13 March Meeting

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FAAn Awards reminder, and a Manga zine to share

Fans of Manga will enjoy the reviews in Mangaverse Mangaverse_5_1_Print

In related fanzine news, a reminder from Nic Farey that the FAAn Awards deadline is fast approaching.

This email goes out to my This Here… email list, and further distribution is of course encouraged…

Firstly, thanks to those who’ve already submitted ballots, and this is a reminder that voting closes a week from tomorrow at midnight PST March 12. Ballots must be received by that time by whatever means they are sent.

A ballot pro forma and lists of qualifying titles and individuals known to me is available here:
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I probably should have noted previously that the use of the provided ballot form isn’t required, you can simply send an email listing your choices if you wish (as many do).

The award ceremonies will be on Zoom on Sunday March 28, and anyone who would like to be virtually present will be able to “attend”, details are here:

Good arrers!


13 March Meeting

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New item: Ninjatitan Dinosaur

Paleontologists discover oldest known fossils of Ninjatitan dinosaur in Argentina, confirming a theory that the Titanosaurs may have evolved first in what is now South America.

From Sci-News:

Paleontologists Discover Oldest Known Titanosaur

Mar 1, 2021 by Enrico de Lazaro

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Ninjatitan zapatai lived approximately 140 million years ago (Early Cretaceous epoch) in what is now Patagonia, Argentina.

Ninjatitan zapatai. Image credit: Jorge González.

Ninjatitan zapatai. Image credit: Jorge González.

Ninjatitan zapatai belongs to Titanosauria, a diverse group of sauropod (long-necked plant-eating) dinosaurs.

This group includes species ranging from the largest known terrestrial vertebrates to ‘dwarfs’ no bigger than elephants.

“During evolutionary history, sauropods had different moments, different pulses of gigantism, which were not only related to the group of titanosaurs,” said Dr. Pablo Ariel Gallina, a paleontologist at the Fundación Azara in Maimonides University and CONICET.

Read lots more:


13 March Meeting

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Locus: Forthcoming Books for March

Locus Forthcoming Books

For more, please see Locusmag.com


  • BEN AARONOVITCH • What Abigail Did Last Summer • Subterranean Press, Mar 2021 (na, hc, eb)
  • BEN AARONOVITCH • What Abigail Did That Summer • Orion/Gollancz, Mar 2021 (hc)
  • MIKE. ASHLEY, ed • Spaceworlds: Stories of Life in the Void • British Library Publishing, Mar 2021 (tp)
  • ANNE BISHOP • The Queen’s Weapons • Ace, Mar 2021 (hc, eb)
  • PATRICIA BRIGGS • Wild Sign • Ace, Mar 2021 (hc, eb)
  • TERRY BROOKS • Small Magic: Short Fiction 1977-2020 • Penguin Random House/Del Rey, Mar 2021 (c, hc, eb)
  • M.R. CAREY • The Fall of Koli • Orbit US, Mar 2021 (tp, eb)
  • M.R. CAREY • The Fall of Koli • Little Brown UK/Orbit, Mar 2021 (tp)
  • XUETING CHRISTINE NI • Sinopticon: New Chinese Science Fiction • Rebellion/Solaris, Mar 2021 (eb, tp)
  • CASSANDRA CLARE • Chain of Iron • Simon & Schuster/McElderry, Mar 2021 (ya, hc, eb)
  • PETER CROWTHER, ed. • New Worlds, Volume 1 (with Nick Gevers) • PS Publishing, Mar 2021 (hc)
  • SAMUEL R. DELANY • Occasional Views, Volume 1: “More About Writing” and Other Essays • Wesleyan University Press, Mar 2021 (nf, tp, hc, eb)
  • S.B. DIVYA • Machinehood • Simon & Schuster/Saga Press, Mar 2021 (hc, eb)
  • SARAH BETH DURST • The Bone Maker • Harper Voyager US, Mar 2021 (tp, eb)
  • STEVEN ERIKSON • The Fiends of Nightmaria • Tor, Mar 2021 (1st US, na, hc, tp, eb)
  • JEFFREY FORD • Big Dark Hole and Other Stories • Small Beer Press, Mar 2021 (c, tp, eb)
  • CHARLES E. GANNON • At the End of the Journey • Baen, Mar 2021 (h, hc, eb)
  • HEIDI HEILIG • On This Unworthy Scaffold • HarperCollins/Greenwillow, Mar 2021 (ya, hc, eb)
  • KAZUO ISHIGURO • Klara and the Sun • Penguin Random House/Knopf, Mar 2021 (hc, eb)
  • KAZUO ISHIGURO • Klara and the Sun • Faber & Faber, Mar 2021 (hc)
  • CAITLÍN R. KIERNAN • The Variegated Alphabet • Subterranean Press, Mar 2021 (c, hc, eb)
  • STEPHEN KING • Later • Titan/Hard Case Crime US, Mar 2021 (h, tp, eb)
  • STEPHEN KING • Later • Titan, Mar 2021 (h, tp)
  • DEAN KOONTZ • The Other Emily • Amazon/Thomas & Mercer, Mar 2021 (h, hc, eb)
  • ARKADY MARTINE • A Desolation Called Peace • Tor, Mar 2021 (hc, eb)
  • ARKADY MARTINE • A Desolation Called Peace • Macmillan/Tor UK, Mar 2021 (eb, hc)
  • K.J. PARKER • The Big Score • Subterranean Press, Mar 2021 (na, hc, eb)
  • JENNIFER ROBERSON • Sinners and Saints • DAW, Mar 2021 (hc, eb)
  • KELLY ROBSON • Alias Space and Other Stories • Subterranean Press, Mar 2021 (c, hc, eb)
  • VICTORIA SCHWAB • Bridge of Souls • Scholastic Press, Mar 2021 (ya, h, hc, eb)
  • A.G. SLATTER • All the Murmuring Bones • Titan, Mar 2021 (tp)
  • BRUCE STERLING • Robot Artists and Black Swans • Tachyon Publications, Mar 2021 (c, tp, eb)
  • ADRIAN TCHAIKOVSKY • One Day All This Will Be Yours • Rebellion/Solaris US, Mar 2021 (hc, eb)
  • ADRIAN TCHAIKOVSKY • One Day All This Will Be Yours • Rebellion/Solaris, Mar 2021 (eb, hc)
  • ALIYA WHITELEY • Skyward Inn • Rebellion/Solaris, Mar 2021 (eb, hc)

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March : most geomagnetically active month of the year

Space Weather News for March 1, 2021

GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Did you know, March is the most geomagnetically active month of the year? Today is March 1st and, right on cue, the strongest storm of new Solar Cycle 25 erupted. Bright auroras spread across Canada and Alaska during the G2-class event. Visit Spaceweather.com to find out what makes March so lively.

Instant solar flare alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and receive a text message when strong solar flares are underway.
Above: Auroras in bright moonlight over Fairbanks, Alaska, on Feb. 28-March 1, 2021. Photo credit: Ayumi Bakken. Check out our Aurora Photo Gallery!

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Fanzine to share!

From the N3F:


Table of Contents

Kevin Trainor Wins Franson Award
Fanzine Awards — Vote on Constitutional Amendment — Neffy Awards
NefferCon I — Volunteer Wanted — New Web Pages
N3F News Zine — World Con — Compton Crook Finalists — NESFA News
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Justin E. A. Busch — Jean Lamb — Jacqueline Lichtenberg
Og, Son of Fire
Club Activities
Correspondence Bureau — Book Review Bureau — Fan-Pro Coordinating Bureau — Games Bureau
History and Research Bureau — Recruitment Bureau — Welcommittee — Writer’s Exchange — Treasury
Constitutional Amendment —FAAn Ballot
Short Story Contest

The Avro Arrow

Many Canadian fans have an interest in the ill-fated Avro Arrow. It comes up at conventions now and then. I remember seeing parts of the test Arrow that was brought out of one of the lakes.

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Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association