What does it take to become an astronaut?

From Astronomy Magazine :

Have you got what it takes to become an astronaut in the new era of human spaceflight?

Empathy and scientific knowledge will be key for astronauts looking to travel to Mars.

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Astronauts Bob and Dough made it to the International Space Station in a privately funded vehicle. NASA
Millions of people watched breathlessly as astronauts for the first time successfully travelled to the International Space Station (ISS) in a privately funded spacecraft, SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket and Crew Dragon capsule, on May 30. The historic launch, which marks a new chapter in human spaceflight, is likely to lead to renewed interest in spaceflight.

So, what exactly does it take to become an astronaut? And can we expect the requirements to change as more private companies get involved and we go on longer journeys?

During the space race of the 1960s, NASA selected an elite group of air force and test pilots to orbit the Earth and to ultimately land on the moon. These pioneers were well accustomed to taking risks and pushing their hardware to the limit. They were later described as having “The Right Stuff” when it came to the physical and psychological characteristics required to be a space farer – a term that is now synonymous with astronaut selection.

Crew dragon docks with the ISS. NASA
Nowadays, thanks to advances in technology and a greater understanding of the requirements of spaceflight, scientists, doctors, engineers and even journalists have all joined the most exclusive club on (and off) Earth. Of the estimated 100 billion people who have ever lived, fewer than 600 individuals have travelled into space. It is therefore a unique profession and one that not all of us are suited to.

Current criteria

Currently, NASA stipulates that applicants must meet certain criteria. First, you must be a US citizen, though some have changed their nationality to fulfil this requirement – including UK-born Michael Foale and Piers Sellars.

You must also possess a master’s degree in science, technology, engineering, or maths, or a Doctor of Medicine degree. In addition to that, you should have at least two years of related professional experience. Alternatively, 1,000 hours of pilot-in-command time on a jet aircraft will do, which is particularly important for the pilot and commander roles. And finally, you have to pass NASA’s long-duration flight astronaut physical test.

Similar criteria are set by other nations, including the European Space Agency (ESA). Essentially, candidates must demonstrate aptitude in a range of attributes. These can generally be broken down into four distinct areas, and may change going forward.


Warning: Mars is about to leap out of your computer screen.

Space Weather News for Nov. 17, 2020

3D IMAGES OF MARS: Warning: Mars is about to leap out of your computer screen. European astronomers have just released some of the best photos of Mars ever taken from Earth. They’ve assembled the images into a crazy-good 3D animation of the Red Planet spinning on its axis. See for yourself on today’s edition of Spaceweather.com.

Above: This photo of Mars taken last month from Pic du Midi is one of many used to create a best-ever 3D animation of the Red Planet.

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November 14 participation Prizes

I’m pleased to announce that 17 people participated in our meeting, November 14, either by Zoom, or by contributing to the “display table” or by commenting on the very excellent presentations. I will draw names from a hat, and announce winners tomorrow.

Graeme Cameron, fan historian and archivist, has described MonSFFA as possibly the most active club in the country! So pat yourselves on the back, everyone!

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Science Fiction Cinema and 1950s Britain

About Science Fiction Cinema and 1950s Britain

This book is open access and available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. It is funded by Knowledge Unlatched.
Download the pdf 

For the last sixty years discussion of 1950s science fiction cinema has been dominated by claims that the genre reflected US paranoia about Soviet brainwashing and the nuclear bomb. However, classic films, such as Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) and It Came from Outer Space (1953), and less familiar productions, such as It! The Terror from Beyond Space (1958), were regularly exported to countries across the world.

The histories of their encounters with foreign audiences have not yet been told. Science Fiction Cinema and 1950s Britain begins this task by recounting the story of 1950s British cinema-goers and the aliens and monsters they watched on the silver screen. Drawing on extensive archival research, Matthew Jones makes an exciting and important intervention by locating American science fiction films alongside their domestic counterparts in their British contexts of release and reception. He offers a radical reassessment of the genre, demonstrating for the first time that in Britain, which was a significant market for and producer of science fiction, these films gave voice to different fears than they did in America. While Americans experienced an economic boom, low immigration and the conferring of statehood on Alaska and Hawaii, Britons worried about economic uncertainty, mass immigration and the dissolution of the Empire. Science Fiction Cinema and 1950s Britain uses these and other differences between the British and American experiences of the 1950s to tell a new history of the decade’s science fiction cinema, exploring for the first time the ways in which the genre came to mean something unique to Britons.

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Table of contents

Introduction: Teacups and Flying SaucersSection A: Communist infiltration and indoctrination

1. Soviet brainwashing, British defectors and the corruptive elsewhere
2. ‘He can be a Communist here if he wants to’: Living with the monster

Section B: Nuclear technology

3. The beast in the atom: Britain’s nuclear nightmares
4. Atomic Albion: Britain’s nuclear dreams

Section C: Race and immigration

5. It came from the colonies!: Mass immigration and the invasion narratives
6. Loving the alien: After the Notting Hill race riots

Section D: Britain at home and abroad

7. Still overpaid, still oversexed and still over here: The American invasion of Europe
8. Science fiction Britain: The nation of the future


Virtual Meeting 08 – Signoff

To conclude this book-themed virtual meeting, we present you with this classic Warner Brothers Merry Melodies cartoon.

Bear in mind that this was produced in 1938, when cultural and racial sensitivities were somewhat different than today’s.
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Meeting of November 14–all the posts in order.

Missed the meeting? Not to worry! Here are all the posts in order of appearance


Virtual Meeting 08 – Intro


Post 2 of 6: November 14 DIY, Joe’s Big Book of Failed, Bad, & Foolish Predictions

Post 3 of 6: The Break!

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Post 5 of 6: November 14, The Joy of Books!


Virtual Meeting 08 – Signoff



This is post 6 of 6 this afternoon and will bring to a close the principal content offered in this, our November virtual meeting. If you’re just now joining us, scroll back to today’s Post 1 of 6 to enjoy the whole meeting, start to finish.


We have just this single coronavirus parody song to offer this month; it’s by The Kiffness and includes a smidgen of hope for the future (www.thekiffness.com):


We bid farewell to two of our club members, Adam Lawrence and Agata Antonow, who are shortly moving out of province. Best of luck, guys, as you embark on a new chapter. We’ll miss you! And do keep in touch!

11) Names of Sci-Fi Artists Featured in Opening Gallery

We don’t actually have the name of the artist who created the cover-jacket design for the first edition of Ray Bradbury’s classic Fahrenheit 451! Suffice it to say it’s a striking visual!

Frank R. Paul produced the vividly colourful cover art for the August 1927 issue of Amazing Stories. Paul is considered by many to be the grandfather of sci-fi pulp illustration.

The iconic image of a robot gracing the first-edition cover of Asimov’s classic I, Robot was created by Edd Cartier.

Next we have a groovy piece by the venerable Frank Kelly Freas. It was employed as the cover of June 1948’s issue of Super-Science Fiction.

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Probably best known as the first to illustrate Frank Herbert’s Dune, John Schoenherr has produced many first-rate illustrations for books and magazines. We showcased a piece used as the cover of Mark Phillips’ novel The Impossibles.

British illustrator Chris Foss’ colourfully painted spaceships set against dramatic backdrops should be recognizable to most fans. His talents have been applied to both book illustration and conceptual design for genre films. The painting we showcased appeared as the cover of an E. E. “Doc” Smith reprint by Panther Science Fiction.

David Mattingly has produced all of the covers for David Weber’s Honor Harrington series for Baen. This excellent example of imaginative realism served as the cover of Honor Among Enemies.

Unhappy with the illustrations proposed for Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange, art director/designer David Pelham decided to take on the job himself, coming up with this simple, effective, and enduring graphic.Finally, we have a trio of wonderfully pulpy paintings produced for Super-Science Fiction magazine by Edmund “Ed” Emshwiller, who often signed his work “Emsh.”


We hope you have enjoyed your time with us this afternoon, and we ask all of you to check in regularly here at www.MonSFFA.ca for additional content during this continuing period of partial lockdown, and for any news as to when the club expects a return to face-to-face meetings. Thank you for your interest and attention, and don’t forget to comment on today’s offerings!

We’d also like to thank Sylvain St-Pierre, Josée Bellemare, Joe Aspler, Keith Braithwaite, and Cathy Palmer-Lister for putting this November 2020 DIY, Virtual MonSFFA Meeting together, with a nod, as well, to our supporting contributors today.

And we’d be remiss if we were not to acknowledge and correct an oversight regarding last month’s meeting: we failed to include Cathy Palmer-Lister’s name in the “Thank You!” section; she did, in fact, contribute to the October meeting, as she has to all of our virtual meetings to date! We apologize for this oversight and blame it on accumulated fumes from hand sanitizer messing with our cognitive function!

Until next time (December 12), eschew gatherings, continue to practise social distancing, wear your mask, and wash your hands often! With a vaccine now on the near-horizon, better days are ahead, but it will take continuing patience, discipline, and emotional fortitude to get us there!

Post 5 of 6: November 14, The Joy of Books!

The Joy of Books

You can click on the pictures to expand them.


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Post 4 of 6: November 14 A Compendium of Unusual Books

A Compendium of Unusual Books

You can click on the pictures to expand them.


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Post 3 of 6: The Break!

Welcome to the Break!

Get your drinks and snacks before the Zoom session which is about to begin. If you did not receive the link for Zoom, contact me NOW, because in a few minutes I will be too busy on the Zoom call and moderating comments.

And we’re off and running!

First, a couple of important messages from your executive.

We need more members to step up to the bat. You may have noticed the same names cropping up every meeting. Behind those names are some very over-worked members! Please contact Sylvain and offer your help with panel suggestions. Better yet, offer to prepare a presentation!  A presentation can be put together as slides the way Sylvain and Joe do,  or as a regular post the way Keith and I do.  We are able to assist with technical details.

The December Holiday Feast is Cancelled.

We will have a regular meeting on line on December the 12th. Please note the change of date.



The Montreal Salon du Livre goes virtual.

Running until tomorrow, the venerable Montreal Salon du Livre (Book Fair) has, much like us, been forced to move to the Web exclusively and can be visited on line at:



The Display Table

Dan Kenney had been retro-fitting one of his Klingon BoP. Work is still in progress. The heavier model needed a new base,

“Compared old D-7, BOP B’rel class and my new V’Kar Super Dreadnaught class.” –DPK

I had asked members to send us pictures of their libraries. Looks like Paula needs shelving units!

And from Marc Carrier:   Salut Cathy, Quelques photos d’un partie de ma bibliothèque et de ce que je lis actuellement. A moins d’un changement je ne pense pas participer demain. A une autre fois sûrement.  –Marc

Keith wrote:  I’ve been collecting science fiction, horror, and some epic fantasy novels and anthologies since high school, mostly but not exclusively in paperback. But in addition, I’ve accumulated a sizable collection of paleoentology, history, Titanic, movie and special visual effects books, and of course, sc-fi art books, as well as general reference volumes on a variety of topics from astronomy to heraldry to steam locomotives to world’s fairs!

With my father’s passing six years ago, I inherited much of his extensive collection of World War II and general history books, and my shelving units are now stacked with books two and three rows deep! It’s all a jumble since I unpacked dad’s book boxes and added his collection to mine. I’m pretty much out of space and plan to remodel one of the soon-to-be-vacated children’s bedrooms as a library–a visit to IKEA is in my future!

The pandemic has delayed plans by both of my kids to move out on their own soon (my daughter is actually living in Ottawa currently, but a lot of her stuff is still here at home). Once they have left the nest, I’ll have space to expand and better organize my books, not to mention my equally extensive collection of sci-fi DVDs!

Sylvain needs to clean up his basement a bit to access the overflow stacks in the workshop…

The library of Mark Burakoff and Lindsay Brown.

Josée has made a lovely tee-shirt, Reading is Magic!

Wayne Glover sent a picture of his prizes, along side one of his models



The Participation Raffle

The names of all who participate, even if only to post a comment or two, will be put in a hat.  Winners may choose from the following prizes:

Nebula, Locus, Sunburst and Aurora Award finalist: The Mayan God of Death sends a young woman on a harrowing, life-changing journey in this dark fairy tale inspired by Mexican folklore. Condition: like new The spoiled daughter of a rich mining family must retrieve the tithe of men her father promised to the world below. Condition: like new Ten novelettes and short stories by various science fiction authors, together with a preface by the editors. Condition: Good
A cross stitch kit, includes everything needed including the needle. The colours have been sorted. (Hard cover) A no-holds-barred look at the complex and driven visionary who created Star Trek Condition: Good
A classic! Condition: This copy has yellowed a little, but in fairly good shape generally.

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And for those who have not yet tired of my wooden puzzles, a UFO cut from Black Walnut, finished with Danish Oil.



Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association