This is Post 6 of 7 today.


As you may recall, we had originally scheduled this brainstorming session for last month, but the January meeting was running long and so we decided to postpone this planning workshop until February’s get-together. And so, here we are!

We’ll be talking 2022 e-meeting programming on Zoom here in the final stretch. All are welcome to participate, whether on Zoom or by submitting your thoughts and ideas via this post’s “Leave a Comment” option. Your input is welcome and valued.

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More precisely, we are in search of suggestions for presentation and discussion topics, debate moderators, creator/presenters of A/V Web and Zoom dissertations, hosts to prepare and run fun and challenging trivia quizzes and other games, instructors for show-and-tell “fancraft” demonstrations, and other such content.

Thinking caps on, and let’s get started…