Orcs in Space

From François Vigneault, who was our guest at the July MonSFFA meeting,  an update regarding Orcs in Space. –CPL


The first collection of Orcs in Space will be arriving in bookstores and comic shops on October 6th! Now is a great time to contact your preferred bookseller and pre-order the book!

The next issue and next arc of Orcs in Space is gonna be here before you know it… Just a short one month break to let everyone catch their breath before we get going!
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The orcs are… still in space! Gor, Mongtar, and Kravis go on a quest to infiltrate a shipyard guarded by a robot army to help their ship’s AI, D.O.N.A., discover her origins. While exploring a scrap heap, they run into the Cyber-Scrapper, who offers to help–but is he friend or foe?



Fanzine to share!

Probe is a fanzine from South Africa. the cover of this issue is stunning. Probe 189 Like us, the SFFSA is holding meetings on line, and you can download the discussions from their site: http://www.sffsa.org.za/

3. Editorial
4. Chairman’s Note
5. Magazines Received
6. L.O.C # 1 Lloyd Penney
8. Twice: The Eclipse Roberto Schima
14. History, Genre and Time in Triangulum
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28. Junk Bernie Ackerman
40. The Probotic Agony Column
41. End Zone Space Oddities Derek Hohls
41. Books Received.
43. Book Reviews Jamieson and Hope
48. L.O.C # 2 Lloyd Penney


Fanzines to share!

We have received two zines from the N3F, Tightbeam and TNFF

Tightbeam 324 Tightbeam324

The Editors are:
George Phillies phillies@4liberty.net 48 Hancock Hill Drive, Worcester, MA 01609.
Jon Swartz jon_swartz@hotmail.com
Art Editors are Angela K. Scott, Jose Sanchez, and Cedar Sanderson.
Art Contributors are Angela K. Scott, Jose Sanchez, David Russell, and Cedar Sanderson.

Table of Contents
Front Cover … Party Time by Jose Sanchez
Back Cover … Shrimps by David Russell
Letters of Comment
4 … Lloyd Penney
4 … Lloyd Penney
5 … Impressions – The Great Jahy Will Not be Defeated … Jessi Silver
6 … Night Head 2041 … Jessi Silver
8 … Overpowered by Mark H. Kruger … Mindy Hunt
9… J.A. Sutherland’s Alexis Carew Series … Jim McCoy
11 … The Green Hills of Earth/The Menace from Earth by Robert Heinlein … Chris Nuttall
15 … William Goldman’s Magic … Will Mayo
15 … Isaac Asimov’s Nightfall … Will Mayo
15 … Micronauts issue 1 … Tom Simmons
16 … Micronauts issue 2 … Tom Simmons
17 … Micronauts issue 3 … Tom Simmons
18 … Black Widow … Tom Feller
18 … Old … Tom Feller
You can click to use overnight cialis these alphanumeric numbers. In this condition, men are found to be incapable to develop and maintain an erection for satisfactory sexual intercourse is what all a woman needs. buy cheap levitra Due to his extensive work, the sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, reduce pain, inflammation, and indigestion. http://amerikabulteni.com/2016/12/08/time-trumpa-seytan-boynuzu-mu-takti/ viagra online In this case gorilla pharmacy is the best pharmacy so far where you will get all types of erectile dysfunctions. browse around for info canada viagra cialis is made of Sildenafil citrate. 19 … The Green Knight … Tom Feller
19 … Jungle Cruise … Tom Feller
20 … Mark Clifton Bio-Bibliography … Jon D. Swartz, Ph. D
22 … An Interview with Thom Dresser … Tamara Wilhite
23 … An Interview with Richard Paolinelli, Author of “Galen’s Way” … Tamara Wilhite
25 … Another Interview with Mike Baron … Tamara Wilhite
26 … Review Of UFO … Will Mayo
Food of Famous Writers
27 … Eat This While You Read That: Jim Baen … Cedar Sanderson


Fandom’s Oldest Print Publication
Cras ad Stellas— Tomorrow to the Stars
Volume 80 Number 8 August 2021

In This Issue
Franson Award to Patricia Williams-King
Neffy Awards
Letters of Comment
Will Mayo, Nic Farey, John Thiel, Lloyd Penney
Rhianna Morse, Mick Taylor, Justin E.A. Busch
Dick Cole: Wonder Boy
Fanzines, Fan-Pro Coordinating Bureau, Correspondence Bureau, History and Research Bureau,
Welcommittee, Recruitment Bureau, Round Robins, Writers Exchange
Treasurer’s Report
Neffy Ballot

Fanzines to Share!


Editorial / Introduction—p. 2
Kritter Korner—p. 2
Astronomy—p. 4
Trip to Seattle—p. 6
Reviews—p. 5
StippleAPA—p. 11
Closing Remarks—p. 19


Tamara Wilhite Obituary

2 … A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine … Review by Pat Patterson
4 … A Star-Wheeled Sky by Brad Torgersen … Review by Pat Patterson
6 … The Calculating Stars by Mary Robinette Kowal … Review by Pat Patterson
This thiazolidinedione class drug is built to buying levitra from canada act as hypoglycemic or anti-diabetic. When folks are confronted with any sort sale of viagra of economical strain, relationships can consider a very difficult thing to do if you are in depression, but exercise in fact is the best and most useful way of getting rid of this painful disease. Impotence has been presumed to be on line cialis http://appalachianmagazine.com/2018/12/01/nose-to-toe-bed-sharing-in-appalachia-back-when-getting-sleep-was-work/ the result of mental strain. In this way, you can escape the cialis no prescription cheap hassle of breaking open the cabinet or drawer to get the files. 7 … Denver Moon: The Minds of Mars by Warren Hammond and Joshua Viola … Review by Jim McCoy
8 … Directorate School by Pam Uphoff’ … Review by Jim McCoy
10 … Heavy Weather by Bruce Sterling … Review by Samuel Lubell
11 … House of Assassins by Larry Correia … Review by Pat Patterson
13 … How Few Remain by Harry Turtledove … Review by Samuel Lubell
14 … The Iron Codex by David Mack … Review by Pat Patterson
16 … Job: A Comedy of Justice by Robert Heinlein … Review by Chris Nuttall
19 … The Light Brigade by Cameron Hurley … Review by Pat Patterson
20 … Machines Like Me by Ian McEwan … Review by Pat Patterson
21 … Manhattan Transfer by John Stith … Review by Samuel Lubell
22 … Marine by Joshua Dalzelle … Review by Pat Patterson
23 … Order of the Centurion by Anspach and Cole … Review by Pat Patterson
24 … Record Of A Spaceborn Few by Becky Chambers … Review by Pat Patterson
26 … Red Tide: The Invasion of Seattle by Chris Kennedy … Review by Jim McCoy
28 … Redcaps Rising: A Walter Bailey Misadventure by P.A. Piatt … Review by Jim McCoy
30 … Someplace to be Flying by Charles De Lint … Review by Samuel Lubell
31 … Taking the Night by J.F. Posthumous … Review by Becky Jones
32 … Unfettered Journey by Gary F. Bengier … Review by Jason P Hunt
33 … We Dare: An Anthology of Augmented Humanity, Chris Kennedy, Jamie Ibson, eds. Review by Pat Patterson

La 13e édition du Festival Stop Motion Montréal

La 13e édition du Festival Stop Motion Montréal :
10 jours pour découvrir le meilleur de l’animation en volume
en ligne du 10 au 19 septembre

Voir le site web: http://www.stopmotionmontreal.com/accueil/4589487169

Découvrez une sélection originale de 93 films en stop motion, déclinés en 12 programmes compétitifs, via le site du Cinéma Public.

Cette année, le Festival met de l’avant les artistes autochtones et propose une table ronde intitulée Productions stop motion autochtones – Voix et images qui sera offerte gratuitement, en direct sur Facebook, le samedi 18 septembre à 13h (HAE). Présenté en collaboration avec Wapikoni, l’événement animé par la réalisatrice Jani Bellefleur-Kaltush réunira Terril Calder (cinéaste), Melanie Jackson (réalisatrice et productrice), Zacharias Kunuk (réalisateur et producteur, IsumaTV) et Neil Christopher (producteur, Taqqut Productions Inc.).

Une sélection d’�uvres réalisées ou produites par les panélistes invités figurent également à la programmation.


Nos laissez-passer VIP sont présentement en prévente sur Eventbrite– SEULEMENT 40$ + tx!

Les laissez-passer VIP du festival, présentés par TONIC DNA, offrent 13 heures du meilleur cinéma en stop motion dont

– six programmes réguliers de courts métrages en compétition
– deux programmes de films jeunesse
– deux programmes TNT – Terrifiant
– Nu et Tordu (pour public averti)
– un programme Témoignages (documentaire)
– un programme spécial mettant à l’honneur des artistes autochtones
– un programme de courts métrages en compétition exclusif au Canada.

Les détenteurs de laissez-passer VIP auront également des privilèges tels que:
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– des visites des studios et coulisses de production
– un accès à un groupe privé Facebook
– des jeux et session de réseautage

Ils pourront également assister à une session de questions-réponses avec Joseph Wallace, le réalisateur de Salvation Has No Name, film grandement attendu en 2022.

Offre exclusive aux cinéphiles en territoire canadien, ils pourront découvrir le court métrage Angakuksajaujuq (L’Apprentie chamane) de Zacharias Kunuk, présenté en première québécoise au Festival Stop Motion Montréal.

Atelier d’animation de personnage : Du 2D au StopMo avec Jean-François Lévesque

Présenté exceptionnellement en présentiel, à la Maison internationale des arts de la marionnette (MIAM) à Outremont, soit les 13 et 14 septembre, ou les 16 et 17 septembre. Cet atelier, animé par le cinéaste de renom et animateur pluridisciplinaire (2D, 3D, stop motion), est d’une durée de deux jours et est destiné aux animateurs 2D ou 3D voulant se faire la main avec la technique du stop motion ou aux animateurs stop motion désirant se perfectionner.

Le tarif pour y participer (250$ + tx) vient avec un laissez-passer VIP donnant accès à toute la programmation, incluant le plus récent court métrage de Jean-François Lévesque, Moi, Barnabé (2020).

Pour réserver (places limitées) : bit.ly/FFSM_Atelier_JeanFrancoisLevesque
– Information complète disponible sur le site Internet du Festival et sur l’évenement Eventbrite si haut.

Alerte, concours 13e edition chanceuse !

Que diriez-vous d’une nuitée gratuite pour deux personnes dans notre hôtel partenaire, l’Hôtel Monville*? 

Surveillez le fil Instagram du Festival aujourd’hui, 1er septembre, pour le lancement d’un concours excitant et pour la chance de gagner une nuitée dans cet hôtel de 20 étages au concept new age, idéalement situé au c�ur du quartier des affaires et à proximité du Vieux-Port de Montréal, le pôle touristique de la ville.

Le gagnant sera annoncé le 13 septembre, bonne chance !
*Le concours se termine le 10 septembre 2021. Ouvert aux résidents nord-américains âgés de 18 ans et plus.

Festival Stop Motion Montreal

Festival Stop Motion Montréal’s lucky 13th edition :
10 days of the best in stop motion animation
Online from September 10 to 19

Images, teaser, http://www.stopmotionmontreal.com/

Discover an original selection of 93 stop motion films, organized into 12 short competition programs, via the Cinéma Public website.

This year, the Festival is shining a spotlight on Indigenous artists and will offer a roundtable discussion entitled Indigenous Stop motion Productions�Voices and Images, which will be live streamed free of charge on Facebook, Saturday, September 18 at 1:00 p.m. EDT. Presented in collaboration with Wapikoni, this event moderated by director Jani Bellefleur-Kaltush will feature Terril Calder (filmmaker), Melanie Jackson (director and producer), Zacharias Kunuk (director and producer, IsumaTV), and Neil Christopher (producer, Taqqut Productions Inc.).

A selection of films directed or produced by the guest panellists will also be part of the Festival program.


Take advantage of the Eventbrite pre-sale and receive full access to this year’s activities. – ONLY 40$ + tx!

The Festival VIP Pass, presented by TONIC DNA, offers 13 hours of the best films in stop motion cinema, including

– six regular short film competition programs,
– two family-friendly Youth Film programs,
– two TNT � Terrifying, Naked & Twisted programs (mature conntent),
– the Speak-Up program (documentaries),
– a special program showcasing films from Indigenous artists,
– a short film competition program exclusive to Canada viewers.

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– behind-the-scenes studio tours and film production visits
– a private exchange group hosted on Facebook
– games & networking sessions

They’ll also get to attend a special Q&A session with Joseph Wallace, the British director of the highly anticipated 2022 film Salvation Has No Name.

Canadian audiences will have access to watch the short film Angakuksajaujuq (The Shaman’s Apprentice) by Zacharias Kunuk, which will have its Quebec Premiere at Festival Stop Motion Montréal.

A character animation workshop: From 2D to StopMo with Jean-François Lévesque

Lead by renowned filmmaker and multidisciplinary animator (2D, 3D, stop motion), the workshop will take place in person, in an intimate yet socially-distanced atmosphere at the Maison internationale des arts de la marionnette (MIAM) in Outremont, on September 13�14, orr September 16�17. This two-day workshop is perfect for 2D or 3D annimators who wish to learn the stop motion technique, or for stop motion animators looking to improve their skills.

The participation fee ($250 + tx) includes a complimentary Festival VIP Pass which gives passholders unlimited access to the full program, including the latest short film by Jean-François Lévesque, I, Barnabé (2020).

To reserve your place (limited availability): bit.ly/JFLstopmomtl
Full detail available on Festival Stop Motion website and Eventbrite event attached

How would you like a free overnight stay for two at our partner hotel, Hotel Monville*? 

Keep an eye on the Festival’s Instagram feed today, September 1st, for an exciting contest launch and for your chance to win a free night’s stay at this 20-story hotel with a new age concept, ideally located in the heart of the business district and close to the Old Port of Montreal, the city’s tourist hub.

Winner will be announced September 13th, good luck!
*Contest closes September 10, 2021. Open to North American residents aged 18+.

Locus List of Forthcoming Books, September

Locus List of Forthcoming Books, September

  • JOE ABERCROMBIE • The Wisdom of Crowds • Orbit US, Sep 2021 (hc, eb)
  • JOE ABERCROMBIE • The Wisdom of Crowds • Orion/Gollancz, Sep 2021 (eb, hc)
  • NINA ALLAN • The Art of Space Travel and Other Stories • Titan Books US, Sep 2021 (c, tp, eb)
  • NINA ALLAN • The Art of Space Travel and Other Stories • Titan, Sep 2021 (c, tp)
  • KRISTEN BRITAIN • Winterlight • DAW, Sep 2021 (hc, eb)
  • KRISTEN BRITAIN • Winterlight • Orion/Gollancz, Sep 2021 (eb, tp)
  • ELLEN DATLOW, ed. • When Things Get Dark: Stories Inspired by Shirley Jackson • Titan, Sep 2021 (hc)
  • SEBASTIEN DE CASTELL • Play of Shadows • Quercus/Jo Fletcher, Sep 2021 (eb, hc)
  • ANTHONY DOERR • Cloud Cuckoo Land • Simon & Schuster/Scribner, Sep 2021 (hc, eb)
  • ANTHONY DOERR • Cloud Cuckoo Land • HarperCollins UK/Fourth Estate, Sep 2021 (hc)
  • STEVEN ERIKSON • Upon a Dark of Evil Overlords • PS Publishing, Sep 2021 (h, hc)
  • LAURIE FOREST • The Demon Tide • Harlequin/Inkyard Press, Sep 2021 (ya, hc, eb)
  • SIMON R. GREEN • Jekyll & Hyde Inc. • Baen, Sep 2021 (hc, eb)
  • DAVID HAIR • World’s Edge • Quercus/Jo Fletcher, Sep 2021 (hc)
  • TJ KLUNE • Under the Whispering Door • Tor, Sep 2021 (hc, eb)
  • JAY KRISTOFF • Empire of the Vampire • Harper Voyager, Sep 2021 (hc)
  • JONATHAN MABERRY • Empty Graveyards • WordFire Press, Sep 2021 (c, hc, tp, eb)
  • JULIET MARILLIER • A Song of Flight • Ace, Sep 2021 (tp, eb)
  • SEANAN MCGUIRE • When Sorrows Come • DAW, Sep 2021 (hc, eb)
  • NAOMI NOVIK • The Last Graduate • Penguin Random House/Del Rey, Sep 2021 (hc, eb)
  • NAOMI NOVIK • The Last Graduate • Penguin Random House UK/Del Rey UK, Sep 2021 (hc)
  • ADA PALMER • Perhaps the Stars • Tor, Sep 2021 (hc, eb)
  • ADA PALMER • Perhaps the Stars • Head of Zeus/Ad Astra, Sep 2021 (tp, eb, hc)
  • H.G. PARRY • Short Stories • Charnel House, Sep 2021 (c, hc)
  • RICHARD POWERS • Bewilderment • Norton, Sep 2021 (hc, eb)
  • RICHARD POWERS • Bewilderment • Penguin Random House UK/Heinemann, Sep 2021 (hc)
  • CAT RAMBO • You Sexy Thing • Tor, Sep 2021 (hc, eb)
  • ANTHONY RYAN • City of Songs • Subterranean Press, Sep 2021 (na, hc, eb)
  • JONATHAN STRAHAN, ED. • The Year’s Best Science Fiction, Volume 2 • Simon & Schuster/Saga Press, Sep 2021 (an, tp, eb)
  • CHARLES STROSS • Invisible Sun • Tor, Sep 2021 (hc, eb)
  • CHARLES STROSS • Invisible Sun • Macmillan/Tor UK, Sep 2021 (eb, tp)
  • J.R.R. TOLKIEN • The Nature of Middle-earth • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Sep 2021 (c, hc, eb)
  • CADWELL TURNBULL • No Gods, No Monsters • Blackstone Publishing, Sep 2021 (hc, eb)
  • ALIYA WHITELEY • From the Neck Up • Titan Books US, Sep 2021 (tp, eb)
  • ALIYA WHITELEY • From the Neck Up • Titan, Sep 2021 (tp)
  • PAUL WITCOVER • Lincolnstein • PS Publishing, Sep 2021 (h, hc)

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Le Festival Stop Motion Montréal est de retour!

Le Festival Stop Motion Montréal est de retour!

La 13e édition du Festival sera offerte majoritairement en ligne du 10 au 19 septembre 2021, et ce à l’international! La communauté du stop motion et le grand public pourront à nouveau prendre part à nos activités, et ce partout à travers le monde.

Histoire de permettre aux artistes locaux de se retrouver, notre équipe prévoit entre autres un atelier professionnel en présentiel. Les artistes à l’international auront quant à eux aussi la chance de s’inscrire à divers ateliers en ligne organisés par le Festival et qui seront proposés prochainement.

Plusieurs heures de visionnement et de contenu spécial seront accessibles via la plateforme de cinéma en ligne de notre nouveau partenaire-diffuseur montréalais Cinéma Public. L’ensemble de nos contenus sera disponible sur une période allongée de 10 jours!

Si ce n’est pas encore fait, découvrez la sélection des films en compétition, soit 94 courts métrages en provenance de 31 pays, juste ici!

Restez à l’affût, l’information à propos de notre programmation vous sera dévoilée bientôt.

Festival Stop Motion Montréal is back!

The Festival’s 13th annual edition, will be mostly happening online from September 10th to 19th 2021, and internationally too! The stop motion community as well as the general audience around the world will once again be able to take part in our activities.

To allow local artists to meet and network, our team is however working on bringing back at least one professional workshops in person. International artists, on their end, will be given the chance to sign up to various online workshops organized by the Festival in the coming weeks.

Several hours of content will be available via our new Montreal partner and broadcaster Cinéma Public through their online cinema platform. All of our content will be available during an extended period of 10 days!

If you didn’t find out yet, discover the 94 short films from 31 countries selected for competition right here

Stay tuned in the upcoming weeks, information about the Festival programming will be revealed soon.

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Crédits affiche: Conception, illustration et photographie par
Poster credit: Conception, illustration and photography by

Gianluca Maruotti

Website: https://gianlucamaruotti.com/
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/gianlucamaruotti
IG: @gianluca.maruotti



Nos laissez-passer VIP sont présentement en prévente sur Eventbrite – SEULEMENT 40$ + tx!

Prix régulier à 54$ taxes et frais inclus à partir du 6 septembre sur Cinéma Public.


Take advantage of the Eventbrite pre-sale and receive full access to this year’s activities. – ONLY 40$ + tx!

VIP passes will be sold on Cinema Public website starting September 6 at the regular price of 54$ taxes and web fees included.

Découvrez le concours Ciné-motion:

Ciné-motion est un festival de films d’animation en stop motion pour les amateurs. Organisé par la Ville de Saint-Herblain (France) et le cinéma Lutétia, il fait concourir des amateurs de tous âges, en solo ou en collectif. Des films de 1 à 7 minutes sont mis en compétition dans différentes catégories.

Festival Stop Motion Montréal et Ciné-motion sont heureux de collaborer pour une deuxième édition. Nous vous invitons à participer à leur appel de films avant la fin du mois. Vous pouvez soumettre vos oeuvres jusqu’au 31 août 2021, minuit.

Tous les détails sur le site internet de la Maison des Arts 

Le parrain de cette seconde édition est Claude Barras, réalisateur de Ma vie de Courgette.

Discover the Ciné-motion competition:

Ciné-motion is a stop motion animation for non-professionals. Organized by the city of Saint-Herblain (France) and the cinema Lutétia, it allows non-professionals of any age to participate alone or as a team. Films from 1 to 7 minutes are selected in many different categories.

Festival Stop Motion Montréal and Ciné-motion are happy to collaborate for the second year in a row. We invite you to submit your film to them before the end of the month. Their call for film is open until August 31st 2021 at midnight.

All details are available on the Maison des Arts website

This year’s patron is Claude Barras, director of Ma vie de Courgette.

More fanzines!

From the N3F, Origin and Fanactivity

Origin42202108 has an article on music in film, something that has been talked about at our own MonSFFA meetings.

Editorial, “Well, Stranger, Are You New to Fandom?” by John Thiel, page three Fanzine Retrospective 5, by Jon Swartz, Sinisterra, page five Science Fiction Movie Soundtracks, by Jeffrey Redmond, page ten Going About Being a Science Fiction Fan, by Judy Carroll, page seventeen A Little Science Fiction Music, by John Thiel, page ninteen


Letter to the Editor: From Lloyd Penney and Catherine Groves
Editorial: George Phillies writes.
Fanzines: Read Fanfaronade 12 from Justin E. A. Busch
Conventions: Read Conventions for August by Mindy Hunt
Television: Rabid Ears: Ravings of a TV Fiend by Cathode Ray will return next issue

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Posting an update before Hurricane Henri arrives on Sunday morning. These new issues are at https://efanzines.com

Nic Farey’s This Here…#45

Octothorpe #38, a regular fannish podcast by Liz Batty, John Coxon and Alison Scott, is now on line

Perry Middlemiss’ The Alien Review #2

Ethel the Aardvark #210 and archive issues 8, 190

Opuntia #507, edited by Dale Speirs

Nic Farey’s This Here

TH 45

Fanizine from Nic Farey–great column for footy (soccer) fans, beautiful water colour illos, interesting LoC.

How does one define “fanzine”? It used to be obvious, but then the Internet came along… A good read!
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Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association