Aurora Voting is Open Until July 13

June CSFFA Newsletter:
Aurora Voting is Open Until July 13

In this newsletter:

  • Aurora Voting is Open Until July 13, 2024
  • Instructions and Updates for Accessing the Voters Package
  • CSFFA 2024 AGM Update

Aurora Voting is Open

Voting is now open for this year’s Aurora Awards. CSFFA members have until 11:59pm EDT on July 13th, 2024, to submit their ballot. Before you vote please read this year’s voters’ package so you can make an informed vote. You must log into your CSFFA account to participate. CSFFA is open to all Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

Our voting system uses a ranked voting method. You can rank multiple works in any category. Our Voting Method page gives you full details about how to vote. Please note, the None of the Above option is only to be used if you don’t think one or more of the works should have been on the ballot. If you are unfamiliar with a category, leave it blank.

Vote for what you know and what you enjoyed.

NOTE: If you are only voting because you have a friend or family member on the ballot, we would prefer that you refrain. The Aurora Awards are for fans of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror.

Voters Package Update

This year’s Aurora Awards voters’ package is now available to CSFFA members to download. To access the package, log into your account and you will see the link from your member home page. These files are only available to download until Saturday, July 6th. Voting for the awards closes the following Saturday.

Download the categories you wish to read. The files have been zipped so you will need to open then to extract the works. Each zip file contains a Word document that gives you an overview of what is contained in that category. Note: The Zip file for Best Cover Art/Interior Illustration was recently updated to include a missing file and fix an incorrect link; if you downloaded this category earlier than July 14th you may wish to re-acquire it.

By downloading the files, you accept the terms and conditions (agreeing not to share the files) for the download package. Accepting these terms and conditions is a legally binding agreement.

Works in our voters’ package have been kindly provided by the nominees and their publishers. They are there to help you make informed decisions when you vote. Voting has begun and is done by ranking each work so it is helpful to have read as much as you can in the categories you wish to vote in.

Note: This year’s graphic novel category has been split into two downloads. Both are quite large and may take extra time to download. Please be patient.


CSFFA 2024 AGM summary

All motions were approved:
a) Acceptance of Finaicial Statement of 2024: Yes 22; No Response 2
b) Acceptance of Board Actions of 2023: Yes 23;, No Response 1
c) Election to the CSFFA board of directors of Aymen Saidane, and re-election of Murray Moore, CLiff Samuels, Garth Spencer, Jean-Louis Trudel: Yes 22; No Response 2

Twenty-three members voted on the motions before the deadline.

President Murray Moore and Vice-President Cliff Samuels reviewed 2023 (CSFFA’s presence during Pemmi-Con, and the 2023 Awards) and answered questions.