2024 MonSFFA e-Picnic: Post 2 of 2, 5:00PM – Wrap-Up


We thank Keith Braithwaite, Joe Aspler, Josée Bellemare, Daniel P. Kenney, Kevin Holden, Trudie Mason, Cathy Palmer-Lister, and all who contributed to programming today, and we offer a nod of appreciation, as well, to all who attended.

MonSFFA hopes you have enjoyed your time with us this afternoon, and we ask all of you to check in regularly here at www.MonSFFA.ca for additional content.

We look forward to again gathering, face to face, at August’s get-together, on the 17th. We’ll be meeting in our usual Nouvel Hotel function room on that occasion, and concurrently online via ZOOM, as well!

And don’t forget our big Super Sci-Fi Book Sale, coming October 19, also at the Nouvel Hotel, downtown!

Thank you for your interest and attention today, and don’t forget to comment on this afternoon’s e-Picnic!


Until we meet again, keep safe, healthy, and exercise your creativity! And continue to enjoy your summer!

2024 MonSFFA e-Picnic: Post 1 of 2, 12:30PM – Introduction

This is the first of two “e-Picnic” posts that will appear this afternoon; our closing post will go up at 5:00PM


Missed MonSFFA’s Summer BBQ earlier this month? Then join us this afternoon for this online “e-Picnic!” Have your favourite summer snacks and libations on hand!

Proceedings are set to begin at 1:00PM; we’re allowing some 30 minutes in advance of our event for folk to gather, here, online and join our ZOOM-Chat.

Some light programming is planned, but there’ll be lots of time to simply chat, catch up, and touch base again. Have you seen any good movies this summer, or are you enjoying a good sci-fi beach read? Today’s will be an afternoon of casual conversation with friends on any and all topics SF/F and fannish!

We do have ready a quick slide show of our field trip to the Montreal Biodôme back in June, plus a couple of vacation stories and photos of cool sci-fi events, exhibits, and museums recently visited? The floor will be open to anyone who may have sci-fi, or SF&F-adjacent summer vacation adventures to share!

And, given this opportunity, we are launching our Special Interest Group (SIG) for Art this afternoon with a talk/workshop on “How to Create Sci-Fi Art Without Knowing How to Draw!”

So let’s get started…


To join our ZOOM video-chat, which will run throughout the next few hours, simply click here and follow the prompts: This Afternoon’s MonSFFA e-Meeting on ZOOM

If you’re not fully equipped to ZOOM, you can also take part by phone (voice only); in the Montreal area, the toll-free number to call is: 1-438-809-7799. From out of town? No problem; find your ZOOM call-in number here: Call-In Numbers

Also, have this information on hand as you may be asked to enter it:

Meeting ID: 833 9011 0192
Passcode: 809749


Except for the Art SIG at 3:00PM, right after the break, we expect we’ll be pretty loosey-goosey with the schedule today (summertime, and the livin’ is easy!), but here’s approximately what we’re figuring on:

1:00PM—Introduction, ZOOM-Chat Begins

1:30PM—Biodome Slide Show; ZOOM-Chat Continues

2:00PM—Summer Vacation Adventures! ZOOM-Chat Continues…

2:45PM—Mid-Meeting Break!

3:00PM—Art SIG
