World Fantasy Convention 2021

The 2021 World Fantasy Convention has announced Brandon O’Brien as Special Guest, joining guests Owl Goingback, Yves Meynard, John Picacio, André-François Ruaud, Nisi Shawl, and Christine Taylor-Butler. WFC 2021 will be held November 4-7, 2021 in Montréal, Canada. The theme is “Fantasy, Imagination, and the Dreams of Youth.”

From the WFC website:

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Please note that registration prices went up on February 1, 2021. The new prices will be USD 250 / CAD 320 for an attending membership. Supporting memberships will remain the same (at USD 50 / CAD 70); upgrades from supporting to attending will be the difference.

Covid-19 (updated mid-Feb 2021)
In the midst of these difficult times, we want to assure everyone that we are actively monitoring the COVID-19 situation. We’re working hard to ascertain every contingency that may have an impact on WFC 2021. We will make modifications to our plans accordingly to keep our membership safe.We understand that these are uncertain times, and the possibility exists that the convention may become digital, but at this time and given the expected timeline of the vaccine rollout in North America, we expect to be able to hold an in-person convention. We look forward to welcoming you all to Montreal. Please feel free to contact us at any time with your concerns or questions.

Fanzines to share!

Two fanzine from the N3F to share.

Download ORIGIN

  •  Editorial, “Why Feud? What’s the Matter?” by John Thiel, page three.
  • Genre Paperbacks in the Armed Services editions, by Jon Swartz, page five.
  • The Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction, by Jeffrey Redmond, page eleven.
  • Getting Along by Judy Carroll, page seventeen.
  • Personal Considerations on SF and Fantasy by Will Mayo, page nineteen.

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Download the Review of Books



  • 2 … The Bone Shard Daughter by Andrea Stewart … Review by Sam Lubell
  • 3 … Escaping Infinity by Richard Paolinelli … Review by Jim McCoy
  • 5 … Famished: The Gentleman Ghouls Omnibus by Ivan Ewert … Review by Jim McCoy
  • 6 … Fish Tails by Sheri S. Tepper … Review by Sam Lubell
  • 8 … A Fistful of Credits edited by Chris Kennedy and Mark Wandrey … Review by Jim McCoy
  • 10 … Galen’s Way by Richard Paolinelli … Review by Declan Finn
  • 12 … In Plain Sight by Dan Willis … Review by Pat Patterson
  • 13 … The Many Deaths of Joe Buckley by Assorted Baen Authors & Barflies …Review by Pat Patterson
  • 14 … Man-Kzin Wars XIII by Larry Niven … Review by Pat Patterson
  • 15 … Methuselah’s Children by Robert Heinlein … Review by Chris Nuttall
  • 17 … One Jump Ahead by Mark L. Van Name … Review by Pat Patterson
  • 18 … Penance by Paula Richey … Review by Declan Finn
  • 20 … Revolt in 2100 by Robert Heinlein … Review by Chris Nuttall
  • 23 … Shadow Lands by Lloyd Behm II … Review by Pat Patterson
  • 24 … Seven Surrenders by Ada Palmer … Review by Sam Lubell
  • 26 … Sixth Column by Robert Heinlein … Review by Chris Nuttall
  • 28 … Starman Jones by Robert Heinlein … Review by Chris Nuttall
  • 31 … This Fallen World by Christopher Woods … Review by Pat Patterson
  • 32 … Thought Criminal by Michael Reichenwald … Review by Tamara Wilhite
  • 34 … Too Like the Lightning by Ada Palmer … Review by Sam Lubell
  • 35 … The Year’s Best Science Fiction Vol. 1: The Saga Anthology of Science Fiction 2020
  • Edited by Jonathan Strahan … Review by Sam Lubell
  • 37 … These Are the Voyages: A Trip Worth Taking by Marc Cushman … Review by Jason P. Hunt
  • 38 … These Are the Voyages: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970s, Volume 2
  • by Marc Cushman … Review by Jason P. Hunt
  • 38… These Are the Voyages: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970s, Volume 3
  • by Marc Cushman … Review by Jason P. Hunt

Literary Criticism
40 … What makes Urban fantasy? by Declan Finn

Prose Bono

  • 42 … Formatting Dialogue by Jagi Lamplighter
  • 46 … Writing a Classic by Cedar Sanderson
  • 47 … Wright’s Writing Corner: Dickens’ Trick by L. Jagi Lamplighter

FINIS … 48


Meeting of the 13th of March, 2021

Missed the meeting? No worries! Here are all the posts in order. The Zoom was recorded and is available under the members only tab in the top menu.

We introduce the cast!

In honour of St-Patrick’s Day coming up, we are all Irish!


Keith Braithwaite’s introduction includes a comprehensive presentation on The StarLost.

Also, parody songs, jokes, and announcements.

Joe Aspler presents: Terry Pratchett’s Discworld!
The Break

  • Birthday Greetings
  • Announcements regarding WARP and programming
  • models by Dan Kenney and Wayne Glover
  • Participation Prizes
  • The Anagram Game
The best and worst of Trek: A live discussion on Zoom which was recorded and is available on our members only page.
A Year’s Worth of Avatars: Sylvain St-Pierre’s retrospective description of our Pandemic year.


More parody songs and Dad jokes! More anagram puzzles on Zoom.

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8 of 7 – Signoff


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Post 7 of 7: Wrap-Up


This is post 7 of 7 this afternoon and will bring to a close the content offered in this, our March virtual meeting. If you’re just now joining us, scroll back to today’s Post 1 of 7 to enjoy the whole meeting, start to finish.


Here’s another from Kyla Schoer and Aaron Bernbach (posted on her “aschoerthing” YouTube channel):


Again from the Holderness family, more Dad Jokes!


This one you’ll recognize, from Gina Naomi Baez (

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We hope you have enjoyed your time with us this afternoon, and we ask all of you to check in regularly here at for additional content during this continuing pandemic, and for any news as to when the club expects a return to face-to-face meetings. Thank you for your interest and attention, and don’t forget to comment on today’s offerings!

We’d also like to thank Sylvain St-Pierre, Joe Aspler, Keith Braithwaite, and Cathy Palmer-Lister for putting this March 13, 2021 DIY, Virtual MonSFFA Meeting together, with a nod, as well, to our supporting contributors today.

Until next month, please continue to exercise all recommended safety practises, and get your shots as soon as the vaccination is made available to you! Continued patience, discipline, and emotional fortitude is key to seeing us all safely through these final months of the pandemic. Stay strong!


We wrap up with the Holderness Family ( reminding us of something very important:


6 of 7 – A Year’s Worth of Avatars

A Year’s Worth of Avatars

Sexual health is related to other cheap viagra in india problems and can be the reason for stress to many men. Like this medication, if you buy Kamagra, This can offer victories hands down. viagra cialis online Erectile dysfunction basically happens when the blood is not passed on to the next generation but could have been easily passed. cost cialis In addition, stiffening of arteries in spongy tissues means blood is lowest cost of viagra not trapped, causing poor erection that prevents men from enjoying an intimate relationship with their partners.

5 of 7 – It Was the Best of Trek, It Was the Worst of Trek

It Was the Best of Trek, It Was the Worst of Trek

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4 of 7 – Take a Break!

It’s time for the break! Get your bhere and chips, enjoy the displays and converse with your friends!


This time, it really is Alexis’s birthday! So let’s all wish him a very happy birthday!


Happy Birthday, Alexis!

Important notice regarding WARP!

WARP 110–what a nice number!– will be edited by Danny and Val, and hopefully ready for April. They will be looking for your input!! Et oui, vous pouvez écrire en français pour WARP, alors pas d’excuses. Henceforth, submissions and LoCs should be mailed to <> .


We need members to consider making a presentation or volunteer to moderate a discussion. Now that we have unlimited time on zoom, there are more possibilities. Somebody could do a demo from his/her workshop for instance. We can have debates and discussions, as we did at live meetings. Instead of just posting pictures of models, costumes, and other projects, we can have actual show-and-tells.  You can reach Sylvain by clicking here: <>

At the very least, please send us your programming wish list. What would you like to see from our club in 2021?

On Display

From Dan Kenney, who writes:

ROMULAN BIRD OF PREY. : This is the third and last ship I am
building with lights. Decided to make custom Warp Naccelles for it using plastic containers found at $ Store..had to modify ships body to accept wiring and lights. Should be interesting!

Click to enlarge

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From Wayne Glover, who writes:

Bonaventure battle group, HMCS Bonaventure CVN-78, USS New Jersey BB-62 , 2 Ticonderoga class CG Cruisers,
USS New Jersey BB-62 1944, The Haunted Tank 2003, MS Carrier Whitse Base, MS Carrier Argama, Gundam RX-78-2

Click to enlarge

Participation Prizes

3 or 4 names (depends on how many become involved) will be drawn from a hat. All you have to do is be here! But we really would like you to also leave comments on our website.

Click to enlarge

Next, a novel by Michael Crichton, donated by Keith Braithwaite. The USS Enterprise, model donated by Brian Knapp Romulan Bird of Prey, a model donated by Brian Knapp
Ten novelettes and short stories by various science fiction authors, together with a preface by the
editors. Condition: Good
Grand Prix 2005 de la science-fiction et du fantastique québécois, Prix Boréal 2005, Prix 2006 des lecteurs Radio-Canada Donated by Joe Aspler, the Dr Who Official 50th
Anniversary Annual.
A set of hand crafted magic  wands in the colours of Hogwarts houses, made and donated by Josée Bellemare From Cathy’s workshop, a dragon-headed letter opener, cut from Padauk, a naturally reddish-brown wood. DVD, Flash Gordon: A football player and his
friends find themselves fighting the tyranny of Ming the Merciless to save Earth. Stars Sam J. Jones, Melody Anderson, Max von Sydow, music by Queen. Donated by Joe Aspler


3 of 7 – Terry Pratchett

Terry Pratchett

Excerpt from Lords and Ladies, read by Tony Robinson (1 minute 48 seconds).



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2 of 7 – Zoom Session Begins

Zoom Session Begins

If you wish to participate in this Zoom session and have not yet received an invitation, please send a request to Cathy Palmer-Lister using the “Leave a Comment” button.

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Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association