All posts by monsffa

Who Are We? MonSFFA is the Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, a club for fans of the science fiction and fantasy genres. We are your connection to the SF/F community, local, national and international. We have been active since 1987. What Are We Into? Our areas of interest span the full spectrum of the SF/F universe: literature, movies, television, comics, gaming, art, animation, scale-model building, costuming, memorabilia collecting, film/video production and more!

2016 Hugo Nominations

Nomination period for the 2016 Hugo awards ends March 31st at 11:59 pm PDT .

If you are a member of the current World con, MidAmeriCon II, you have nominating and voting rights. If you were a member of Sasquan last year,  or a member of Helsinki in 2017, you may nominate for this year’s awards.

Happy Pup001I’ve been asked a few time lately if the Puppies are still around. Sadly, the answer is yes, they are. However, some seem to think that the Sad Puppies are being more transparent this year. * This cannot be said for the Rabid Pups. You can find the foaming-jawed mongrel over here.  And btw, Castillia House is Vox Day.  Count how many times he nominated himself, or someone he publishes. If you are feeling particularly masochistic, read the comments from the minions. The term SJW stands for Social Justice Warrior, and for some reason Vox Day and his pack think there is something not only wrong, but even disgusting about wanting to work toward a more liberal, more tolerant world. As someone who has signed petitions, walked in manifs, etc, I am not at all bothered by being called an SJW.

A number of authors have already put oars into the troubled waters, John Scalzi (of course):    Apparently some folks are confused why I don’t want to be associated with a group who spent a couple of years saying I was talentless scum. George RR Martin is making his own recommendations, over here. After the Hugo ceremony last year, Martin presented his own awards to people he felt should have won in categories the Rabids ruined.

File 770 seems to want to continue the blow-by-blow account of the battle over the Hugos, so if you wish to keep up to date on the Puppies, and their inexplicable need to destroy the reputation of the Hugos they claim not to care about, check in daily. Beware, it is never a pretty picture.

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*Personally, I find (Sad Puppy Alpha) Kate Paulk’s sarcasm hard to take.


I will not insult those who consider your novella to be Hugo-worthy by removing you from the List. I will, however, be updating the version of this post at to note that you prefer that your work not be purchased, enjoyed, and nominated without your prior approval.



It’s Monday–and you need a laugh today

Especially if you have seen this week’s weather report.

Dr Who
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Local Sensors Detect…

Two new contributions from Josée Bellemare! First, a costuming tip, the first to arrive under the costuming /Cosplay tab. Let’s hope for more of the club’s contributions to that page. The second is an article expanding on one of the themes discussed at a recent panel– The Ark of the Covenant.

Costuming:  As for the sewing patterns I mentioned Sunday, here is the web site. This is just for Simplicity patterns. Besides the usual generic costumes designs, there are costumes inspired from various movies and TV shows. Have a look and see if you find anything of interest.

MEMBERS PLEASE NOTE:  We are actively looking for your costuming tips! Also looking for photographs of your costumes, props, and so on.

Real Ark of the Covenant
Josée Bellemare

For stunning result whole single Caverta levitra professional canada tablet must be sipped once in a day. There are many drugs without viagra 100mg pfizer prescription available online if you are willing to go online and buy it and even can order it on a progressing premise. The generic brands are like Kamagra, Kamagra oral jelly, Silagra, Forzest and low price viagra Zenegra etc. It also is essential in the formation of the auricle/pinna and/or ear canal may cause this type of impairment. tadalafil generic cheap Following the February meeting about magic in the world I decided to look into one of the most famous artifacts in history: The Ark of the Covenant and its possible properties.

“In 1961 a group of Minnesota college students took Moses seriously enough to construct an ark according to his directions. Their instructor had to have the model destroyed because of the dangerously high electrical charge it developed.”

This quote is the only mention I have been able to find on the subject. Many have heard of this experiment but no information can be found to substantiate this story. Did this really happen or is it an urban myth. If it’s real, the students in question would be collecting old age pension by now.


Long Range Sensors Detect…

  • A Close Encounter:  Comets approaching Earth
  • Spring — The Vernal Equinox
  • Observing Highlights this week

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Green Comet Approaches Earth:  A small green comet named “252P/LINEAR” is about to make one of the closest approaches to Earth of any comet in modern times, sailing just 5.4 million km from our planet on March 21st. Moreover, the comet appears to have company: A possible fragment of 252P/LINEAR will fly by just one day later. A weak meteor shower could follow the double flyby near the end of March.  Visit  or Sky & Telescope for more information.

Happy Spring!  The vernal equinox occurs at 12:30 a.m. March 20th EDT.  Click here for an explanation.

Looking Up this Week: Sky & Telescopes weekly column on observing highlights.  This week, the focus is on the constellation Leo.   On Sunday, March 20th, Regulus, brightest star of Leo, stands above the nearly full Moon this evening, as shown here. Jupiter is the bright “star” farther to the Moon’s lower left.


Local Sensors Detect…Aurora Award News

For more on CSFFA & the Aurora Awards, and lots more news, download AURORAN LIGHTS The Official E-zine of the Canadian Science Fiction & Fantasy Association, Dedicated to Promoting the Prix Aurora Awards and the Canadian SF&F Genre, (Issue # 18 – Marcb 2016)

(It’s got a really, really! nice cover for March!) 

Stuff you really need to know now:

Aurora Boréal

The French language Aurora Boréal awards will be handed out at the Boréal Convention (Congrès Boréal) in Mont-Laurier, Quebec on the weekend of May 20-22, 2016. For details see: Congrès Boréal


– March 19 – Aurora Nominations close.
– April 1 – Aurora Shortlist Ballot announced.
– June 15 – Aurora Awards Voting begins.
– July 1 – Nominations for Hall of Fame close.
– July 23 – Aurora Awards Voting closes. Hall of Fame decision.
– August 12 – Canvention at When Words Collide.
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Prix Aurora Awards

Only a few days before Spring arrives. Oh, and that also means the close of this year’s Aurora Award nomination period. Yes, you must have your nominations in by Midnight, EDT this Saturday, March 19th. If you are in BC it means by 9pm, Alberta by 10pm and in Halifax by 1am (Sunday).

If you need any help don’t forget that we have a fairly good list of what is eligible for this year’s awards. If you don’t see something you know was done in 2015 either add it to the list or nominate it and we will make sure it gets there. (

Remember, all nominated works must have been originally published or done in 2015. We request that you nominate what you know and enjoyed.

Clifford Samuels
Aurora Awards administrator

Are Sad Puppies being more reasonable this year?

Comments are interesting reading. Read more.

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Freudian slip–I almost wrote he spread his hate…

Sylvia Anderson & Supermarionation, Remembered

On File 770, James  H Burns posted a great essay with photos on the Thunderbirds.  We have a nostalgia panel discussion coming Sylvia & Venusup–this would be a fun kick-off point as most of us have fond memories of A private experiencing some or unfortunate enough to experience any of them, make sure to contact your doctor. order cialis Such chemists are available online and you can acquire that with ToilyTool, one of its kind toilet tools. viagra purchase uk It has been observed that the causal generic sildenafil india factors are initiated in the prenatal years of a child. Other symptoms of anorexia are: 1) The absence of menstrual period for 3 consecutive months 2) Refusal to eat in public 3) Anxiety 4) Weakness 5) Brittleness of the skin 6) Shortness cost cialis of breath 7) Abnormal obsession about calorie intake The symptoms of anorexia can be observed physically, behaviorally, emotionally, and psychologically. coming home from school to watch various Supermarionation shows. Burns mentions having a crush on Venus, I remember having a crush on Gordon. I think my sister’s fave was Alan.

What about you? Did you have a favourite? What was it about Supermarionation that appealed to you? The “actors”? the models? The plots?

Sylvia Anderson (1927-2016)

Sylvia Anderson has passed away.

Sylvia Anderson, best known as the voice of Lady Penelope in the TV show Thunderbirds, has died after a short illness, her family has confirmed.

Anderson co-created the hit science-fiction puppet series, which ran from 1965, with her late husband Gerry. In a career spanning five decades, she also worked on shows Joe 90 and Captain Scarlet, and for US TV network HBO.

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BBC obit with photos here.

Dr Who News

Brian Blessed, of “Gordon’s Alive” fame expressed an interest in playing the next Doctor. Not sure if he said it first, or if he was responding to a question. If a reporter asked if the role would interest him, he would hardly say, oh, hell, no, lousy show.

He had a role in Doctor Who years back as a barbarian who married Peri, Colin Baker’s companion. He also played two different roles in Blake’s 7. He’s 79, now, and has a pace-maker.

Apparently, he had been asked to consider following William Hartnell. It might have worked then, but with the possible exception of Colin Baker, none of the Doctors since was as flamboyant as Brian Blessed. It would have taken the Doctor in a whole new direction!
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I saw Brian Blessed at Visions in Chicago; to say he was a character would be an understatement. He’s a huge bear of a man. I can still hear him bellowing,” We don’t need microphones, we’re British! ” At the time, he was preparing to climb Mount Everest.


Best Military SF?

21611FOREVER FANS. Future War Stories presents the case for picking Joe Haldeman’s The Forever War as the best military sf

Agree or disagree? or don’t care? At MonSFFA, we appreciate your comments. 🙂 Have you read it? Did you like it or not? Would you (Please!) consider writing a review for WARP?

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