Post 6 of 6: July 11 DIY, Virtual MonSFFA Meeting

This is post 6 of 6, which will close today’s online gathering. If you’re just now joining us, scroll back to the earlier Post 1 of 6 to enjoy the whole meeting, start to finish.


Direct from his YouTube channel, here’s Steve Stewart singing a satirical coronavirus version of a Jimmy Buffet classic:


Fellow Parrotheads (fans of “Gulf + Western” singer/songwriter Jimmy Buffet) will appreciate our call for cool, colourful, summer drink recipes, which we hope to highlight in the next issue of Warp. We’re looking for tasty tropical cocktails, refreshing fruit-flavoured slushes, and thirst-quenching lemonades, mixed with or without alcohol! Confer upon your enticing commixture a groovy science fiction-ish moniker—Forbidden Pomegranate Lemonade, Krell Cooler, Planet X Summer Holiday Punch, Gallifreyan Gimlet, Buffy the Vodka Slayer, Vulcan Voodoo, Salarian Spritzer, Alabama Hammer’s Slammer, Dosadi Daiquiri, Tran-Ky-Ky Mai Tai, Kessel Rum; you get the idea—and e-mail your recipes to me, your humble club vice-president, Keith Braithwaite, at:

Be certain to list ingredients and clearly specify measures, garnishes, and any special instructions regarding preparation and serving. Include a brief few words on the delectable allure of your particular magical summertime potion and why it intoxicates you so, how you came to discover or create the drink, what was the inspiration for the name you’ve given it, that kind of thing. And if you would, pour your libation into a tall glass and snap a photo to send along with your recipe, maybe against a cool, themed backdrop.

I’ll get us started. On a sweltering hot summer’s day, I’ve always enjoyed over ice the variety of fruit-juice mixtures sold under the Oasis brand name. With labels like Tropical Passion and Bananorange, this line of flavourful blends combines mango, orange, banana, pineapple, and other fruit juices in various amalgams. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, my dad added Canada Dry ginger ale to these Oasis products to create a simple, sweet, effervescent punch. I later spiked his punch with white rum and dubbed the result “Shore Leave,” after the classic Star Trek episode. A flavoured rum can also be employed, as can vodka.


Oasis brand fruit juice blends

Canada Dry ginger ale

Maraschino cherries


Mix equal portions of your favourite fruit juice blend and ginger ale. Pour into a glass, drop in a cherry or two, add several ice cubes, and serve. To enhance, include 1-2 ounces white rum per serving (a flavoured rum or vodka can be substituted).

We received an early submission from Lindsay Brown, whose father also introduced her to a concoction that has “summer written all over it,” and that she calls “Sumerian Sass,” bringing to mind Gilgamesh.  This mythological, Mesopotamian hero-king and adventurer’s exploits are the subject of the ancient Sumerian poem “Epic of Gilgamesh,” considered by some historians to be a work of proto-science fiction.

Lindsay writes:

It’s a warm summer night and the water in your backyard pool is shimmering under the moon’s full light. Several wee lanterns are hanging from a big old apple tree, lending their soft glow to the magic all around you.

You’re sitting on a lounger, still dripping from a midnight dip. You hear some ice crackle nearby. You look over and there, sitting on a nearby patio table, you see a tall drink, wet from condensation sliding down the outside of the glass. It twinkles like it was made from star dust.

You swear you hear it whisper your name, beckoning you to sip its cool, refreshing contents. You stare at it, wondering who put it there, thinking it a mirage. You shake your head in disbelief. Yet, you are thirsty. Very thirsty. You look over at the tantalizing drink again. Did it just wink at you?

I will leave the rest to your imagination…

Her ingredients and recipe:

3 litres pineapple juice, unsweetened

4 cans frozen lemonade

2 cans frozen orange juice, unsweetened

4 cups strong tea

750 millilitres vodka
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Mix the first four ingredients together, add vodka, and freeze overnight. Scoop into a glass, add your choice of clear soft drink—ginger ale, 7-Up, Sprite, or spruce beer. Serve!

So that should provide you a hint of what we’re looking for; again, send your recipes my way via e-mail: Looking forward to receiving the mad-science formulas for your breezy-cool thirst-slaking melanges!


Which brings us to the so-called “Piña-Colada Song,” or rather, Steve Stewart’s coronavirus version of it:


We return, now, to our showcase of chic sci-fi COVID face masks, focusing, here, on superhero patterns.

Classic comic book stars like Batman warrant numerous designs:

Batman is joined by other DC superheroes…

…as well as the Dark Knight’s villainous clown-faced nemesis and his unhinged girlfriend.

Shown here amongst a selection of commercial Wonder Woman examples is a mask one devotee has decorated with fan-art depicting actress Gal Gadot as the Amazon princess. Any fancrafter with an artistic hand, a talent for needlework, and an assortment of colourful fabric is capable of producing their own custom-made mask.


The Marvel brand is well represented, too…

…with celebrated Avengers and other heroes sometimes meriting more than one design…

…including the drolly irascible Deadpool, who forwards timely advice on a second of his mask designs:


We hope you have enjoyed your time with us this afternoon, and we ask all of you to check in here at regularly for additional content during this continuing period of semi-quarantine, and for any news as to when the club expects to return to face-to-face gatherings. Thank you for your interest and attention.

We’d also like to thank our principal contributors today, Sylvain St-Pierre, Keith Braithwaite, and Cathy Palmer-Lister for putting all of this together, with a nod, as well, to those who helped out in supporting roles.

Until we meet again, farewell, keep on social distancing and washing your hands often, and when in public, wear a mask! And speaking of masks, here’s one last example upon which we are sure everyone can agree:



We’ll end off today with this capper; here, once again, is the Holderness Family (


6 thoughts on “Post 6 of 6: July 11 DIY, Virtual MonSFFA Meeting”

  1. Thanks to everyone who put together this great meeting. See you all next month!

  2. I fully agreed with the message on the last mask of Item 16. I wonder what the next generation will make out of this when it is finally over?

    1. I remember, though not very vividly, the polio epidemic. Somebody on my street had a bad limp as a result. However, a real pandemic like this one that touches everybody on the planet is so rare, it surely will make the history texts in school. It will be remembered the way we talk about the Spanish flu.

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