New zines to share!

From Garth Spencer, The Obdurate Eye


From the N3F,  Tightbeam 338.


New on e-Fanzines:

Added today at

Archive issues of Heath Row’s Telegraphs & Tar Pits #35-38, Explosion Containment Umbrella #3, Snow Poster City #7, and new title Brass Hat Mind #1


Bill Plott’s Sporadic #68

Garth Spencer’s The Obdurate Eye #21



Zines to share

Zines to share

New posts on e-fanzines, Purrmews, and This Here


TH 58r1

Catching up after a week away for Corflu, here are today’s updates at

New page for Philippa and Helen Ryder’s Through Space and Time

Perry Middlemiss’s Perryscope #27

Ray Palm’s The Ray X X-rayer #168

Bill Plott’s Sporadic #71 & 72

Nic Farey’s This Here…#58

Opuntia #536, edited by Dale Speirs

Octothorpe #69, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line


Locus Forthcoming Books November

Locus Forthcoming Books November

NOV 2022

  • BRANDON SANDERSON • The Lost Metal • Orion/Gollancz, Nov 2022 (eb, hc)
  • BRANDON SANDERSON • The Lost Metal • Tor, Nov 2022 (hc, eb)
  • C.L. POLK • Even Though I Knew the End • Tor¬dotcom, Nov 2022 (na, hc, eb)
  • CHARLAINE HARRIS • The Serpent in Heaven • Little Brown UK/Piatkus, Nov 2022 (tp)
  • CHARLAINE HARRIS • The Serpent in Heaven • Simon & Schuster/Saga Press, Nov 2022 (hc, eb)
  • CHERIE PRIEST • Flight Risk • Simon & Schuster/Atria, Nov 2022 (hc, eb)
  • CHUCK WENDIG • Wayward • Penguin Random House UK/Del Rey UK, Nov 2022 (h, eb, hc)
  • CHUCK WENDIG • Wayward • Penguin Random House/Del Rey, Nov 2022 (h, hc, eb)
  • DAVID SANDNER & JACOB WEIS¬MAN • Hellhounds • Fairwood Press, Nov 2022 (nt, ph, eb)
  • FRAN WILDE • The Book of Gems • Tordotcom, Nov 2022 (na, tp, eb)
  • GARRY KILWORTH • Wild Hunt • NewCon Press, Nov 2022 (hc, eb, tp)
  • IAN WATSON • The Chinese Time Machine • NewCon Press, Nov 2022 (c, hc, eb, tp)
  • JAMES P. BLAYLOCK • Pennies from Heaven • PS Publishing, Nov 2022 (a, hc)
  • JULIE E. CZERNEDA • To Each this World • DAW, Nov 2022 (tp, eb)
  • K.J. PARKER • Pulling the Wings Off Angels • Tor¬dotcom, Nov 2022 (na, tp, eb)
  • KAREN HEULER • A Slice of the Dark • Fairwood Press, Nov 2022 (c, tp, eb)
  • KATHLEEN O’NEAL GEAR • The Ice Orphan • DAW, Nov 2022 (hc, eb)
  • KEVIN J. ANDERSON • Double-Booked • WordFire Press, Nov 2022 (om, tp, hc, eb)
  • LAVIE TIDHAR • Neom • Tachyon Publications, Nov 2022 (tp, eb)
  • LOIS MCMASTER BUJOLD • Penric’s Labors • Baen, Nov 2022 (c, hc, eb)
  • MARSHALL RYAN MARESCA • The Quarrygate Gambit • DAW, Nov 2022 (eb)
  • N.K. JEMISIN • The World We Make • Little Brown UK/Orbit, Nov 2022 (eb, hc)
  • N.K. JEMISIN • The World We Make • Orbit US, Nov 2022 (hc, eb)
  • NA’AMEN GOBERT TILAHUN • The Fruit • Skyhorse/Night Shade Books, Nov 2022 (tp, eb)
  • NAOMI NOVIK • The Golden Enclaves • Penguin Random House/Del Rey, Sep 2022 (hc, eb)
  • NISI SHAWL • Fruiting Bodies • Aqueduct Press, Nov 2022 (c, tp, eb)
  • R.B. LEMBERG • Geometries of Belonging and Other Stories • Fairwood Press, Nov 2022 (c, tp, eb)
  • REBECCA ROANHORSE • Tread of Angels • Simon & Schuster/Saga Press, Nov 2022 (a, hc, eb)
  • SEAN WILLIAMS • The Sky Inside • PS Publishing, Nov 2022 (c, hc)
  • SHARON SHINN • The Shuddering City • Fairwood Press, Nov 2022 (c, tp, eb)
  • SHEREE RENÉE THOMAS & OCHENECHOVWE DONALD EK¬PEKI, ET AL., EDS. • Africa Risen: A New Era of Specu¬lative Fiction • Tordotcom, Nov 2022 (oa, hc, eb)
  • STEPHEN DONALDSON • The Killing God • Orion/Gollancz, Nov 2022 (eb, hc)
  • STEPHEN R. DONALDSON • The Killing God • Penguin Random House/Berkley, Nov 2022 (hc, eb)

The Mystery of T-Rex and its tiny arms

 T. rex is almost as famous for its withered little arms as for its enormous teeth – they’re so totally out of proportion, they almost look like they’ve been plucked from another species and simply stuck on, in a throwback to the hilarious blunders of bone assembly from the 19th Century (such as the time Stegosaurus‘ signature diamond-shaped back plates were added to its tail instead).

“You can look at his arms and say, well, these are ridiculous. They’re so different than anything around today, what is the point,” says L J Krumenacker, a palaeontologist at Idaho State University.

With arms that might measure just 3ft (0.9m) long on a 45-ft (13.7m) individual, this formidable carnivore’s hilariously small appendages have been a source of intense speculation ever since they were discovered – despite decades of studying them, to this day no one has any idea what they’re for.


Zines to share!

[eFanzines] Pre-Corflu update at eFanzines

Added today at are:

BEAM #17 edited by Nic Farey and Ulrika O’Brien

Ethel the Aardvark #217 and archive issues 15, 183

Octothorpe #68, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line

Guy H. Lillian III’s Spartacus #60

Garth Spencer’s The Obdurate Eye #20

Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #28

From Joseph Major, Alexiad


From the N3F, 3 zines and sad news.




Alas, I must start with sad news about Justin E. A. Busch:
Hi George,
This is Erin, Justin’s partner. Sadly, he has been in a state of decline since his cancer came back, and he is not currenty capable of writing. In all likelihood, there won’t be any other Fanfaronades.
There’s some more here:
Please feel free to forward the news. I am checking his email periodically and people can also contact me directly if need be
Sorry to be the bearer of sad news,



Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association