Space Weather News for Feb. 22, 2024
Giant sunspot AR3590 just unleashed two major X-class solar flares. The double blast approximately coincided with a widely-reported outage of cell phone service; however, experts agree that the flares were probably not responsible. More flares are in the offing. The sunspot has an unstable ‘delta-class’ magnetic field, and it is turning toward Earth. Full story @
Above: An X1.8-class solar flare on Feb. 21st (2307 UT) observed at multiple wavelengths by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory


Space Weather News for Feb. 21, 2024

SOLAR ECLIPSE COMET: A comet is approaching the sun for a rare appearance during this April’s total solar eclipse. Cryovolcanic comet 12P/Pons-Brooks is expected to be at least faintly visible inside the Moon’s shadow with a more dramatic display possible if one of its ice geysers erupts at the right moment. Full story & sky maps @

Above: Venus, Jupiter and possibly Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks will be visible during this April’s total solar eclipse



Fanzines to share!

We have zines to share!

From Garth Spenser: Shooting my Cuffs 11.

From Bill Burns, an update to efanzines:

I thought last week was busy, but I’ve just posted 15 new and archive fanzine issues at

  • Leybl Botwinik’s CyberCozen – Feb 2024
  • Opuntia #566, edited by Dale Speirs
  • David Grigg’s The Megaloscope #11
  • Dan Harper’s ABwoF #10
  • Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #44
  • Christopher J. Garcia’s The Drink Tank #454
  • Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #66, 67
  • Octothorpe #103, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line
  • Michael Dobson’s The Random Jottings Holiday Special
  • R Graeme Cameron’s Great Galloping Ghu! #2
  • Bill Plott’s Sporadic #50 & 51 (archive issues)
  • Garth Spencer’s The Obdurate Eye #36
  • Ray Palm’s The Ray X X-rayer #177



February 2024 CSFFA Newsletter: Aurora 2024 Updates

An update regarding the Aurora Awards, received from the CSFFA

Winter is almost over (we hope) and with it the first stage of 2024’s Aurora Awards process. Please see below for specific updates.

In this newsletter:

  1. Aurora Award Updates for February 2024
  2. An Aurora Awards History Tidbit

Aurora Awards Updates for February 2024Eligibility Lists Close Soon

Depending on when you read this, the lists for this year’s works eligible to be nominated for the 2024 Aurora Awards closes soon.  The lists will be closed at 11:59 pm EST on Saturday, February 24th.

Over the following week our eligibility team of volunteers will review all works that are still pending.  If you see something that was missed, please email us.  If it is not too late, we will try to add it.

Nominations Open in March

Nominations will open on Saturday, March 2nd.  CSFFA members have until Saturday, April 6th at 11:59 pm EST to enter your choices.  One special feature of the nomination process is that you can return as many times as you wish to add or modify your choices.  After our deadline our webmaster will lock all nominations that members have entered.

For those new to the awards, you may enter up to five choices in each category.  Each entry in a category must be unique.  If you submit the same work more than once ALL of them will be voided.  If you accidentally duplicate one you can always use the “blank” record that it at the top of each dropdown list.  Please be careful and review your choices before you submit them. Nominate what you know and enjoyed.

Special request when you nominate or ask others to nominate

Please do NOT ask friends or family to get a membership to just nominate or vote (later) for your works if they are not SF/Fantasy fans.  Members are encouraged to nominate in multiple categories.  The awards are for fans of the genre.  This is not a popularity contest to see who has the largest family.

We want people to get memberships who read Science Fiction, Fantasy, and/or Horror to help us determine the best works that were done last year.

The 2023 Hugo Awards: A report on censorship and exclusion

This is a must read report on what happened to the 2023 Hugo Awards. Also on File 770, letters from Kat Jones and Diane Lacey

Click here to read the report: 2023 Hugo Awards Censorship Report_Final

Extract below:


By Chris M. Barkley and Jason Sanford: Emails and files released by one of the administrators of the 2023 Hugo Awards indicate that authors and works deemed “not eligible” for the awards were removed due to political considerations. In particular, administrators of the awards from the United States and Canada researched political concerns related to Hugo-eligible authors and works and discussed removing certain ones from the ballot for those reasons, revealing they were active participants in the censorship that took place.

When the Hugo Award voting and nomination statistics were released, no detailed explanation was given for why multiple authors and works were deemed “not eligible” even though they had enough nominations to make the award’s final ballot. The only official explanation came from overall Hugo Awards administrator Dave McCarty, who said “After reviewing the Constitution and the rules we must follow, the administration team determined those works/persons were not eligible.”

However, emails and files released by another member of that Hugo administration team, Diane Lacey, shows that the rules “we must follow” were in relation to Chinese laws related to content and censorship.

Possible auroras down to northern-tier US States.

Never fails, these storms hit just when we have cloudy skies. But in case we get a clearing, watch for auroras around 13th, 14th. Also, if you have solar observing glasses such as the ones MonSFFA was given by the RASC MOntreal Centre at the January meeting, keep an eye on the sun anytime it peeks through the clouds. Lots of visible sunspots!
Space Weather News for Feb 12, 2024

GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH: A forecast model from NOAA shows multiple CMEs striking Earth on Feb. 13th. Their impacts could cause G2-class (Moderate) geomagnetic storms with auroras across northern-tier US States. Also, there’s a slim chance they might combine to form a more potent “Cannibal CME.” Full story @

CME impact alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive instant text messages when the CMEs strike.

Above: A NOAA forecast model shows multiple CMEs en route to Earth.


February Club Meeting, Closing Post


We thank for their contributions to this afternoon’s programming Josée Bellemare, Danny Sichel, Cathy Palmer-Lister, and Keith Braithwaite, as well as all of our contributing participants. And, of course, we thank all of you who joined us on ZOOM; don’t forget to comment on today’s get-together.


MonSFFA meets again on Saturday, March 10, from 1:00PM to 5:00PM. Details will be forthcoming; check in with us at for updates, the next issue of our club news bulleting, Impulse, and for additional content.

See you next month!


Enjoy the rest of your day, everyone; until next we gather, keep well and safe!

February Club Meeting, Opening Post


Welcome to MonSFFA’s February 2024 meeting! This afternoon’s proceedings are soon to get underway. Our Lachine Legion meeting hall booking for this month remains unconfirmed at this time, unfortunately, so we will be getting together exclusively on ZOOM, today! See the instructions, below (at the end of this post), to join us online and participate.

Our programming agenda begins at 1:00PM; the meeting will conclude at 5:00PM. This opening post has gone up about an hour in advance of the meeting’s start time to allow folk to gather online at their leisure. A second, concluding post will go up at 5:00PM to officially thank today’s presenters/discussion moderators, and to publish the date of our next meeting, which we expect will return us to our hybrid model of live-and-in-person and virtual.

THEME: We’ve chosen to attach a Mardi Gras theme to this month’s meeting! Mardi Gras celebrations are now ongoing in New Orleans, and conclude on February 13. SF/F cosplayers can certainly appreciate, and perhaps derive inspiration from the colourful, exquisite costumes of Carnival!



Today’s programming agenda is as follows:

Please note that, while we strive to keep on schedule, we do, sometimes, fall behind a little, or find ourselves having to reshuffle the order of items on the agenda. Please also note that all programming is subject to change!


COLOURFUL, CRAZY MARDI GRAS!—As our meeting theme this month is Mardi Gras, well offer a quick primer on the celebrations, focusing on the colourful, exquisite costuming and decorative flair of New Orleans’ famous Carnival. SF/F cosplayers may well find inspiration here, for everything from a fantasy Masquerade gown to a new Batman villain!


WORST MONSTERS!—We’ll discuss and debate which are the genre’s worst monsters! From the giants of Kaiju to those slimy, slobbering horrors from outer space, from the creations of mad science to the supernatural demons of the underworld, which do you believe are the most frightening, the most feared, and those to be avoided at all costs? In other words, which are the worst monsters? But we’re asking, too, which are the most laughably ridiculous, B-movie examples brought to the screen by cheap, poor-quality special effects? In every sense of the word “worst,” which do you rate as the genre’s worst monsters?


SCI-FI’S LOVABLE ROGUES, AND WHY WE LOVE THEM!—We ask who are the Han Solos of the genre, and why are they so damned compelling, interesting, and appealing, often more so than the ostensible hero of the piece? Are we naturally drawn to the bad boy, or girl, and if so, why?


BREAK!—We’ll take a quick break for refreshments at this point, hold our raffle, then immediately following, dive into a brainstorming session on programming ideas for future meetings.


PROGRAMMING IDEAS!—We’ll be polling MonSFFA’s membership for programming ideas; we want to hear from you, the members of this club, as to the kinds of topics you’d like to see on future meeting agendas! Your suggestions are encouraged and welcome!


Club members have received via e-mail the pertinent information needed in order to join in the conversation on ZOOM. Those details are also posted right here!


To join our ZOOM video-chat, which will run throughout the next few hours, simply click here and follow the prompts: This Afternoon’s MonSFFA e-Meeting on ZOOM

If you’re not fully equipped to ZOOM, you can also take part by phone (voice only); in the Montreal area, the toll-free number to call is: 1-438-809-7799. From out of town? No problem; find your ZOOM call-in number here: Call-In Numbers

Also, have this information on hand as you may be asked to enter it:

Meeting ID: 811 1208 8455
Passcode: 153624

Sci-fi fun begins at 1:00PM! Thanks for joining us today, and enjoy the meeting!


Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association