Zines to share + article on Quebec SF

  • Lots of zines came in while I was away.  I also received a couple of interesting links to click. This one was sent to me from Heath, editor of de Profundis.
Hannah Allen-Shim takes us on a tour of Quebec’s science fiction and fantasy scene, from its beginnings in the 1970s to its expansion and diversification in recent years.


  • I received this message from Ahrvid in Sweden:

Hi! Yes, I’m from Sweden. Sure you can post my zine whereever you want. I try to cover som interesting history material in every issue. I gsther you’re from Canada? In #120 I wrote about the Swedish-Canadian sf fan Nils Helmer Frome who did one of the earliest Canadian fanzines, perhaps the very first, and corresponded with HPLovecraft. It can be found here: https://fanac.org/fanzines/Intermission/Intermission120.pdf Best, –Ahrvid — ahrvid@hotmail.com//Follow @SFJournalen tweets for sf news//2024 firar Fantastiknovelltävlingen kvartseklet! https://www.freelists.org/post/skriva

Added today at https://efanzines.com are:

Octothorpe #109 a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty

Pete Young’s Every Place I Read Your Goddamn Fanzine #4 and #5

Leybl Botwinik’s CyberCozen – May 2024

Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #70

Opuntia #572, edited by Dale Speirs


Eight new issues in the last six days!

Now at https://efanzines.com:

Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #47

Leigh Edmonds’ Ornithopter Mk.III

John Purcell’s new fanzine, Intermezzo #1

Pete Young’s Every Place I Read Your Goddamn Fanzine #7 & #8

Christopher J. Garcia’s Exhibition Hall #30

Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #71

Christopher J. Garcia’s The Drink Tank #457
