, Jul 2023 (hc, eb)
  • SEANAN MCGUIRE • Be Sure • Tordotcom, Jul 2023 (om, tp, hc)
  • SEBASTIEN DE CASTELL • Fate of the Argosi • Hot Key Books UK, Jul 2023 (ya, hc, eb)